Thursday, October 26, 2017

Manchester New Hampshire AQSG 2017

I am back from a wonderful trip to the east coast.

I took my hand sewing, and stitched on the plane.  I was too busy to stitch much in between!

On the way out I had a delightful embroiderer seated next to me.  She had just finished a crib quilt, all by hand, for her first great grandchild.  She was most intrigued by my project.  Not sure if I persuaded her, but I tried.

I always get questions about my little scissors.  I gift from a thoughtful friend!

These are all plastic for trimming baby finger nails.  Inexpensive in the baby department of many stores.

I have never had TSA question them. The plastic blades are great for threads and in a pinch I have cut small fabric hex's. They fit in my tiny purse tote for on the go sewing.

My travel group and I met up in Boston.

We wanted a very large car for the four of us and luggage.  Knowing we would be adding many purchases along the way!

We stopped at quilt shops, antique malls and shops as well as museums and our ultimate destination - American Quilt Study Group in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Lots of fun everyday - oh! the laughs...
Sturbridge Village the staff didn't have much to cut fabric with.  It was all dull, nicked and worn. We were all helping the poor clerk. Then she asked us what we were making and we tried to explain a stash of fabric.  "You are buying fabric just to have it?"
I think she probably needed a break after we left.

The American Quilt Study Group annual seminar offers so many scholarly activities it is always impossible to sign up for everything.  For us, we decided to do the tours before seminar.  We miss the behind the scenes portion of the tours, but it allows us to take four study centers.
We went to Lowell to The New England Quilt Museum and were fortunate to be the only ones there. I took so many photos, we were able to get close and examine every detail.

In addition to quilts from NEQM, we saw, "Guilding The Lily".   On through December 30, 2017.  I highly recommend it.

This is a circa 1963 piece by Violet Conners, wool embroidery on linen.  A revival piece in the manner of the later 18th and early 19th centuries.

Every stitch was amazing and a joy to see.

I took 100's of photos, so if there is anything you want to see, just let me know.  I shared more on my Instagram account.

This Sun Medallion with Variable Star Crib quilt is a c. 1850 treasure.

Hand pieced and hand quilted.
It was a gift to the museum by The Binney Family in 2007.  (2007.1)

It includes Prussian blues and Turkey red-dyed fabrics.

A beautiful little quilt!

When visiting an exhibit I appreciate being able to see the quilts in detail.

These tiny details give the quilt personality and make it extra special.  The details are sometimes lost at a distance or when viewing through a crowd.

This is the lower edge of one of the medallion quilts.  Inspired?  I was.

Fire buckets hanging in the foyer - Read More HERE

The incriminating photo of our shopping was posted to Instagram - we were unable to capture a photo of the priceless look on the hotel clerks face when we checked into our second hotel.

The young man was very helpful, although not quite as entertained as we pushed and pulled our carts onto the elevators.

We worked up an appetite and his dinner recommendation was spot on!

Another museum visit included Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

The docents were marvelous in period with the houses restoration dates, they entertained and educated us as we made our way house to house.

This room included information on 19th century bathing practices as well as the beautifully dressed bed.

The chamber pot is visible at the foot of the bed. The bathing tin vessel and pitcher were in front of the fireplace.  In the winter the bedrooms were often below freezing.

This photo shows the trundle pull out bed.

By storing in under another bed, there was much more floor space for daily actives in the room.

There are three types of bed coverings shown here; coverlet, tufted spread and whole cloth quilt.

This bedroom was shared by three sisters.

Seminar is always so good.
As always it is hard to select which study centers to take. I always take the max I can. Read about them HERE.
The chintz study center didn't allow photos.  I was asked to hold quilts at the front of the room so I got to see them up close.
Ann Hermes did Small Treasures and it was really great, she also signed her book at the sale.
Gerald Roy showed several quilts at the COLOR study center and the bed turning. Historic Fabrics was also very interesting.
This is all before the excellent paper presentations!

Future Seminars:
2018 Bethesda, Maryland  October 3-7
2019 Lincoln, Nebraska October 9-13
2020 Virginia details to follow

Have a great week,

Monday, October 9, 2017

Our World In Stitches Women of the West (WOW) Quilt Show

At the end of September I attended The Women of the West Quilt Show (WOW Guild) called "Our World In Stitches".

At the entry table attendees were given a viewers choice ballot. Two choices in four or five categories were possible.  These are always puzzlers for me, as it is SO HARD to select favorites.  After three trips through the quilts, I made my selections.

I'll share a few of the quilts here.
Let's GO!

This is a details show of the hand quilting on Jean Carlton's "Feathered World Without End (Pine Burr Variation).  It is a stunning quilt.  Hand quilted by Jean Calrton.

The quilts were hard to photograph without other attendees in the photos.

Jean did the quilt with the help of friend, Jennifer Ionia. Jennifer drafted the pattern and they each made pairs of blocks to swap with each other. Jean made additional blocks for a larger and unique quilt.

I appreciate the show labels having information about the quilts, beyond the basics.

The quilt stand were very high. Note the beautiful wood ceiling in the auditorium.

Throughout the show, vignettes of antique and vintage sewing items filled corners and nooks.

The pineapple crochet table cloth is a beautiful contrast to the dark black hand crank sewing machine.

The turquoise rocker displays vintage sewing supplies.

A painted bucket on the floor was filled with quilt magazines.

Mary Gunness
The label says pattern: Connie Kaufman but I was unable to find it.
This quilt was a nice use of plaids.  I also liked the lights and darks.
These are quilt shop fabrics, not cut up shirts.

I liked the small floral clips that held the show tags on the quilts.  No pins!

Pat Taylor Thwaits
This tumbling blocks quilt utilized more than 100 prints.
Large and colorful it was very striking.
She took two years to make the quilt and is giving it
to a grand daughter.

Detail Photo of Tumbling Blocks

Janna Laumann
Quilt: Fancy Forest by Elizabeth Hartman
This quilt was made as a gift for her grandson.
There were a few variations of this quilt.

This was a fun hexagon quilt.
Kathleen Winters made this quilt over 5 1/2 years.
Hand pieced on road trips visiting national parks.
Quilted by Jan Smith
I particularly loved the piped stripe border.

Another display at the show

Jocelyn Joyce-Anderson is an avid birder
as well as quilter.
This small quilt was so pretty.

The Mariners Compass quilt is an original design
hand quilted by Jean Carlton.
She used wool batting and pieced the back.
See the corner detail below.

Corner Detail - Hand Embroidered
Jean Carlton - Original Quilt

Another vintage display at the show

Variation of "Pennies from Heaven" 
Wool on Cotton
Joan Gale 
Hand Applique & Beading
Machine Quilted
Details from Joan's quilt

These are just a few of the beautiful quilts in the show.  There were many beautiful quilts, all winners.
I hope you enjoyed the little bit I shared here.
Have a great week!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Netherlands Part Five Regional Fabrics and Dress

Thanks to a wonderful dear friend I came home my Netherlands trip with more treasured Dutch fabrics to add to my collection.

The detail in the flowers is wonderful with the fine picotage dots. Imagine wearing this!

In traditional Dutch costumes several prints and plaids are used. There are many regional variations to the traditional dress and head covers. You can see Staphorst from my trip last year HERE.

The use of a variety of fabrics and styles serves to tell a little story to a knowledgeable observer.  Just like today what we wear to a party is generally different then what we wear doing daily errands.

c. 1960 from old garments
These dark purples prints are traditional regional mourning prints. The darker the print, the deeper the mourning. The wearer was closer to the deceased, where a light purple indicates the mourning for a person less close to the wearer. I am sure there are variations on this based on region and era.

The button is the sign of Zeeland. Which means "sea land".  This region of the Netherlands consists of a series of small islands with a strip of land that borders Belgium. Zealand Buttons have a special design. HERE.

These fabrics are from Bunschoten/Spakenburg in Noord-Holland.

Many here still wear the local garments. I might have the purple print in the wrong stack - it might be light mourning.

These fabrics are used in several parts of the outfit.

These prints are from circa 1960 and many of the pieces were cut from cast off garments.

Fotografie: Folkert Koelewijn
Het Klossie Magazine

To put the prints in context, another friend gave me an issue of Het Klossie magazine with an article.

Note the prints at the shoulder.

The fabric here is heavily starched so-called "kraplappen".

A little more research and I found this You Tube video that shows you the starching prices. It is not in English, but worth watching. I am particularly interested in the second iron and the way she uses the heel feature at the end of the iron.   HERE

The fabrics are also used for the "baffles" which is the flat part of the bodice. Also, sometimes the upper portion of the skirt.

In this view you can see the back of the bonnet, the waist faster
and the back of the bodice.
Another view showing the beautiful fabrics!
NOTE:  I added the words of thanks to the image - they are not part of the fabric

Thank you to my friends who made the 2017 Netherlands trip a success - fun and informative!  
I hope to return one day soon.Happy Stitching,
Museum Spakenburg HERE
Spakenburg Museum Exhibit Details HERE
Museum Gift Shop Photos HERE
Het Klossie Quilt Magazine HERE
Dutch Fabrics HERE

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Netherlands Part Four Lucie Huig-Dunnebier

First Staircase Up!
I was recently told the Dutch quilt community is small. It might be small but it has so much talent!

Dorry introduced me to Dutch quilter Lucy Huig-Dunnebier.  I am honored that Lucie invited us into her home and studio.

As we walked the beautiful tree lined canals of Amsterdam one can't help but wonder what lies behind the 400 year historic doors of canal houses.

With Lucie's generous invitation, we toured her 400 year old home and studio.

This wonderful staircase is the first flight of steps on the  way to Lucie's Studio.


Let's look at a few of Lucie's quilts.

Swirls of folded fabric create circles

Lucie is brilliant - her quilts are all made from 100% natural fibers. Silk, cotton or linen.

She does amazing handwork as she manipulates the fabrics in fine art quilts.

In these examples Lucie folds the fabric into textural circles that gleefully swirl across the surface of the quilt.  All of her quilts are hand quilted.

My photos won't do the beauty of the quilts their due justice - they are exquisite in quality, color and details.

This is the first room of Lucie's studio space.
She draped quilt after quilt across her hand quilting frame.

The room exploded in color and texture.
It was an experience I will never forget.

Same quilt - two views (top left)
Opened silk flower petals (top right)
Closed surface flaps (middle right)
Lucie opening a compartment (lower left)
Opened layers (lower right)

Each work of art has a story and Lucie relates the stories with passion and detail.

Quilts that change color and form as they are held in different directions.

Hand applique flowers that open to reveal pure silk petals with the tiniest accents of glass gold beads.

An architects daughter, Lucie plans intricate closures that facilitate the transformation of her quilts as layers are opened and closed, exposing delightful surprises in color and treasure.

Lucie has exhibited and taught all over Europe.
If you have the chance to see or experience these textile wonders - take it!

Studio view - a few of Lucie's quilts draped on her quilt frame

Her ingenious way of designing, and manipulating premium fabrics like wool, silk and linen is spell binding.

Add the color and texture and it is a feast for the eyes and hands.  I am guessing exhibit attendees always want to touch the quilts.

The quilts in this room were several layers deep.  I wish I could show them all to you.  Day and night backs and fronts remind children to sleep and wake with charming details.

Lucie's recently completed wool quilt
Lucie's new wool tweed piece hangs in the main front room.
The rich wool glows in the sun lights. I had an instant desire to run my hand over the surface.

Each square of wool was individually hand quilted.

The colors are arranged light to dark as the light enters the front window and adds to the dramatic effect.

Lucie collects the fabrics and then decides how she will use it.

The quilt hangs from the ceiling picture rails along with her talented husbands oil paintings, adding to the gallery effect.
We felt as if we were in an exhibit within each room.

Built in 1616, Lucie's family acquired the home after WWII, with muddy windows they weren't sure what they were getting. Grateful for the opportunity of a home after the devastation they have made it a beautiful and welcoming home.

Hand quilting detail (top)
One of her diagrams (middle)
Night time quilt back (bottom)

I found Lucie's studies and diagrams very interesting.

For exhibits she includes diagrams to assist viewers in understanding what the quilts do, how they transform and change as the surface is "opened".  Since exhibits are so stationary, I can see that some people may have a hard time understanding the quilts.

Lucie's hand stitches are beautiful, and enhance each quilt.
They are the subtle finish to the intricate surfaces.

The second room of her studio includes a large window overlooking the canal, her cutting table and shelving for her fabric collections.

What a beautiful space to create!

Lucie with one of her quilts - opening a compartment

Lucie had several quilts with children in mind. Compartments that opened to reveal treasures like baseball cards, dinosaur figures and rocks - special places for a child to stow away treasures.

As the treasures are placed in the front compartments, the quilt can be flipped to the back. The back reveals a sleepy theme such as a moonlit sky and twinkling stars - encouraging sleep and sweet dreams.

Each quilt back is as interesting as the front.

Wonderful aren't they?

Each of her quilts truly embodies what a real art quilt is.

Amsterdam Row House Poster

You never know what's behind those historic facades that line the canals, and now we can say we toured one.

Lucie's home is on this poster charting out the canal homes.

Thank you very much Lucie for generously sharing your home, quilts and art with us!

2016 Gallery Exhibit

Please leave a note for Lucie in the comments.

Kind Regards,

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Netherlands Part Three Quilt It & Dotty

While in the Netherlands I shared some of my hexagon quilts at Quilt It Dotty.

Quilt-It Dotty, (Dorry van Osch) a quilt shop in Overloon Netherlands hosted me. Generous, gracious exceptional hostess!

She booked two full days of fun!  The hexagon program we did Saturday we repeated with another group on Sunday.  I am so thrilled with their interest in antique quilts.

This is a view from the kitchen door - looking through the French door window panes into the great room.
The quilts are laid out ready for the lecture and trunk show.

This room was later transformed into stitching space for the afternoon workshop.

Dorry's Shop, Quilt-It-Dotty is filled with wonderful fabrics and trims, gift items as well as women's clothing.

The shop is light and airy - a happy place to gather.

Attendees had so much fun shopping, we had to hurry to make the program - it was fun!
Sorry started everyone off with wonderful baking from the Aga and fresh coffee/tea.

Dorry set up beautiful seating all over her gardens. Quilts adorned the seating while fresh flowers were on the tables.

Large shade trees provided comfort from the noon sun.  The weather was beautiful so lunch was served outside.

Delicious gourmet lunch was served with elderberry lemonade, tea and more baked goods!

I bought a few little extra pieces of antique chintz to share after a online discussion about the "hand" or feel of 19th century chintz.

Always fun to share a little something extra.

Everyone got to see and feel the antique fabric.

The attendees were fun, attentive, curious and a joy to spend time with!  I hope they enjoyed the days as much as I did.

I was so busy talking, I am glad others were able to take photos.  This was the only group photo I got. (Hello Ladies!!)

Also thank you to the ladies who brought show and tell - amazing quilts!

You can read more about the events on these blogs:

Oh, Oh, Quilts! - Phyllis Blog:  HERE
Me And My Needle - Ageeth's Blog: HERE
Workshop Prince - Betty's Blog:  HERE
Quilt It & Dotty - Dorry Blog:  HERE
Juud's Quilts - Blog:  HERE
Quilt Things & Stuff - Marieke's Blog:  HERE
Please let me know if I can add more links here!

Dorry will have many of her patterns converted to English soon!  Including the medallion quilt in the picture. She has some family history on this Dutch treasure so stay tuned.

Happy Stitching,