Paul Ryan returns to Capitol Hill
Kansas considers removing Obama from ballot

Romney, Ryan to get intelligence briefings

By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will start getting regular briefings on intelligence issues from President Obama's national security team next week.

STORY: Romney softens tone on foreign policy

Romney-Ryan campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul confirmed the detail to The Washington Post. It is a tradition for the major-party presidential candidates to receive these briefings once their nominating conventions are complete.

Romney came under fire from Obama and Democrats for his critical response to the deadly attacks this week at the U.S. embassies in Libya and Egypt. The GOP presidential nominee has not been getting any inside information from the intelligence community and has been relying on the advice of his foreign policy team.

The Associated Press was first to report the intelligence briefings for the GOP ticket.

Paul Ryan returns to Capitol Hill
Kansas considers removing Obama from ballot
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