Saturday, August 7, 2010

The past year...

This is for you Hillary! The last summer we have done a lot of fun things. My mom and dad took me and the girls up to Scofield to go fishing for the day. We had a pretty successful day catching 13 fish. Not bad for their first time fishing My dad helping Kaylee get her fish in.

My dad helping Ashley reel her's in.

Waiting for the fish to bite!

We went up Payson Canyon to have a hot dog roast with my sister's family. They were up their camping. The girls had a blast playing out in the woods, climbing trees and finding all sorts of treasures. Here they are with their cousins by the camp fire!

They spent a lot of time climbing this tree. Every time Ashley got up I would hear MOM I can't get down.

Kaylee turned eight this year and had a birthday that seemed to last for a week. She loves to draw and paint so I had my good friend make her an art cake! She loved it.

She wanted to go to Brick Oven for her birthday dinner. We had spent the whole day out on the lake and we were a fine shade of pink and exahusted but we are always up for Brick Oven.

For her party we took a group of friends and cousins to see Despicable Me. They loved it and for those of you who have seen it, the youngest girl is exactly how my Ashley is. Ashley lives in a world with unicorns too and loves to make annoying sounds and ask if she is bugging you. Here is the group!

Before we went to the movie they all came to the house for cake and ice cream and playing outside. It was a fun day!

We took the kids on a hike to the Grotto. It is the perfect hike for kids and they love to play in the water at the top.

My mom made Karate Kid head bands for the kids (We had just seen the movie). They stuck a pose and thought they were pretty cool.

Of course we went to Lake Powell and this time we made the trip up to Rainbow Bridge. It is truly amazing. Cory was loving the fact he was able to finally take his own boat down. The past three years he hasn't been able to take it down.

My sisters and I took the kids up to Olympic Park. They had a ball. Plus it was a nice escape from the heat. We did the Silver Bullet (Alpine Slide). Ashley loved it. She kept telling me to go faster.

The kids loved to watch the skiiers go down the ramp and land in the pool. We spent about 20 minutes just watching them. I was amazed at how young some of them were. There was a 10 year old out there doing it.

In June we took a Mexican Cruise and loved it. The girls loved goint to camp carnival every. Here we are in front of the rock formations at the end of the Baja of California in Cabo. We saw seal, colorful fish, dolphins and sting rays. Very Cool!

At one of the stops we went to a resport and used their beach and pools. Cory went down the water slide head first (not noticing the sign that clearly states do not go down head first) and hits his head on the bottom of the pool and cuts his forhead open. Thanks to our trust surgeon and he lovely assistant, they got him sutchured up! As payment we took them to dinner that night on the boat and told him to order anything off the menu, on us :D I thought we were quiet thoughtful.

Ashley learning how to boogie board. She didn't quite get the hang of it but she sure had fun trying!

Kaylee loved boogie boarding. She became pretty good at it. Much better than mom!

And last but hopefully not least we were at a families house and they had just caught a baby fox a month earlier. It was nervous when the girls were around (I don't know why with Ashley around. She is amazing with maybe not). Cory was able to hold it and i have to admit, it was quite cute.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Family Pictures

For those of you who are still following my blog (I doubt it) here are some updated pictures of my family. We had my sister take them a couple of weeks ago and it reminded me why we don't get pictures taken often. Cory hates smiling, Ashley can't smile normal, Kaylee is always smiling and my smile is masking me telling Cory and Ashley to smile normal! I was happy with how they turned out. Thank you katie, you are awesome!!