Welcome to Mulberry, RFD
Recently husband and I took a day off and headed toward Tims Ford Lake near Wincester, Tn. We were enroute on Hwy. 55 near Lynchburg (famous little town for Jack Daniels whiskey), when I remembered going to a tiny little town off of 55 a couple of years ago for an antique estate auction. Until now, I had never returned to Mulberry for the photo shoot that I had envisioned on my earlier encounter. We found the little side road that led to this tiny historical town, less than 1/4 mile from the highway. In the center of the town square (more like a triangle) stands a confederate monument for a memorial to the 300 men and boys from Mulberry who lost their lives in the Civil War. Steve and I could not imagine that Mulberry ever had 300 people total! All the buildings shown, with the exception of the first decorated house, face the monument that stands in an island in the center. I failed to take a picture of the new post office, just off the square in a natural wood building which was quite nice. Hope you enjoy the tour.
I thought it was cute that the cross on top had a weathervane on it. I can only imagine, since this was the highest building in the town, the weathervane truly served a purpose for forecasts.