Sunday, July 7, 2019

Followin is the first installment  of my history from 17yo to present. I have no rational explanation why.
Ericksons integrity vs depair perhaps.
No family to bounce this around," here is this how you remember this"?

So, Once apon a time-warp to 1960ish i was 14ish .

There did live this young faire maiden. Who met a studly even toothed blue eyed wonder 2 years her senior who thought she was his and only his forever more period.
He courted and wooed her with exotic orchids.. her Beloved native lady slippers, and roses from her mother's garden he would place on her doorstep every school morning.  He lettered in wrestling lol and so did I.

Timed passed, he graduated went to Korea in the US Army.
He came home.  I said no I didn't want to get married .
He cried , my mom's intervened. " your throwing the best thing you'll ever find"
I was Married at 17... left home on a bus for 2 nights and three days one suitcase, one pillow and a stuffed dog.
Thus my bonified full-on beloved gypsy lifestyle began.

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