sreda, 29. julij 2015

Challenge #1 - Winner and Top 5

Hello there!
It's time to announce the winners of our very first Craft Heaven Shop Challenge..

Are you ready?

Oh boy.. It was tough..
But we made it..

So here's our top 5 in no particular order..

Congrats ladies!

Please grab your top 5 badge below and display it on your blogs..

So with no further ado..

The winner of the gift certificate is..

That's you Irene Mendes..

Please contact us on the e-mail below in order to get your prize..

Thank you everyone for joining..
Hope to see some more of your gorgeous work in our next challenge starting August 1st..

And don't forget that our DT call is still up and running..
You can send us your application until August 15th..

Have a great day everyone!

Hugs, Tina and the Craft Heaven Shop Team

sreda, 1. julij 2015

Challenge #1 - Inspirational Collage

Hi there!

Are you ready for our very first Monthly Challenge here at the Craft Heaven Shop Inspirational Blog?
We are..

Contest Details/Rules

Contest runs July 1st - July 27th (Ends 23:55PM GMT+2)

Max three submissions per participant..

Place a link to the Craft Heaven Shop Inspirational Blog in your blog post and label it “Craft Heaven Shop Challenge”..

Add a direct link to your project using the InLinkz tool provided (if you are unable to use the tool, leave a comment to this blog post and leave a direct link to your project)..

No back linking.. 

You can make whatever you want.. It can be a card, a mixed media project, an altered item etc.

The winner will be randomly chosen.

Our team will choose the TOP entries too.. 

And the prize?
A €10 Gift Certificate to Craft Heaven Shop.

And don't forget that our DESIGN TEAM CALL is still up and running..
We'd love to see your application in our mail..

Happy crafting!
Tina and the Craft Heaven Shop Team

nedelja, 28. junij 2015

Design Team Call

Hello dear followers!

The time has come..
Are you ready for this long-awaited DT call??

So what's this all about?
We are looking for 6 design team members to join our creative family..
Let's get the party started here on the Craft Heaven Shop Inspirational blog..

What's there for you:
- a store discount
- DT packages full of pretty stuff
- exposure on this blog, on our Facebook page, Instagram and Pinterest
- being a part of a new, exciting adventure

There is something we want from you though:
- You should be an active blogger who's ready to post new projects on your blog regularly and link back to our webside for the products you used
- You should be able to take good clear shots of your projects
- We want you to blog one project per week with mainly products from Craft Heaven Shop
- You should be able to create one project per month as an inspiration for the Craft Heaven Shop monthly Challenge
- You must be able to leave comments on challenge participants blogs..

In the end:
If picked, you must be willing to commit to a 6 month term starting in September 2015.

How to apply:
Send us a short e-mail and tell us why you would like to join the Craft Heaven Shop DT.
We wanna know a little bit about yourself too.. What type of crafting you do? What are your favourite brands? Are you in any other DT's? How long have you been crafting?
Send us a few pics of your favourite recent projects and of course you need to include a link to your blog so we can take a look around.. Yes.. We are nosey.. LOL!

You've never been a part of a DT? Don't worry!
A previous Design Team experience is not a requirement.

As long as you like to work with products that can be found in our shop, you're all invited to join!
We are looking for different types of crafters.
So.. Cardmakers, scrapbookers, stampers, mixed media artists..

Craft Heaven Shop is all about gorgeous papers, laces, mulberry flowers, vintage embellishments, Magnolia stamps and dies and more and more..

We've only started our business..
We want to grow with you..
We want to be inspired and learn new and different ways to play with our products.

This call is open Internationally!
So.. What are you waiting for?

The DT Call closes August 15th 2015.

Send your application on the e-mail below:
Please put ''DT CALL'' in the subject line.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Tina and the Craft Heaven Shop Team

nedelja, 21. junij 2015

10% discount on all Magnolia stamps and a CANDY

Another post for today..
Še ena objava za danes..

All of you who've been following us on Facebook already know that we are having a fantastic one week promotion at Craft Heaven Shop..
Kdor nas spremlja na Facebook-u že ve, da imamo v Craft Heaven Shop-u super enotedensko akcijo..

We are giving you the opportunity to get your so much wanted Magnolia stamps at a really great price..
Just use coupon code ILOVETILDA at checkout and  you will get a 10% discount on all Magnolia stamps in stock..
To je idealna priložnost, da si končno podarite vse Magnolia štampiljke, ki si jih tako zelo želite, po zares ugodni ceni..
Pred oddajo naročila vpišite kodo za popust ILOVETILDA in na vse Magnolia štampiljke na zalogi boste dobili 10% popusta..

You don't want to miss this chance..
Te priložnosti ne gre zamuditi..

And that's not all..
In to še ni vse..

We're giving away a gorgeous Magnolia stamp to one of you..
You just need to share the pic of our one week offer on your blog with a link back to our blog and the store..
And don't forget to leave a comment under this post saying that you've done it..
If you don't have a blog you can still participate by sharing the coupon code post on Facebook..

You likey?
What are you waiting for? Share the news!
And good luck!!!

Med vsemi, ki boste s prijatelji delili to akcijo in prilepili slikico naše akcije na svoj blog (seveda s povezavo nazaj na ta blog in trgovino), bomo izžrebali srečneža, ki bo prejel krasno Magnolia štampiljko..
Ne pozabite pa tudi pustiti komenarja pod to objavo, da bomo vedeli, da sodelujete..
Če nimate bloga lahko še vedno sodelujete.. Na Facebook-u delite kodo za popust..

Kaj še čakate? Delite!
Vso srečo pri žrebu vam želimo!!!

***The winner is...
Zmagovalka je..

Magic Land - Henryka***
Congrats! Čestitamo

Baby Gift Set - Maja Design

Hello crafters!

Pozdravljene ustvarjalke!

Today I'm here to share with you what I've been up to these days..
My cousins friend had a baby boy the other day and she ask me to make something for them..
There's nothing I like more than making baby projects..

Danes vam zaupam kaj sem delala zadnje dni..
Sestričnina prijateljica je te dni dobila dojenčka.. Prikupnega malega fantiča..
Nič mi ni ljubše od ustvarjanja daril za novorojenčke, zato sem seveda rekla DA, ko me je vprašala, če bi naredila nekaj za njiju..

The stamp I like the most for those is Sleeping Baby Tilda but this time I decided to use something different..
Magnolia's super cute elephant..

Ponavadi za to uporabim Sleeping Baby Tildo, ampak tokrat sem se odločila za nekaj malce drugačnega..

It wasn't difficult to decide which papers to pick..
The Maja Design Vintage Baby collection is just perfect for that!

Izbira papirjev res ni bila težka..
Maja Design Vintage Baby kolekcija je kot nalašč za take priložnosti..

But you know what? They are all so gorgeous that I decided to make 2 baby gift sets..
Yes.. That's right..
One for the boy and one for a baby girl..

Ampak veste kaj? Ker so vsi papirji tako krasni sem se odločila, da naredim kar 2 darilna seta..
Ja.. Tako je..
Enega za fantka in enega za punčko..

And here they are..

No.. Tukaj sta..

If you want to make something similar or you're just a Maja Design lover like me now you know where to find all these gorgeous paper..
Simply click on the links at the end of this post..

Če bi tudi vi radi ustvarili nekaj podobnega ali pa ste preprosto oboževalci Maja Design papirjev, tako kot jaz, sedaj veste kje jih dobite..
Samo kliknite na sličice na koncu te objave..

Thanks for stopping by today!

Hvala, ker ste pokukali na naš blog!

Hugs, Tina

torek, 9. junij 2015

Unique Gifts for Unique People

Hello guys!

Just wanted to remind you that Craft Heaven Shop is not just a place where you can get the most gorgeous scrapbooking and cardmaking supplies..

Craft Heaven Shop is also the place where you can find Unique Handmade Items that are always a great gift for your special someone..

If you still haven't found our Unique Handmade Items Category click HERE to check it out..

Have a lovely evening guys!
And happy shopping!

Hugs, Tina

četrtek, 28. maj 2015

10% off all items in the shop

It's been a while since we last posted anything on here, right?
But we have great news for you dear followers..

Today is the day!
Put all the things you've been wanting for so long in your cart and use the special coupon code CRAZYTHURSDAY10 to get a 10% discount on your order..

This offer is valid only today, Thursday 28/5/2015 (from 00:01AM to 23:59PM GMT+2..)..
The clock is ticking..

You'd better hurry..
You don't want to miss this fantastic opportunity..

As we said many times before..
We offer WORLDWIDE shipping and PayPal payment!

So.. What are you waiting for?

Happy shopping guys!
And don't forget to share this fantastic news with your crafty friends..

Tina and the Craft Heaven Shop Team