Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year

Wishing you all a very Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year. I have a list of things to do this month... I still have some UFO's to finish.There are group blocks to make and I plan to cut out the backing squares for my crazy quilt project. I have changed my blog picture to a summer theme, though I must admit; it has been raining cats and dogs here! The thought of a nice island holiday and stitching on the beach....what bliss. Enough of the talk and more of the do...Happy New Year :)

Friday, 30 December 2011

But wait, there is more...

Maria also included a surprise in my Christmas post, a hand made Chrissy card and a very special Mug Rug. What a great idea for a  special card, I am going to remember that one :) Have a safe and Happy New Year, Maria.

Christmas 2011 Block swap from Maria

My Christmas Block from Maria W.  I plan on making some runner's out of the swap blocks I receive through out the year.  A great start, thank-you Maria :)

Christmas 2011 Block swap

This is the block I made for Maria W. The wish was for a star block in traditional colours.

December Block from Cathy C

I received this brilliant, yummy; block back from Cathy C for our December swap.
Thank-you it is wonderful.

December 2011 Block swap

Cathy C was my December Block swap partner, and her wish for this swap; was an Autumn Block.
I really love the autumn colours aswell. This is what I made for her.

Christmas 2011

 Christmas Day was at my dads this year, Alice and I went over on Christmas eve to help with the cooking and set up.
We had a great lunch and left over's for tea. The weather couldn't have been better. I made the traditional christmas cake, but left off the heavy icing and went for cherries and nuts.
Normally I have to make two, as hubby insists on doing a quality check! Things may have changed since the last year, fruit, ale and know!
I didn't manage to sew Christmas Day...oh well, we can't have it all :)

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

What a great day!

I managed to get my Christmas Block for Maria and the Autumn Block for Cathy, done today. They will be in the mail tomorrow, ladies. Tomorrow is tidy up day...I would rather be sewing.
I still have a few Christmas things on the go and hope to finish them through the week.
Take care and have a great day.       Lorraine

Bobbies Blocks

These are the wonderful  6 1/2 inch blocks that I received back from Bobbie B. So vibrant and sunny, they made me smile when I saw them :) 

6 1/2 inch Blocks for Bobbie

These are the 6 1/2 inch blocks that I made Bobbie B for our swap.  I hope they were what she wanted.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Blocks away and other sewing

Yesterday I managed to get so much done. I sent off the 6 1/2 inch blocks  that I had done for Bobbie B, and we are watching the post to see who gets their blocks I will post a photo of these when Bobbie has them.
I made an owl shaped  Ear Bud Pouch for my daughters friend, I thought these were so cute.
I found the pattern at  if you want to check it out yourself.

My daughter's first bag, she picked the materials, did the quilting, made the binding and put it all together.

It is called the "Click Clack Bag" and we got the pattern from Tirau Quilt Cottage. All I had to do was supervise on this one. We have turned the bottom under to make it stand for the photo, it does come with a squared off bottom; but Alice wanted it straight. (if that makes sense) so it looks a bit wonky...but it is not :)
Now I am just waiting for the Australian Christmas swap names to come up.

I made this sewing bag earlier this year for a friend of mine who travels with her sewing...we all do
I still haven't picked the materials for mine yet!  On the list for the new year, it is growing by the minute.
If there are any crazy quilter's out there that haven't joined the," Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2012"; you might like to check out   
Time for a cuppa, election day here in NZ and we have already voted; so we are going to sit back and enjoy our afternoon in peace.            Happy sewing.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Welcome to my first Blog

I have created this blog to record the quilting blocks and crafty ideas that come my way over the year.
I look forward to the new year, 2012; but still have much to do before this old year departs.
With that, I wish you all many hours of happy crafting.