Thursday, 16 August 2007
HS:MS Chop
This is my 'oh so useful' guillotine. I have a few paper trimmers (you can also see my rotatrim underneath the guillotine). A lot of chopping gets done here!
Salt: 'Life to the Full'
This is what Casey wrote:
Wow! We have been so encouraged and excited by all your lovely comments and awesome contributions. Keep them coming!
This week it’s my turn (Casey) to set the challenge:
I have chosen the theme ‘Life to the Full’. This theme comes from the verse John 10:10b where Jesus says that He has come so we may have life and have it to the full (or in abundance)!
So, we would really love to see your take on this challenge of what ‘Life to the Full – in Christ’ means for you.
You can do it whatever format you like e.g. a layout, card, beyond the page, canvas etc
We’d love you to leave us a comment so we can enjoy your artwork too!
Please take a look at Salt
This is my contribution:
I feel so privileged to be part of the Salt team - it is such a fab opportunity to combine faith and crafting. And Casey's challenge has been an opportunity to reflect upon all the benefits we enjoy with life in Christ.
I used my new craft robo to make the words for this - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again - in the end I got there and have learned quite a bit about using inkscape and robomaster.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
HS:MS Window
This is a terrible picture - will come back again with a better one if I can. It's the view into the garden from the room where I craft:
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Today's crafting
HS:MS Pasta
This is emergency pasta (don't have it very often - much prefer fresh!):
Monday, 13 August 2007
Crafty Recycling CJ
Unfortunately, the bright early morning sun has now faded and it's quite cloudy, so the photos aren't that good (not that mine are ever very brilliant!).
Front cover:
Back cover:
HS:MS Drive
As neither of us drive, we don't have a vehicle - our most frequently used vehicle is a bus. We live in a maisonette on the main road, set back by a grassy area and our own garden. I decided to aim my camera from the bedroom window (twitched the nets a bit!) and here's the result:
A bus was just leaving the stop:
And then another arrived:
Not very good photos, because I was looking into the sun, but didn't want to wait till later.
Sunday, 12 August 2007
HS:MS Thread
I had loads to choose from for today's word. I got out two of the four or more boxes of fibres I have and took photos of part of the contents of two of them. Then I got one of my three boxes of embroidery threads and took a photo of that (not that I use them much nowadays).
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Yay!!! I managed it
Oh dear - pride comes before a fall!!
Unfortunately, I can't show the results here because the welded words are for the next Salt challenge that won't be revealed until Thursday.
I am really pleased with what I've done, considering this is the first time I've tried creating and cutting welded words (except for a play with inkscape before I actually got the robo). The only thing I'd cut before was a frame and a rocking horse, both of which were templates I found on UKS.
I wish I could show you, but I can't!! Perhaps later I'll do something that I can show.
Having written the above I started to take my letters off the backing - only to find that they hadn't welded but were separate - obviously I need to go back to inkscape! Oh well, it's a learning curve!
HS:MS Down
Josey, John's guide dog, lies down for a rest after a play in the garden.
Friday, 10 August 2007
Lovely lunch
Following on the story of the ducks, Sue said: 'sorry HAVE to ask how often do you turn one round !!!:)'
This is where the romance gets tinged with reality!! As John is visually impaired he doesn't really notice the ducks that much - I don't think he's ever turned them round (although he does know they're there)! I'm sure there have been many times when he should have done! As for me, on the odd occasion that I have turned them round, he's failed to notice anyway! The idea of them is really so that the other person sees and gets the message that the other is not happy, but in reality this is wasted on us.
But the truth is that we don't often fall out, but like all couples we have our moments.
HS:MS Double
Early on in our marriage we heard a tale about the two ducks. If there is harmony between husband and wife the ducks face one another. If one of the partnership falls out then he or she turns one duck round to face the other way. When he heard the tale my dad bought us two ducks and they happily sit on our bathroom windowsill facing one another.
This seems very appropriate for today because we are just getting ready to go out for lunch to celebrate the first date we had together 17 years ago - at the same restaurant - ahhhh!!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Girls love ...
Nothing else to show today - still doing boring inserts, bagging etc - checking stock - boring! (Not been feeling too great for the last couple of days, so perhaps I ought to be doing something less boring!) I've had QVC craft day on in the background, but most of the time I've taken little notice of it - is it me or does everything seem to be similar?
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
DCM Time
This is what Kathy said: 'OK, Absolutely anything goes this week as long as it's on the theme of TIME."It's About Time" So you can use clocks, calendars, quotes, sayings, pictures, nursery rhymes, or altered art-type stuff, whatever takes your fancy - just take some time out to play and have some fun; remember, time flies when you're having fun!'
I was going to do something with clocks (might still do something else) but meantime have made this with the 'Happy Time' caption:
Just Bex August Challenges
August Challenge 6: A little gem: 'we would like you to make a CARD or LO with GEMS use as many or as few as you like'. For this I made two, because they are 'less is more':
August Challenge 2: A Family Affair: 'A nice challenge with no rules except for you need the word 'Family'...any colours, any size, card, layout or whatever you want.......':
August Challenge 5: Sugar 'n' Spice: 'and all things nice. Anything edible for this challenge please. LO'S and cards welcome':
August Challenge 4: Tantalising Tangerine: 'Your challenge is to create a card using an Orange colour scheme':
HS:MS City
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
CBC July swap cards received
Nice Matters Award
So I nominate:
Please nominate 5 people each - thanks.
HS:MS Eyes
I came across it yesterday by a mention on someone else's blog and so I included the pictures of roses from our garden, because the subject was 'blooms'. Someone warned me that this site can become addictive - I just had to have a look this morning and the subject is 'eyes'. I've previously used this picture of our grandson on a LO, but thought it would be good now for this:
I'm already now wondering what tomorrow's subject will be!