
Tuesday 2 October 2007

Just Bex September challenge 10 folding card

During September I didn't take part in challenges on Just Bex because I was preparing for my card sale. I know that many people incorporate the challenges at the same time, but I couldn't cope with trying to do that.

Yesterday I decided to try and get back into the swing of things, so I started on September challenge 10 foldering card: to make a folding card like the one below . It's made from one sheet of cardstock, and is very straightforward!' and there were clear instructions to achieve the card.

Having got all the bits out to do the card, I half finished it last night and have to admit that I didn't feel like completely it tonight, but I have, and I'm glad I did.

I've made an anniverary card for my brother and sister-in-law (I hope it's safe to show, because I don't think they look here very often).

The hearts tucked inside the little envelope have their initials on them.

Most of the cardstock and bits used were from K & Co Brookfield range:

I'm so thankful that Nicky set this challenge, because it's made an unusual anniversary card - it's certainly something I'll try again sometime.

RAK received

Postie came this afternoon (we had given up thinking there was any post today) and I received a RAK from Karen G on Carolyn's forum:

Thank you, Karen. A bit of cheer on a sad day (family-wise - can't go into it).

HS:MS card

A Piece of thick, stiff paper. Find 'card' in your space today.

A couple of pictures of some of the card in my space. The first one shows a section of eleven A4 trays with ten 12 x 12 trays to the left. The second picture shows part of a 15 drawer cabinet which is now housed inside a cupboard in my newly fitted out room (well, it was done in July, but still has to be decorated). You can see how disorganised I am because I still haven't changed the labels on the drawers since sorting out card.

Monday 1 October 2007

Patsy's 10,000 hits competition

Patsy is running a competition on her blog. She says: 'As a few of you know, I haven't been very well recently so I thought what better way to cheer me up than to see you create a 'Get Well Soon' card! It doesn't have to be for me really lol! But I'd like to see your creations so post a link here. I'll give you two weeks from today to post here and then I'll get my lovely assistant (DD) to help me pick a winner!
Anyone can enter (worldwide) and you can enter more than once if you so wish.....
So, I can't wait to see your gorgeous creations :) Go on, have a go!!! :)
Patsy x'

So here is my entry:

This morning I've been stamping for a swap on Just Bex - A5 sheets of Christmas stamps - chose six of my favourites, and stamped up quite a few for myself while I was at it - so there will be some more Christmas cards soon.

HS:MS wheel

A circular object that revolves on an axle. Find a wheel in your space today.

I chose the little wheels underneath the basket that pulls out in the dishwasher. I changed it to black and white (it seemed to look a bit better):

Sunday 30 September 2007


'Your day to let those photo's shine !!!!!'

My photos today are nothing special, but they bring back memories for me. This afternoon I went to visit a friend in our local hospital. Two years ago today John was admitted there, following a heart attack (he hadn't realised he'd had one) and tests revealed that he was in urgent need of surgery, so that a week later he had a heart bypass op in King's College Hospital. We are both so grateful to God that our GP acted promptly to get John to hospital even though neither of us thought it was necessary. The last two years haven't been easy, but we're so thankful that John was diagnosed (apparently another fatal heart attack would have followed) and given the op he needed. Although he's not in the best of health, these last two years have been very precious to us.

Saturday 29 September 2007


Another Saturday, another Self Portrait!!!

Well, here I am at the end of a tiring day. I'm not sure what I did to achieve this, but I firstly made it 'antique' (sounds just about right for me) and then played around with the hue etc:

As a few people have commented on the way I cropped the picture, I thought I'd show the original before it was changed. This was it:

so not much cropping really.

Sale in aid of TEAR Fund

I knew that quite a few people for various reasons wouldn't be able to come along today, but I was still disappointed when the response was poor this morning - although, of course, I was very pleased to see those who did come. There were more people this afternoon (making a total of 14 throughout the day) and in the end I sold £180 worth of cards, so I'll be able to send £54 to TEAR Fund plus a donation of £10.

I was glad that I made packs of Christmas cards - selling 5 in a pack for £2, because I sold 21 of these. I also sold 40 indidividual Christmas cards at £1 each and 50 cards made from recycling other cards. Apart from that I sold 45 other greetings cards, costing either £1.50 or £2 each.

I'm really appreciative of those who came and supported this worthy cause.

Friday 28 September 2007

Lighthouse ATCs

These ATCs are for this month's swap on Crafts by Carolyn. They are very simple (perhaps because I was running out of time!):

Lemon and Lime ATCs

The theme for this month's ATC swap on Tanda Stamps is 'lemon and lime'. I had the mad idea of using real lemon slices to stamp and emboss. Here are the results.

The first photo is flash and reflects the light, but probably shows up the detail of the lemon stamping better than the non-flash photo below it:

Well I tried something different!

Zigzag cards

The last couple of days I've been sorting out what I've got ready for the sale tomorrow. I found that I'd got more unfinished symphonies than Schubert - many more! I had lots of tags that I'd prepared ready to put on cards, but never had - so I've now got 32 more cards, having made these up.

I found up these little zigzag cards and thought I'd do something with them, so, a few blooms and bits and here they are (photos are terrible, it's so dull and rainy, which doesn't account for me chopping the tops of some of the cards - they do all go to a point at the top):

I'm having to be very careful today because I was in severe pain again last night with my back - there seems to be another area that's caved in a bit more, so I think there's possibly another vertebra fractured - there's not much I can do about preventing them, other than wrap myself in cottonwool! I even have to ask John to pick things up from the floor if I drop them - he's so good, bless him.

HS:MS cushion

Soft furnishing to adorn a chair. Show us cushion in your space.

It was quite hard to take a photo of one of my favourite cushions on my armchair, because it's raining and the light is terrible, but I suppose it was good for me to try and get it right (not that I succeeded). The material of the cusion has a sheen to it and the circles are different materials, including velvet - the light has reflected on some of the circles:

Thursday 27 September 2007

HS:MS stamp

To make an impression.
A small token that ensures carriage of mail
To make a noise with ones foot.
Show us what Stamp is to you, in your space.

This was an easy one today - just as well, because I'm trying to get everything ready for Saturday and we're also going out to lunch today with Mum and my brother and SIL.

These stamps were still on my work surface from yesterday, having done the cards on display below. You can now all see that I'm a 'norty' girl 'cause I didn't clean my stamps.

New Salt Challenge: Joy

It was my turn to choose the topic for this fortnight's challenge. This is what I wrote:

We have been pleased to see folks joining in our challenges, including the wonderful creations for 'God's Promises'.

It's Hazel here; it's my turn to set the challenge this time and I've chosen


When things are going well in life we feel happy and joyful, but sometimes circumstances of life may cause us to feel sad, but even at those times we can still experience the joy of the Lord. I'm reminded of the verse in Nehemiah 8:10b: 'for the joy of the Lord is my strength'.

We'd love to see your take on this challenge

so please leave us a comment when you are finished your piece,

so that we and others may see your work.

To get you inspired the Design Team have come up with some beautiful pieces.

Please take a look at Salt

This what I did, which started me off making the other stamped cards using the lovely English Paper Company Christmas angels papers that you saw yesterday. The circular stamp and wording are from Rubbadubbadoo and the tiny angel and dove stamps are part of a Hero Arts set.

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Angel Christmas cards

I got some lovely 12 x 12 Christmas papers from English Paper Company and particularly like the angel ones. I cut each paper into 4 6 x 6 squares so that the printed angel was in one corner. I then used stamps with Brilliance moonlight white and embossed with fine detail white. I did 4 of each, so that's given me another 16 Christmas cards.

I can only show three of the designs - the other one will have to wait till tomorrow (it might have something to do with my Salt challenge effort to be launched in the morning - watch this space!)

The photos don't really do them justice - it's a better blue irl.

HS:MS jug

A container from which eases the pouring of liquid. Show us your jugs! A-hem.

When I first had my own home in 1977, I bought a couple of sturdy, heavy brown jugs. I hardly ever use them now (although they often come out at Christmas time as an extra to hold custard or whatever). They remind me of the song:

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

So here is one of them:

Tuesday 25 September 2007

CBC September swap

I started my swap cards last night, stamping the swirly pattern randomly on the cards using a bright pink inkpad and embossing with clear (you only get hints of the shine on the photos). I then stamped and embossed some flowers to use with the cards, but didn't like the result, so will save those for another time. This morning I've added some flowers layered up (I think they came originally from Lakeland) and some Poundland bling in the centres:

HS:MS sponge

A natural (often man made!) material to soak up liquids. Show us a sponge in your space.

Before joining in HS:MS every day, I would never have thought of taking a photo of sponges! But here they are. They are a selection of cosmetic sponges - but I use them with inks and chalks in crafting:

Monday 24 September 2007

A diversion from Christmas cards

Thought I'd have a change this morning from Christmas cards. The flowers on these cards are rub ons that are raised, embossed - and they went on sooooo easily! The wording on the cards are rub ons too - I received them quite a while ago from a crafty friend as part of a RAK and thought they went well with the flowers:

I must discipline myself now not to make any more cards until I've labelled and bagged the ones I've got (and quite a few need inserts in) - the bits of cardmaking that are boring, but necessary - I wish Santa would send me some of his elves to do these bits! Somehow I think they're too busy at the North pole!

HS:MS dog

Man's best friend. Have you got a lil pooch in your space?

An easy one for me today - there's always a dog in our space. Here she is ready for work (perhaps I should explain that Josey is my husband's guide dog:

Sunday 23 September 2007

Simple but profound

These are cards I made yesterday - made them in batches, ready for putting into packs of 5 for Saturday. They are very simple but both carry the profound message of what Christmas is about. The photos are terrible and don't show the cards as they are irl. The ones in gold have been embossed with fine detail gold and so the writing looks shiny, which doesn't show at all in the photos.

I'm feeling rough today - a cold developed Friday night (thanks to John for being so generous!). We would normally be out at church now, but just not fit enough to be there.

And since Thursday we've had no buses either into Bromley or Orpington, because there was a burst water main on our main road, very close to where we live, and the road has been closed since. They're still working there, but we have no idea when everything will be back to normal. Our water was cut off for about four hours, so hardly any inconvenience, but for public transport we are stranded.