Monday, December 1, 2008
Posted by lindsay at 4:40 PM 3 comments
Madilyn's Blessing
Yes, we finally blessed our baby! We were trying to wait for a weekend when most of our family would be in town, and this was the first chance we got! Unfortuanately, our little chunky baby decided to have a growth spurt that last few weeks, and she grew out of the blessing dress I had ordered her on line! I started to panic, but crisis averted! I sent it back and got a new one just in time! She looked so tiny and perfect in her little white dress. It was such a special dat and it was so nice that all our family could be here for it. We love you Madilyn! Hope you had a special day and know how much we love you!
Posted by lindsay at 7:42 AM 4 comments
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was fun--and fattening! Having both families in town this year, we had two Thanksgiving dinners. It was a LOT of food but everything was so good. It only comes around once a year, so why not enjoy, right??? Now comes the hard part, working it all off!
Posted by lindsay at 7:19 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dress Up!
Can I just say, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having a girl! Why didn't anyone tell me it was so fun! It's like I get to play dress up every day. Sometimes when I am bored (ok, really when I just don't want to do any more laundry or pick up any more toys, I am never "bored"...) I just dress her up in all her different outfits and take pictures. She doesn't love it, but she is a pretty good sport! I absolutely love these outfits! I think hats are so cute on babies, you gotta love the accessories! Thanks to all my great friends who supplied me with so many cute outfits to play dress up with Madilyn!!!
Posted by lindsay at 8:05 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ok, so the other day I am inside feeding the baby while the boys are playing outside in the backyard. Once she is asleep, I go outside, and this is what I find! Seriously, Peyton, where do you come from??? He had taken off all his clothes and was riding his horse buck naked just smiling and laughing and having a grand old time....I said, "PEYTON!!!" and he looked at me in all honesty and innocence said, "what?" like he didn't know he had done anything wrong. Ok, this kid is worrying me, he loves makeup and loves to be naked, anyone else see a problem with this?
Posted by lindsay at 10:01 PM 7 comments
Halloween was crazy this year, it seemed like a blur. Trying to get three kids in costumes, and then trying to take their picture all together turned out to be impossible. The baby was a good sport about wearing her costume multiple times...once I replaced the antenna hat with a bow (thanks Laura!) she was much happier! Halloween night we had our families over and had a big dinner. Everyone really got into it this year, even Shawn dressed up! (He's the santa) That didn't last long though, after about 15 minutes he was too hot and took it off! We had so much fun this year, but are glad it's finally over! Onto the next holiday!!!
Posted by lindsay at 5:49 PM 1 comments
Pumpkin Carving
This year we only carved one pumpkin...thank goodness! This tradition is a love hate relationship! I hate cleaning them out, but I love carving them, and the boys always look so forward to it. This year Riley chose to do a joker face. It turned out pretty cool, even though I never got a picture of it with the lights out, so it's hard to even tell what it was! But it didn't really matter anyway, becuase it was moldy and rotten the next day, and didn't quite make it to halloween. Oh well, it was fun anyway!
Posted by lindsay at 5:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
A Little "Questionable"...
So, all of you that think Peyton is "all boy", think again! There are a few things you should know about Peyton. First, he LOVES, LOVES makeup! His favorite time of the day is when I get ready, he comes in my bathroom with me and I give him his own chapstick and eye shadow, and he goes to town, he loves it! He also LOVES purses! He is actually obsessed with purses. He goes through any purse he can find looking for gum, money, and of course Make-up! He even has his very own purse that his auntie gave him for his birthday which he uses exclusively to store his make-up collection. And finally, Peyton also LOVES my headbands! He finds them in my drawer and wears them all the time! He even sleeps with them on a lot of the time! It is pretty funny!!! Shawn is so proud...I thought raising Madilyn would be a challenge, but looks like I already have a little girl!!!
Posted by lindsay at 8:12 AM 7 comments
Trunk Or Treat
Every year we go to my mom's trunk or treat, the boys just LOVE it!!! This year my sister came in from Texas for a week so it was so fun to have her come with us! (It was also SO fun to have a nanny for a week!!!) The kids all looked so cute- Riley was Aniken and Peyton a pirate. Peyton was so cute becuase he kept calling his candy bag his "purse" (dad is so proud) and he would go to each car saying, 'tricky treat', then would take the candy and put it in his "purse" himself. If anyone tried to put the candy in for him, he would get mad, and take it out and do it himself! Riley was intrigued by all of the costumes, and kept looking for other kids with light savers to fight with. After the trunk or treating I told him we had to go, and he begged me to stay for the costume parade where they award the best costumes. He kept saying, "mom, I have just GOT to know who has the best costume here!" It was pretty funny...and yes, we stayed the whole time! It was a great night!
Posted by lindsay at 7:58 AM 1 comments
The Pumpkin Patch!
This year we have made several trips to the pumpkin patch...the boys love it! I always find it funny that most pumpkin patches are actual farms with "real" pumpkins to pick, and ours is just a few old pumpkins sitting in a casino parking lot...but that's Vegas for you!!! Peyton LOVED the car ride, I think he rode on it about 6 times in a row, and of course Riley's favorite was chasing the chickens at the petting zoo...poor birds! He caught them a couple times too, he was pretty proud of himself! Another annual tradition we have come to love!!!
Posted by lindsay at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Madilyn is one month old!
Hard to believe but my baby is already a month old! I just have enjoyed her so much--how is time going so fast? I just want her to stay little forever!!!!
Posted by lindsay at 8:45 PM 4 comments