Thursday, August 23, 2012

Winners for Halloween finish

Happy Thursday!!
There was eight stitches that guessed Garden of Eerie for the first design

The winner is
Ok, I need to know how to add a link on my iPad to my posts, any help will be appreciated, I'm using blog press.
Thanks in advance
The second design was Witches Hollow, there was six right guesses

The winner for that one is Kellie in Indiana, I couldn't find a blog

I'm so far behind in reading blogs, catching up is hard to do
I'll post again in a few days on stitching progress, the next couple days there's not much going here around here, so just maybe....
Have a great stitch-filled weekend
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPa

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Let's Play a guessing game, shall we??

Happy Sunday night...
I love Halloween, no surprise to most of ya
This is a new WIP, can you guess the design and the designer?

Next... This is a old WIP, can you guess the design and the designer?

If you can guess either one, I will take all the names that are correct for each one and draw one name, equally two winners
I put comments on moderation for this post, I hope that's right, so they don't show right away
You will win a Halloween/fallish stitchy finish from me plus a couple other festival things thrown in by October 31st
So make your guess now, if no one can guess I will post a pic with more design
I finished Fancey's Sunflowers~hanging pocket

By Pineberry Lane
I making progress on Hoodoo Voodoo

Anna and I went shopping yesterday. We stopped by Tomorrow's Heirloom's in Glen Ellyn then the Inspired Needle in Lemont, not to mention I went up to her place last Friday and we went to Lynn's of Madison
This is stash from yesterday, I can't remember what I got last Friday, hmmm

Good Luck!!
Let the contest begin
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Precious arrival = Brayden

Hello World....

Everyone is so happy I made it here with no problems
Life is good...
Love being spoiled, I arrived August 9th at 11:15am

As you can see grandma is very happy about her 3rd grand baby

I'll be making a stitchy post in a day or two
Maybe a little contest
Stay tuned

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ToLS retreat needle keepe

Happy Tuesday!!
I finally got around finishing my Tree of Life Samplings 2012 retreat needle keepe
Here is the set together

I was so excited I forgot to add scissors or something to the pocket, lol
DD Heather is going in Thursday morning for a scheduled c-section to have Brayden
I can't wait to meet him. Brianna is so excited to being a big sister
and me to be a grandma for the third time
Stay tuned for baby pictures

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Emma & Her Pony

Ha! I can finally post pictures. My Thanks goes out to Nicole for her suggesting the app blogpress, so now I can post pictures. It seems EZPZ, so far, lol
We have the Verizon 4g jet pack, my HP connects, but doesn't find the web page. I have called support, but they don't know why that happens. Good thing I bought this iPad, I have no choice but to start getting use to it
Another small I'm in love with, I'm getting along pretty darn good with my sewing machine.
I could have have had this done in one day, a long day, but it took two

Emma & Her Pony sewing roll by Stacy Nash Primitives

I did make a change, I didn't use the initials E.P. I stitched ABC.I'm really proud with this finish, its almost perfect
Thanks to Phyllis (no blog yet) for borrowing me the pattern, I sent her the Liberty pattern by Stacy. Thanks to Anna for giving me some fabric awhile ago, I found the two perfect ones for this.
Is anyone going to Celebration of Needlework in St. Charles?
Anna and I have our room booked and signed up, so if you are going, let me know, maybe we can meet up.
Happy Stitching!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, August 4, 2012

I need help, please
I have a new I-pad, I can't upload photos
It says can't upload in current browser,
Images from the computer
Can you help??
Thanks in advance

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Liberty >sewing pouch

Hello! again and so soon

It's still July, right?

I finished the sewing pouch and you didn't even get a WIP pic
It stitched up really fast, for me anyway
by Stacy Nash Primitives
Thanks to Patti for borrowing me the pattern, she told me to pass it on. Anna wants to stitch it now too, so you will have to get the pattern from her when she's done
35ct unknown linen, with called for DMC. I added a button, it kinda looked a little too sparse between the stars.

Thanks for stopping by and even more if you leave a comment

Happy Stitching!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Hello! fellow stitching peeps

I finished this cute little pillow a couple weeks ago

"Whooo Loves You" A Pine Mountain kit

I love mail!!!

This fanastic pin cushion came from Cathy B in Minnesota

I was so excited and surprised to receive such a great gift. I believe her mom does the tatting
Thanks so much again, Cathy

This is the the Tree of Life Samplings retreat exclusive designed kit that we received

My WIP started for it

And this is what it will look like when finished

I also received in tha mail my Prim Sisters kit from Country Sampler in Wisconsin

The Sowing Sampler by Notforgotten Farms

Love it!!!!

Some stash I received here and there

It's been so hot here in northern Illinois, I hope your staying cool where ever you are.

I'm slowing making progress on some stitching stuff like LK Halloween Rules, which I hope to finish before too long, Pineberry Lanes Fancy's Sunflower hanging pocket, and Stacy Nash Libery sewing pouch which is coming along really really good, should be done any day now, fingers XX

I better get a stitching...

Be back soon