Thursday, September 19, 2024



I have had plenty of lemons, er, cars and I have the claim to fame of owning not one, but 2 Ambassadors, a 1970 and a 1973 junk heap. The alternator and/or the voltage regulator would always go pfft on these wrecks. Why did I own a 2nd one of these? My dad decided it was a good idea and bought the 2nd one for $400. The frame was shot and it had to be bondoed together. Every time something fell off, I just threw it into the back seat making sure it did not land on the floor since there was a huge hole so you could watch the road go by. Friends, who rode in the back, were warned not to place their feet on the bottom or they will feel like Fred Flintstone or Barney Rubble. This made me think of some famous cars in films that became, justifiably, famous. I realize I could do more than one post but, for now, I am just talking about cars this one time( for now).

By the way, yesterday’s post, which son won the Oscar…The Continental won, The Carioca was nominated and the very famous”I Only Have Eyes For You” was ripped off.  So, on with the show..


This is a star-studded film involving the lives of people who all own this beautiful car over the decades. We see this car, in ll its splendour when it is bought by Sexy Rexy Harrison for his wife, from there, we see its new owner whose girlfriend finds love in a poor chap. During the war, the now shabby car helps in the Resistance as well as love  played by Ingrid Bergman and Omar Sharif, and so on. It could have been better film but I always enjoyed it because this car sees so much during its life time. It’s not sure if it should be a comedy or a drama but I did find it entertaining.

2. BULLITT-1968

The new Ford Mustang, electric, sounds like its balls were chopped off. Give me the original car any day! It was made famous in the great, gritty cop drama staring Steve McQueen who did almost all the stunts himself. McQueen plays a cop on the trail of the underworld who killed a witness left in his charge. One of the all time best, ….best car chases is in this film involving McQueen and 2 hit men told to get rid of the cop. I love that these hoods actually look like accountants and they are not under 25 but mature. There is no CGI and, thankfully, no Vin Diesel in some very unrealistic chases. The car chase is much longer and it’s brilliant..did I say that?


This is a very fun movie that was a huge hit back in the 70s and, yes, I saw it in the theatre. It’s one long car chase with Burt Reynolds in the famous Trans Am and Jerry Reed, his friend, in the semi truck, with his dear dog, a hound named Fred. They are bringing illegal contraband, beer and are being chased by Jackie Gleason as a sheriff with his nimkapoop son. The son was supposed to get married that day to Sally Field who runs away and ends up with Reynolds in the car. You have some great car chases, again, no CGI and so much more realistic. It’s meant to be fun and not a thought provoking film, just a good flick. Burt Reynold and Sally Field started their 5 year affair during the making of this film. After this movie, just about every guy owned a Trans Am with fuzzy dice hanging from t(eir rear view mirror. Ughhh….

Ok one more…


My mom’s best friend owned a blue Volkswagen and so did my Aunt and Uncle but this film is a special Beatle because it is sentient! Walt Disney created this gem that became a huge hit with more sequels and remakes. The original is so good that stars Dean Jones as an over the hill race car driver now in crash up derby shows. His best friend is Buddy Hackett who finds out the car has a mind of its own and, of course, we have an evil Brit trying to get the beloved Beatle. The love interest is played by Michelle Lee who believe in the bug and in Jones. It’s sweet and funny and you just love this bug. 

What car movies can you think of?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Which Song Won The Oscar-1935


90 years ago these songs were very famous and, we still know these songs, well, many of us do…some of us…anyway, I wonder if you can figure out who won, which song was nominated and which was robbed. I’m joining in on the Monday Music Moves Me over at Curious As A Cathy, who has a great blog, by the way.


This famous song, more well known by The Flamingoes and Art Garfunkel, was introduced by Dick Powell in the film, “Dames”  that co-starred Ruby Keeler. These 2 were in more than one film in the early 30s way before Dick Powell became a film Noir Private Eye and director. It was written by Harry Warren with lyrics by  Al Dubin. 


This song comes from, “The Gay Divorcee”  starring Astaire and Rogers and the dance became a hit to dance to as you can see in the film. Fred didn’t sing this song, Rogers did, aided by Erik Rhodes and Lillian Miles never mind all the dancers in this big number. The song was written by Con Conrad with lyrics by Herb Magidson.


Talk about. Production! This was the film that introduced Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers to the public and they stole the film. This was a song, written by Vincent Youmans with lyrics by Edward Eliscu and Gus Kahn, became a huge hit and people butted heads to create a dance craze, albeit briefly. 

So…can you guess which song won, which was nominated and which got no respect?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Who Should Have Won the Oscar-1943


Casablanca is, rightfully, one of the best films ever made. It stands the test of time because of all the intrigue and exceptional writing. The writing excels which is why it won the best screenplay Oscar. I don’t understand how it did not win every award but, it didn’t, which is why I chose this year and Best Supporting Actor for 1943


Claude Rains never won an Oscar which is sacrilege especially since he did not win for his role as the unscrupulous Prefect in this film. He has some of the best lines and you know he has a heart, somewhere in his Vichy attire. He plays the Prefect so well, balancing villainy with a rogue heart of a Resistance man. He forms a friendship with Rick  the owner of this dining establishment where everyone goes to play intrigue. A real gem 


I love Charles Coburn who is a classic Hollywood character actor and who lent his voice and that face to many films, whether it be a drama or comedy but I liked him best in comedy. He won the Oscar for his role and, if he wasn't up against Claude Rains, I would say aok but, I feel Claude deserved it more. This film is great especially when it was made during the height of the censorship laws. He plays a millionaire who has come to town to deal with the housing shortage only to be turned away from his hotel because they have no room. He happens upon a place,  rented by Jean Arthur, and he asks if he can rent half the space. She agrees and soon you see a handsome Joel McCrea, soon leaving for war, who needs a place. Coburn sees the 2 are attracted to one another, and decided to rest his half that he rented from Jean. She is none too happy and hijinks ensues. It's quite funny and very charming. 


This is not just a basic Western as one always thinks of a Western but a  gritty look at mob mentality that can be attributed to today’s mobs which has not really changed. Henry Fonda and Harry Morgan( Col. Potter in MASH) are 2 cowboys who come to a town for a meal and a night’s sleep and find out that the town are after men who killed a local rancher. The 2 men join the posse and they come across 3 men having a sleep. Here we meet Dana Andrews as one of the 3 men who bought cattle from the rancher. He tells the mob that the bill of sale will be forwarded later but they don’t believe him and the mob want to hang the 3. Dana Andrews was so good as the young man who knows his fate even though he is innocent. I don’t think he should have won but I do think he should have been nominated. This film is directed by the great William Wellman, who  created a thinking man’s western and a sobering view of a mob mentality.

Have you seen any of these films? You must see these..especially Casablanca.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dimples Day


This week its all about Dimples, Cows and sugar cookies appreciation day. I went with dimples and 3 people came to my mind who have those dimples when they smile..or want to sell you a used car. Head over to Monday Music Moves Me  to listen to all the others. Here are my 3...


Gene is an excellent dancer par none but fir a few his equal like Fred Astaire and The Nicholas Brothers. He could sing in his thin voice which also really worked well especially when he had a huge grin. I hope this musical venture, from Si singing in the Rain" shows his dimples to the best effect.


 Jack Cassidy was the dimpled star of  Broadway, married to Shirley Jones and they reigned as the sweethearts of Broadway. He charmed quite a few chorines while married to Jones and was jealous of his very famous son, David Cassidy, belittling his son and his son’s success harming him deeply since all his son wanted was his dad’s acceptance. He was a really good singer who could play a cad really well in many films and tv shows almost blotting out how good he was in musical theatre. Sadly, he was an alcoholic and died in a fire due to a cigarette. A sad end to this dimply star.


I love Hugh Jackman who would have been in many musicals if it was the 1930s, 40s or 50s but,  at least, we have him in a couple of film musicals, the Tony’s, The Oscars and Broadway. He can play anything and he is good at what he does. I chose this song from the excellent film, “The Greatest Showman” because he shows his dimples which, makes me melt. Love this guy. 

Any Dimple Songs, Cow Songs or Sugar cookie songs you know?

Yes, I LOVE The Far Side from the Brilliant mind of Gary Larson.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Oh Mamie, Mamie, Mamie


I was thinking of back to school movies and I thought of one movie and started looking at the wondrously, tacky Mamie Van Doren who, back in the 50s was the poor man’s (very poor), Monroe. This chickybird is still alive at 93 although, I bet, her boobs are, now, much younger than she is. I found out she was in more than one movie about school…who’d a thunk!


In all the films I am going to talk about, I am amazed at the amount of stars  that are part of it, no matter how much they wanted to deny it…except for Mamie Van Doren. This film stars Russ Tamblyn ( who does no backflips in this flick) as an undercover cop going to a high school to find out who is distributing drugs to the youth. While  there, he notices that a young Mamie ( well, she must have flunked out since the 1940s) smokes…..marijuana! You wonder if “21 Jump Street” got the idea from this movie. There are some fun faces  in this movie like Jackie Coogan ( Uncle Fester from The Adams Family and a famous silent film child actor) to Michael Landon of “Bonanza” and “Little house on the Prairie” fame. It’s dumb but fun. Jerry Lee Lewis introduces the film with a good ole rock and roll song.

2. GIRLS TOWN-1959

Nothing like seeing Mel Torme as the head of a biker gang wearing a leather jacket…hahahahaaa..I can’t…he looks like a mild mannered accountant. So, there is a jerk who falls to his death and the wrong girl is blamed. Why any girl would be blamed is beyond me because he was trying to rape her but, it is the 1950s. Anyways, Mamie, playing a 16 yr old (enter the laugh track) is a bad chickeybird who is sent to reform school run by nuns. Will they be able to teach her anything? Do we care? Again, a bad film that is so good especially with the music from Paul Anka and The Platters.


Oh…this is so bad it’s good. I mean…yes, it’s bad with Mamie as a Professor who knows many languages and can teach science…of course but has a stripper past. You have a robot who can guess the future and an idiot who wants to steal the robot from the school. John Carradine plays an older professor with Jackie Coogan and Vampira in the cast. Conway Twitty played himself and to his dying day, he hated that he was in this grade Z movie. Tuesday Weld was in this movie and became good friends with Mamie. You know, they could have been just teachers but  it doesn’t matter. Yes, this is bad but it’s fun and how can you not love the title.

What teacher movies can you think of and, have you seen any of these Mamie movies? You know I almost went with “Teacher’s Pet” with Doris Day as a teacher, in night school, for journalism and Clark Gable as an old timer reporter who thinks her teaching sucks. Mamie has a small part as his girlfriend. I almost went with this movie but…it’s a good movie and just doesn’t fit my theme within a theme within a theme aka school movies with Mamie that are bad.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

First Week of School…


This is Dagmar, she was a big personality back in the 1950s on TV and also known for her…assets. In fact the front bumpers that jutted out from the early Cadillacs, were called Dagmars by the youth hot rodders. You hear her name in one of the songs I am choosing today. It’s freebie week at Monday Music Moves Me and I’m still thinking of school so here we go…


I love this song and we must have all known one girl that seemed to attract all the attention. In my school, her name was Penny Banks..I’m not kidding, that was her name and she had long blond hair that her mom created the “10” look just like Bo Derek. All those tiny braids looked amazing on Penny and I swear, when she moved her head, everything went into slo-mo mode. We all thought she was cool especially since she was dating a senior. Now, I think he was a pig for dating a 14 yr old but back then, she was cool. She was one girl that never bullied or abused me despite being cooler than cool. Carole Pope nails it as the lead singer.


I am one that always found this strange, strange man funny and his take on the cafeteria food was so true and funny. I rarely ate cafeteria food.


I’ve been to more than one school dances watching the teens slo mo dance and laughing when the music got faster and the kids didn’t know what to do, like when Staircase to Heaven was played at every end to the school dance. For once, I’d love to see a school dance be like the one you see here. Wouldn’t that be fun…totally unrealistic, but so much fun.

So…which songs make you think of back to school?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Star For September


BIRTH: September 12, 1888

DEATH: January 1, 1972

AGED: 83 years

DIED FROM: kidney and liver failure as a result from a failed suicide attempt.

MARRIED: Twice- Yvonne Vallee and Nita Raya

AFFAIRS: Frehel, Mistinguett( volatile but was the love of her life), Arletty, Marlene Dietrich( big surprise), Lise Bourdin, Kay Francis, Miriam Hopkins, Merle Oberon, Toby Wing, Genevieve Tobin and just a out every chorus gal etc... 


OSCAR NOMINATIONS: THE Big Pond, The Love Parade

TALENT: Acrobat, Singer, Cabaret Star, painter

KNOWN FOR: aside from bedding tons of women...he was known for his miser like ways. His trademark Boater hat and tux. His ego but also his morose manner.

Maurice Chevalier is known for his French accent and lover and love for life man that is often imitated. So much so that, today, most people have no idea that the French guy is from Chevalier. What's funny( sad funny) is that he suffered from depression, and was a bit of a cranky dude. His dad was an abusive alcoholic who left the family and his eldest brother got married and, also, left. Their mom did everything she could to keep the 2 boys fed ending up in the hospital due to stress. Maurice went out to earn money, becoming an acrobat but, when he fell and was badly injured, he went on to other jobs..many others until he decided to sing. This did not go well but his brother and mom told him not to give up and he didn't. Before he could whistle French, he was becoming known. Soon, the biggest name in French entertainment, Frehel, took him on, in more ways than one. The problem...she had a major alcohol and cocaine addiction and he got hooked on cocaine. Well, once he could move on..he did and became an item, off and on with a big star, Mistinguett. 

World War 1 came on and he had to serve but was captured, in 1914, and was sent to a POW camp where he kicked his cocaine habit and learned Englush. Due to Mistinguett's knowledge of key people, she was able to free him in a prisoner exchange. How did Maurice thank her? He left her on to another gal, Arletty, and another and another. 

He hit the very big time when he came to Hollywood as a big star from France and he let everyone know this. He thought he was God's gift to women as well and tried to bag as many as he could, which he did. One who did not like his advances was Jeanette MacDonald who starred with him in 4 of his early pictures. He would deride her after because she rebuked him. They, actually, made a great team  which helped the musical regain its  footing. 

He decided he liked the stage more and moved back to France where he married for a 2nd time, to a Jewish lady. When Hitler took over France, they headed to the South which was more removed from the horrors of war. Unfortunately, The Nazis wanted him to sing and he would politely decline until they gave him an ultimatum..come with us or your wife and her family will be killed. He agreed to go with them and sing but on condition that they free 19 French POW'S. Despite him singing for the Resistance before being taken by the Nazis and singing for the POWs, he was initially charged as a collaborator and was almost hung but people came forward and he was vindicated. Not so much the U. S of A who placed him as a Communist because he signed the Stokholm Appeal to prevent nuclear arms being made.  In 1946, he divorced his wife and continued on performing, in more ways than one. Finally, when he was much older, he became the man we know more for than his earlier work. He was the happy-go- lucky Bon Vivant who loved love, life and champagne. He was in quite a few Disney films, the last years of his life but most he worked with, felt he was the exact opposite..cantankerous, moody and not very happy. He probably suffered from depression but went undiagnosed..mostly. He tried suicide more than once and the last time, taking barbituates, he hurt his kidneys and liver which led to his death. He is buried beside his adored mom whom he loved more than anyone.



2. THE BIG POND-1929





7. GIGI-1958

8. CAN-CAN-1960



I haven't seen any of his early films which I want to rectify one day. I love Gigi, Can-Can and Love In The Afternoon as well as the Castaways one.