Monday, October 28, 2013

look whose here...Dragon:) -Anything Goes -Add Some Black

I have been gone for a while. I did make some fairy cards and tried to add them to some challenges but, for some reason I couldn't. I have a gift when it comes to screwing up with computers. I had a dear friend visit me and he is going soon to Thailand until April(yes the brat) so I decided to create a dragon since I was born the year of the dragon.  I love these stamps this lady created-it is so intricate and it is hard to see the detail but I coloured this with tombow markers. I placed it on a black background with this black paper that I love and must get more. I then had it mounted on an antique gold cardstock and added the sparkle stickers around it. It has been nice getting back into my card making. Where did the summer go? I know fast and furious but much better than those bad movies. Happy Halloween to all

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fairies for Christmas

I can not believe it has been this long before I posted anything. Let's just say it has been pain was out of control but I am on medication and I feel reborn in some ways. The chronic pain was getting to me. Our cat was sick, flying ant problems at the house, my mom is forgetting more, my brother is not in the best place right now and needs some tlc for sure, my spouse hit a main gas line (ughh) and that will cost me plenty and just life in general. Of course Christmas Cards all Year Long had a special-put fairies in one's work. I missed the deadline!! What else is new. I also saw non traditional colours for other great posts I belong to...oh well at least I made some cards.

The first card I cut out the fairy and placed her on the blue background. I used my cuddlebug to cut out the fancy snowflake design and I used an edger as well. I also used the cuddlebug for the poinsettia:) There is some sparkle added in every card. The 2nd card I did a lot of masking and made a winter scene with the fairy queen:) The 3rd I had left over card stock with some twinkling H2o's and used gold stickles to swirl around the colour. I added other cardstock and the fairy and ended it with some ribbon and crystals. the 3rd card, I stamped the holly and coloured it with some glitter pens. I cut out some leaves and added them for some 3d flare. I stamped and coloured the fairy-oh my:) The last one I made monochromatic-all in gold and used the cuddlebug to cut out the ornament and then stamped and cut out the fairy which I coloured and added some glitter dust. Well that is it in a nutshell. I hope you all enjoy it:)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Santa Inspired - Christmas Trees - Anything Goes - Clean & Simple - O for O Christmas Tree - Anything to do with Santa - L is for Lace

OK so I realized, quite quickly, that I have no Sleigh which I would love to have plus no elves etc... Anyway I have Santa's carrying presents! I didn't have time to do reindeer but, maybe soon:) I missed the Vintage Christmas so the 2 Santa's come from this troupe too. The Vintage Christmas was from Christmas Cards All Year Round.  The first card I used the cuddle bug and brushed gold on it, layered the card and stamped the old world Santa on glossy white card stock. I placed a nice ribbon around and finished it off with amber crystals. I call it my Byzantine card. I think I spelt Byzantine wrong...oh well.
My second card, I thought of those  vintage cards in the colours often not used now but you see them in the old Victorian cards. I used a shimmery pinkish card stock and stamped the Santa holding a Christmas tree. I coloured it with pastel chalks and then glittered the whole Santa image with that dusting glimmer powder(never sneeze when using this). I surrounded it with lace that I used dye stamps to colour the lace and also used pearls around it for a final effect. This is purely all girl. Oh yeah-I added the punch and a button. There was a Buttons and bows challenge with lace but, true to form, missed it.
The last card is a simple card that I stamped the Christmas tree image in a dark green. I actually used a patterned paper and mounted it on the dark red paper and then the dark green. I added the button and the Merry Christmas and used stickles around the edges.  I think I will do more cards.....:) I don't know about you but I am loving this weather!!! It is not crazy hot, no a/c on and loving the beautiful day

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tulip Birthdays Plus a Manly Birthday Card Anything Goes - Sparkle -Happy Birthday -Anything Goes

I have been gone for quite a while eh? Not sure what happened but I shall blame life and that it takes a while to get the lap top up and going and I find it a pain in the neck so I end up not being on a computer at all when I am not working. Weird in this day and age. Well 3 cards-all birthdays. 2 are for girls and one for a man. The first 2 I coloured with prisma pencils which I love and added cardstock with some shimmer and the 2nd one, I used the cuddlebug and cut out the flower part using a glitter paper which I love.  I added stickles for some added sparkle:) The last card I used the cuddlebug for the bronze thin paper-It is like that paper used to cover the mini chocolate egss-very fine. I embossed a design in sparkle black powder on a deep red paper and added the centre part. I finished it off with some red crystals. The black paper is also shimmery:) Now I am off to Quebec-on the Richelieu river. My hubby's aunt lives right on the river. Take care and have a great week. Did I mention I am now on vacation for 2 weeks----yippee!!!!!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Fairy gal - Anything Goes - Sketch

I made another card for a cutie of a gal-my friend's little girl. I used some funky colours and love the card stock which looks yellow and green depending on the light. Flutter has a sketch and I tried it out here using other card stock laying around. I coloured the fairy with gamsol pencils.  I added the butterfly with glitter of course and used this pen that makes pearl drops. Now I am off to wash my one cat who is too fat to clean herself. We adopted her and she was too heavy when we got her. Trying to get her away from the other cat's food is like trying to tell a nerd he can't watch Star Trek. (I love Star Trek).

Fairy Land -Anything Goes -Anything Goes -Birthdays -H is for Happy

Well I have been out of commission for a while due to illness and it is annoying. I have been looking at blogs but not partaking. Yes bummer. Still have a cough and losing voice(although I think my hubby is secretly happy about that). Now we have had great weather here in Canuck land although it is supposed to get humid and hot which I hate. The Alphabet Challenge was fun to view-they had E for emerald, F for fantasy, G for glitter and gems and now H for happy. I decided to incorporate all of these in 1 card. I used glossy green cardstock and this nice card stock in a lighter green. I stamped the dragon in emerald green and stamped the fairy in a dark green embossing powder. I coloured her in tombow markers and glittered up her wings in 2 shades of green. I added the metal round things(what would be their right name??) and placed to gems (OK not real:)) on top and added the Happy Birthday and the corners in gold stickers. I placed the butterfly up as well in glitter. This is for our niece. Her birthday has passed but we have not seen her yet so this goes to her. Glitter and sparkle has birthdays as their theme and MIM is always anything goes. Whimsy has this as well. These all are great sites!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Best and Worst Movies Ever

I was really thinking about this since the great Alex promoted this event. I had some true time since I have been ill for a month which sucks big time and has prevented me from doing much on my blog. Now I was thinking about The Day The Earth Stood Still, War of the Worlds, Dracula, All Quiet on the Western Front and even It's a Wonderful Life(yup a TV remake with Marlo Thomas-sucked). I decided to do 1 film that had both Best and worst because it was remade twice barring all the other rip offs inbetween. I chose King Kong! That mighty ape and no I am not talking about the Toronto mayor who just this morning is in the news apparantly having fun with a drug bong but that mighty ape who dies at the end(oops spoiler alert but then if you haven't seen it you have been living under a shoe somewhere).

The first film was made in 1933 starring the wonderfully screaming Fay Wray. I love this film and, even though I don't believe it was the intention to bring a lot of pathos for the ape, one falls under his spell and you really route for him and wish he was never taken off the island.  Now they used Kong in many other films even King Kong vs Godzille which I am proud to say I have seen but they decided to remake it in 1976 with Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange. It grossed alot of money and was even up for some Oscars but this movie sucks. I am sorry but it was too campy and just plain awful in my books and beating one over the head with how bad humans are to the sweet misunderstood ape. It is weird as well that they chose the World Trade Centre and sad in some ways now to see this considering what happened but still-I wanted Jeff Bridges character to get killed to just shut him up. Thank God Jessica Lange decided to get more acting lessons.

The best remake is King Kong in 2005. I love this movie and Peter Jackson played homage to the 1933 film and still made it beautifully. The acting and special effects are great and it brings great acting including thr ape(Mr Sirkis you are amazing). I can't say more about this film-Just fab. So this is my pick. I do not have best and worst for songs because even though I have heard originals and the remakes of many I can't recall the names or the bands as I suck at that. So enjoy your day and I will too with the long weekend now looming:)