Saturday, January 25, 2014

January, snow, snow, snow and some Christmas Cards -Anything goes as long as it is Christmas -Double Embossing - Something New - Christmas Animals

My first cards of the new year. I made them at the beginning of January but I had to put the Christmas décor away and then I got sick-yuck! I am feeling much better now which sounds a little Norman Bates like:). I used wet embossing on all of them and I used the deer stamp and the Christmas birdie stamp twice but in a different way. The last one was trying to do an all gold card. The first card is traditional colours, layers cardstock, embossing in red and green tinsel dust and highlighting it with sticker borders. The 2nd card has the deer again and I found this cool metal looking paper  before Christmas and I dry embossed that with snowflakes. The 3rd card I used pale blue colours and embossed it with psychedelic dust powder and used stickers for the border. The 4th one is again in traditional colours and layers and embossed and my last one is all in gold which looks better in person than on the picture. That's all for now. I am enjoying the snowstorm...yup I guess I am weird but who cares:)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Insecure writings

I have not joined this in a long time and I thought, well, why not try again for a while. What will this year be like-will it be glorious and full of fabulously frolicking fun or a constant mish mash of mish mash. I guess it is all in how one can perceive the everyday life-crap that comes along.  First-did anyone make New Year's resolutions? Like so many I am thinking about my weight, exercise, being nicer to people, travel, spend less and I realized that I break all of these pretty fast. Last night I ate cookies and I did not go swimming and sat on my ever expanding fat ass and I felt great! I always try to be nice to people unless they are assholes and then I refuse to be nice when they clearly do not appreciate my effort. So far-no assholes that I have met this year unless you view the mind sucking entertainment "news" on the Biebs, Kardassians or some housewife from a place the average Joe could ever live near. ( would we want to?). Travel-I travelled to the wonderful town of Fort Erie-OK OK it is not Paris, London, Munich or even Toronto but I did travel today:) As for spending-well our one car(1998 Honda) had a problem with the A/C and if it wasn't fixed then the whole car would have been in non working order since they make cars nowadays where everything seems connected. The cost $868! My car-a beautiful 1995 Chrysler Concord that huffs and puffs and gets me to Fort Erie has no heat! It was fun stopping every 2 minutes to scrape the windshield so I could see where I was driving. Not the best thing to do but thankfully a little heat was coming from its bowels so my driver's side cleared up within 3 minutes (after 10 minutes of idling). This leads me to my next question-How do you like you car? What was your worst car? Since I am clearly still in the 1990's and have never known the orgasmic feeling of owning a new car I can say that each of my cars have had their share of being cursed at and kicked. This last car of mine is the nicest but my most famous car was my 1973 Ambassador-the Blue Beast. If the alternator or voltage regulator went, then something else did. When parts fell off, I just threw them in the back seat but made sure it was only on the one side since I had a hole at the bottom and people sitting in the back could watch the road go by. Ahh what fond memories. Right now my Huff and Puff will last me until it won't go or I shoot it and put it out of its misery. I will save up money to buy another used car and pay cash as I just can't take a car loan or I will convulse and mutate from Ms. Jekyl into Sister Hyde. OK on that note this is my entry and I plan on visiting some blogs and read other's musings and writings.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year Use your favourite Image - Anything Goes

Well my last post for the old year and what better way to ring in the New Year than to have a guardian Angel Herald it in. I love this Angel stamp-One can do so much with this stamp but I decided to make it simple and embossed it with  Egyptian gold powder. I then placed it on black and gold cardstock. I have so many favourite stamps but angels  always love. I also could not help but place a picture of my tree. I love Christmas and decorated my whole house but this is my tree. I love coloured lights. I have glass blown ornaments along with egg ornaments my mom made and gifts from people and then I hang the tinsel on one strand at a time. This was how my great grandmother decorated in Germany, my Oma and my mom. It will probably die with me but not before enjoying all the times I had making it. Now I plan on making this for at least another 50 years so that will mean I will be 100:) Happy New Year everyone

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Little Spring in November - A Sketch - Anything Goes

I can't believe I did 2 posts in one day! I had a blast!! I used the sketch from FBW and I thought I would make it spring like. I did do some Christmas cards just before, if you want to check them out:) Anyhoo-I used the cuddle bug on this nice background paper that has some sheen to it and I used the cuddlebug for the corner cut outs. I used a punch for the edge in cute hearts. I placed a glitter salmon coloured background with a shimmer lilac paper and stamped the butterfly and embossed it with psychedelic powder. Added the pearls and the ribbon. Have a great week ahead everyone!

Winter Wonderland -Anything Goes - Have a Beary Christmas -Show Us Some Snow - American Thanksgiving or Christmas - Winter Wonderland - Winter Wishes

I like doing 5 cards still for Christmas Cards All Year Round but I have been lax this year in getting to them. There have also challenges did and missed. Such is life especially this year. My first and 3rd card I bought this new type of paper that is really cool as it is shiny and that appeals to me. I also always loved the gasoline colours (you know when you look down o the pavement and the gasoline shows these beautiful colours) that is on the 3rd card. All the cards have snow on them and snowflakes. I have had to deal with a few flakes in my line of work recently so I thought this was a good idea(hahaha). I used the cuddle bug for the backgrounds and also for the punches. The 3rd card was for a challenge-it was a -shoot forgot the word-you have to do a challenge that they drew and repeat it. My brain just took a nosedive here.  The 2nd card is my Beary Challenge. I know he may not be the cutest but I think he is and I love these types of stamps. The designer of these stamps is amazing to me. I used twinkling H2O's for the background and stickles as well. I just bought my snowman and had to use him here which I glittered up of course. I cut him out as well as the holly leaves which I embossed in red and green glitter. I added the snowflakes and the saying. I actually would love to see some snow right now as it might put me in the Christmas mood. My moody angel was a for a colour challenge-black, white an grey but I missed that one too:) I used the cuddlebug for the snowflakes and coloured them in with a black glitter pen. I stamped the angel and used white glitter for her gown. So I think all show some snow and winter coming our way:)

Monday, October 28, 2013

look whose here...Dragon:) -Anything Goes -Add Some Black

I have been gone for a while. I did make some fairy cards and tried to add them to some challenges but, for some reason I couldn't. I have a gift when it comes to screwing up with computers. I had a dear friend visit me and he is going soon to Thailand until April(yes the brat) so I decided to create a dragon since I was born the year of the dragon.  I love these stamps this lady created-it is so intricate and it is hard to see the detail but I coloured this with tombow markers. I placed it on a black background with this black paper that I love and must get more. I then had it mounted on an antique gold cardstock and added the sparkle stickers around it. It has been nice getting back into my card making. Where did the summer go? I know fast and furious but much better than those bad movies. Happy Halloween to all

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fairies for Christmas

I can not believe it has been this long before I posted anything. Let's just say it has been pain was out of control but I am on medication and I feel reborn in some ways. The chronic pain was getting to me. Our cat was sick, flying ant problems at the house, my mom is forgetting more, my brother is not in the best place right now and needs some tlc for sure, my spouse hit a main gas line (ughh) and that will cost me plenty and just life in general. Of course Christmas Cards all Year Long had a special-put fairies in one's work. I missed the deadline!! What else is new. I also saw non traditional colours for other great posts I belong to...oh well at least I made some cards.

The first card I cut out the fairy and placed her on the blue background. I used my cuddlebug to cut out the fancy snowflake design and I used an edger as well. I also used the cuddlebug for the poinsettia:) There is some sparkle added in every card. The 2nd card I did a lot of masking and made a winter scene with the fairy queen:) The 3rd I had left over card stock with some twinkling H2o's and used gold stickles to swirl around the colour. I added other cardstock and the fairy and ended it with some ribbon and crystals. the 3rd card, I stamped the holly and coloured it with some glitter pens. I cut out some leaves and added them for some 3d flare. I stamped and coloured the fairy-oh my:) The last one I made monochromatic-all in gold and used the cuddlebug to cut out the ornament and then stamped and cut out the fairy which I coloured and added some glitter dust. Well that is it in a nutshell. I hope you all enjoy it:)