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Eisegesis is in reference to a presupposed way of reading ancient texts. It means "reading in" the worldview of the reader as opposed to letting the authors intent be the focus. This hermeneutic inserts personal ideas into the content of an interpretation. Because it assumes the readers worldview in place of the authors eisegesis leads inexorably to anachronistic interpretations, it does not allow the Bible to speak to you on its own terms.[1] Eisegesis generally found widespread success as an intellectual critique of Christianity within liberal Christian theology embraced during the Enlightenment. The ancient Platonist philosophy influenced academic skepticism with some proponents going so far as to question any true knowledge.[2] This movement may be seen as a historical root that grew into the later opposition of a historical-critical/grammatical exegesis.

Liberal Christian Theology

Main Article: Liberal theology

Liberal Christianity, liberal Christian theology or just liberal theology are the terms used to articulate and define assumptions of eisegesis that have been historically inherited by celebrating mans reason alone as the sole authority. Embraced during The Age of Enlightenment or what is also called the Age of Reason, during the 18th and 19th century, a time when the superior view of mans reason encroached into everyday life welcomed with broad adoption of its philosophical principles lifting man up to a point which he was ultimate.[3] Inevitably introduced into all realms of life including religious, enlightenment radically changed cultural, social and political milieus that ran counter to the reason of man. Thus governments adopted a secular mindset that pushed further into religious institutions and faith based organizations, attaching separate political institutions with overarching roles that allow co-mingling of values and ideals.

See Also


  1. African Pastor: 'Jesus Was An Aids Victim' Emma Hurd, Africa correspondent. September 03, 2010
  2. Platonism By Wikipedia
  3. Age of Enlightenment By Wikipedia