The first day Dad and his wife were here, we went downtown Halifax, and of course they already had a new favorite beer, so we had to stop by the Alexander Keith's Brewery. You can see they had their priorities all messed up! lol
Since Halifax was founded in 1749, Citadel Hill has served as the site for four different forts. Each was built during a time of percieved threat. This Citadel was the last to be built (all were built in the same location) and took over 28 years to complete. It was finished in 1856, and was intended to deter an overland assault on the city and dockyard. Such was the strenght of the Citadel and harbour defenses that no enemy ever dared to attack. The British garrison of Halifax was ultimately withdrawn in 1906 in response to the growing tensions in Europe, leading up to the First World War. The Citadel continued to serve an important role with the Canadian Military. During 2 world wars the Citadel served as a sentinel on the home front and a symbol for those departing for overseas.
In 1952 the Citadel was declared a national historic site, signalling the end of it's proud military career. Today it's restored walls welcome all who wish to learn about the defining moments in Canadian history.
I really had a great time here, it was fascinating to read about everything they endured at the fort. While we were there we saw the reenactment of the firing of the noon gun and the change of the guards.
This picture is of Confederation Bridge. The curved, 12.9 kilometre (8 mile) long bridge is the longest in the world crossing ice-covered water, and a decade after its construction, it endures as one of Canada’s top engineering achievements of the 20th century. It's really an awesome site to see!
We took a drive up the Northeastern site of PEI to North Cape, along the way there were wind farms. And at the Cape there was a huge windfarm, as far as the eye could see. It's quite breathtaking to see it in person.
This is the lighthouse at Cape North.
This was one of the windfarms along the way.
We went to a beach at Rusitco and there were sand dunes. I couldn't resist taking a picture of my footprints in the sand.
A view of the beach.
We walked out on a old washed out wharf, and I saw these spider webs and had to take a picture. It was soooo windy out there, the sand gets caught in the webs.
It was hard to get a decent picture of the lighthouse, as the wind was so strong I couldn't stand still, and Dad was holding on to me so I could try to get a picture from the wharf. You can see in the picture the different colours of the water.
This is little wharf we stopped at along the way.
Then it was time to start our journey home. This was taken from the Ferry.
A picture of Mom and Dad on the Ferry. What a beautiful day it was. We saw a bunch of seals and saw 2 whales, but none of us were fast enough with the camera to take pictures.
We also went to the Green Gables House. It was incredibly beautiful. I have pictures of that as well, and inside the house, will share those with you tomorrow as well.
If you stayed and looked at all the pics, thank you for your patience. I know this was a long post, but I just had to share some pictures. I feel restored, and ready to get back to the real world again. I also feel that my muse has returned. Today I am going to actually get some stamping done! lol
Have a great day everyone!!
Kim can click on any of the pics to see them better.