You know how when you're online one thing leads to another... Well, yesterday somebody who is a 'friend' of mine on facebook (don't know the first thing about him... guess he's a poet somewhere... he requested me... as it were) posted the first part of a TV show by comedian Stewart Lee. It's very funny about celebrity books (and if you're from elsewhere Chris Moyles is a really annoying pop radio presenter... from Leeds, the shame of it).
It made me laugh so much that instead of going and doing something practical about the house I watched part two (because I can, hah!). This one is very rambly at the beginning (says me...) but gets going about four minutes in (and is then very funny about rap and BBC radio).
Then, of course, I had to watch the last part... which takes the funniest pop at Harry Potter yet ('Harry Potter and the na, na, na' being my favourite but it's all good).
So, that was yesterday (I did also do some other stuff). Then today Titus had some of a poem by Vivien Jones at hers (here) and that reminded me of this old poem of mine. It's in my book but I haven't done much else with it. It's too rhymey and comprehensible for poetry magazines (I finally realise that what they like best is complexity and, if possible, incomprehensibility... neither of which I'm good at). Ah well.
Pay heed to the special need
Personally I need a lot of help with moving
I need public transport, I need constant soothing
I need my hand holding and I need some quiet time
These needs are special and these needs are mine
You might need a teacher, you might need a school
You might need some help with obeying a rule
You might have a thing about folding and drawers
Those needs are special and those needs are yours
I can't do sitting in well-behaved rows
Snobbery and claptrap get right up my nose
I'm not very good at just following a line
So many needs out there but these ones are mine
You might be allergic, you might be alone
You might need assistance from more than a phone
You might need a moment, a break, just a pause
Because all needs are special, especially yours
RF 2006
Now off to do the other stuff again.
This Wagtail in Venice
2 days ago