I love look of the 1920's - 1930's paper mache style pumpkins but the real antique ones are not in my budget. I have 'upped my orange' in my Halloween labels this fall with this set. I used genuine art from the 1900's; the labels have a bit of a modern touch but still have that antique vibe.    For kitchen decor just use an empty tin can. I wrapped mine with some leftover wallpaper but kraft paper would work well too. If you're super crafty you could rust a tin can and use that.    My leftover beige owl paper was calling me.     This Broom Balm label fits an antique medicine jar perfectly. Keeping an eye on it is my paternal great grandmother's sister and her husband. No photo is safe from a little photo edit at our house. Labels are available in my shop (link in post).  ...
My witch's larder was looking a bit thin so it was time to stock up on some canned goods. Thanks so much to Jen @ThisHolidayHouse for the great idea. These labels are from the two new sets in my shop. They are sized to fit two different heights (3.5" and 4") but I discovered that there are many, many different can circumferences, so you have to fiddle a bit to find the right one. I added as much wiggle room as I could and still be able to print borderless on and 8.5x11 sheet of paper. They add a fun new look to your apothecary.  ...
  There are seven new label sets just for Halloween 2023! Here are just four of a set of ten new labels from my Victorian Horror Author collection #99.     Click the link to my shop and enter 99 in the shop search bar or click the link to this set in the featured items just under the header....
Free Bone Broth Apothecary Label - Halloween 2021   © FREE for PERSONAL USE ONLY It's almost fall and it's time to share a new Halloween Apothecary label with you! Tis the season to get busy on your potion bottles and you may be in need of a label for some good ole bone broth. If you happen to need more labels please visit my store. All sets come with helpful tips for brand new apothecary proprietors and for those of us who have been around the cauldron a few times. I have 15 new Halloween sets and three new Christmas sets on   ETSY  .  You can find a few examples with links above. © FREE for PERSONAL USE ONLY Click on image to enlarge to maximum size and save to your computer. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE ITEMS TO SELL: A licenced (and larger) file can be purchased at my  ETSY STORE  for mere peanuts. Even if you are selling potion bottles or similar crafts on a very small scale you may not use this label without a licence which gives you permission. Just mes......
Happy Halloween preparations! Although I'm not a coffee drinker myself my good friends are... and I thought everyone needed a label for the beverage that helped them get through this year. Enjoy this free 2020 printable FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY .  Please visit Crow's Feet BOO•tique  on Etsy for more high quality original apothecary labels. There are seven new sets for 2020! © FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY Click the label to get the largest resolution then save to your computer. You may have it printed on a mug at a print service or print yourself at home (I suggest matte photo paper) for an apothecary jar,  coffee storage container or framed print....
Happy Halloween preparations! I hope that your witch's larder and apothecary collection is growing nicely. Please feel free to use this new 2019 copyrighted label for your own personal use.  I have many more Halloween labels for sale in my Etsy store  Crow's Feet BOO•tique!   Cottage Use rights are included with purchased labels. Apples used in the first photo are guaranteed poison free as they have been thoroughly tested by the resident apple pickers and apple tester (waiting above to catch any dislodged fruit). © FREE FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY If you would like to use any of my free labels to make items for sale,  even on a small scale , please contact me via my  Etsy Store . The contact link is in the upper right, under my photo. A licence for commercial use is also available. Click on label for maximum resolution and save to your computer. **Thanks to Tracy in Winston-Salem, NC for the label suggestion!! :) Thanks for stop......
We love summer in Canada -- all two weeks of it, but at our house October cannot come soon enough. We are always itching to set up the apothecary. The Potion Creation Department at Crow's Feet BOO•tique developed an October Hastening Powder to encourage the Halloween decorating season to soon be upon us. © My label is free FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY please. Click to enlarge and save the largest version to your computer. Please visit the BOO•tique if you would like more vintage looking labels for your apothecary. Happy pre-Halloween and thanks for visiting....
Just in case you have an urgent need to enhance your wrinkles in time for Halloween (or add another potion jar to your apothecary) I have made a printable label for you.  This fit perfectly on a maple syrup jar filled with water, drop or two of vanilla, and a dash of green food colouring.  My free labels are for personal use only. Light commercial use is included with my purchased labels.  If you are in need of more labels for your witches pantry, please visit my  Etsy Store.   © Click on the label image to enlarge, then save to your computer. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY PLEASE Thanks for visiting! Follow my blog with Bloglovin...
If you love to crochet and love Halloween you too  need a Halloween lap blanket. I used this wonderful pattern that I found on trusty Pinterest. It is a pattern that  is easy enough for a beginner crochet queen and you can work the stripes in any way you choose. Bonita gives it two thumbs up. Pattern Update: I am truly sorry, but unfortunately this pattern is no longer available. The owner of the pattern is Shelley of Missed Stitches and the pattern name is Fall Fantasy Throw. I cannot find any activity for her online since 2020. 48" x 56" I made my blanket a bit larger than the pattern size, but it is easy to make any size you like with the instructions on the pattern. I used Bernat Premium yarn, in black, dark and medium grey, and cream, available at Walmart. I used Red Heart Super Saver in carrot, also from Walmart. If I remember correctly I used two skeins each of black and dark grey and one each of the others. I used the light grey for a s......
Finally, I have updated and put together my Spell Book pages for you. Click on the PDF files below to download to your computer and if you need some vintage looking labels for your witch potion jars, please click the link to my store in the upper right or below. Crow's Feet BOO·tique My spell book pages are free for personal use only. ...
Happy almost Halloween season!  I have finally set up an Etsy store to sell my Halloween Apothecary labels - both my old favourites and all new witch potion jar labels. This called for an update to my free Fairy Pumpkin label. The original version was posted in 2011 and is still available here . It is perfect for those little putka pods that are available at craft stores. This is a great craft for kid's Halloween parties. Click on the label to get the highest resolution and save to your computer. It is free for personal use only please. Check back later this month as I will be offering my Witches Spell Book pages free as well. The link to my store is on the upper right. © ALL FREE LABELS ARE FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY PLEASE **Edited to add: ChicOnTheCheap DIY video ChicOnTheCheap has made these really cute jars of Fairy Pumpkins using my updated label and dollar store supplies.  Her YouTube DIY video ......
Happy Halloween from my kitchen to yours. Our little kitchen nook is one of my most loved spots in the house to decorate. It's amazing how a new wall colour can change your Halloween look. I just left out the orange... Table for three? Note the supervisor peeking in from around the china cabinet.  ...
October means one thing around here... Halloween Apothecary. No bottle is safe from a new homemade label and the Mod Podge. It is in the same spot every year. Some things change, some don't. We have grown from our few bottles that we started making in 2010 to so many that our Apothecary stock has outgrown the cupboard and spilled everywhere.  ...
I hope you were sitting down... it has been a while since I've dusted off the keyboard for a post. Halloween has me inspired, as always. I'm thinking this may be my most favourite mantle of all. Plain and simple. We started with a well aged window, appropriately dusty. Once cleaned and the remaining three pains of glass were Windexed, it was anchored to the wall just to be safe for the upcoming Halloween party. ...
It's a Happy Halloween here in the Crow's Nest. Miss Mina has her very own hand made "Mini Me" gal pal as of yesterday. Here they are together for the first time celebrating the season. Sam, short for Samantha, has her hand in the treat cauldron, not unlike the rest of us around here. ...
Just around the corner from my kitchen is our handy witch's larder. You never know when you're going to need a pinch of this or a titch of that.  ...
I can't believe it is November already. E ven with all this snow  the first day of winter is still more than a month away -- it is technically still fall. Hmmm.  One of my favourite treasures is the Sunbeam Mixmaster that sits on my kitchen counter. It belonged to my dad's maternal grandparents. (We grew up baking with a chrome Sunbeam and I still think it mixed much better than my fancy mixer does today.) I love its yellowed bits and chipped metal. My grandmother gave this mixer to my great grandparents on their 50th wedding anniversary on February 21st, 1956. Another of my very favourite things are old family photos and the stories that go with them. I am fortunate in that we do have quite a few of each from both sides of my family and I am lucky that I have aunts from both sides and my parents who remember the stories.  Marlene and my dad circa 1945 in front of my great grandparents home. Yesterday I visited my Aunt Marlene (she's the li......