Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Early to Bed

(This is an old picture of Kayden.)

So we finally figured out how to get the boys to bed early without any trouble.

1. Take them to play at their cousins so they get worn out and only take a 20 minute nap in the car on the way home.

2. Give baths before dinner.

3. After dinner go look at Christmas lights where they will fall asleep in the car and not even get to look at the lights.

4. Take them home and put them in bed.

Easy, right!

(Note: Do not have their sheets in the dryer. Then you have to put them to bed somewhere else and move them after you make their beds. Without fail they will wake up when you move them to their beds.)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Kayden is in a helping phase. So he helped me decorate the tree. You obviously can't tell because my camera insists on taking blurry pictures, but the ornaments are all together in two groups: one where Kayden could reach from standing on the couch, and the other group at his height standing on the floor. He kept putting all the ornaments on the same branch. By about the 5th one they would all fall off and he would have to start over. It took a while to decorate the tree! I even left them where he put them and haven't rearranged them.

We had to move all of the bulbs up though because Drew pulls them off, bites them and breaks them. Our tree actually looks pretty good though. (Progress from last year when I didn't even put up a tree.)

The Fireman and the Monkey

Here is Kayden in his fireman costume for Halloween. And below is Drew the monkey.

We had all been sick all week with the flu and didn't even know if we were going to be able to go to our ward Trunk-or-Treat. Kayden kept asking all day to go, so a couple hours before we went and got a costume and decided to let him go since he had been couped up at home all week. It had been really windy and the whether was finally calm again. Kayden insisted on using the Strawberry Shortcake bucket for his candy, which Steve was not too happy about. Drew just ran around the parking lot the entire time with his tail dragging behind him. Everyone commented how cute he was, after they would almost run over him because it was hard to see him in the dark. We had a fun Halloween and then went back to being sick.

Here are some other random pictures:
Dad and Kayden taking a nap.

Kayden and Drew eating cookies on the counter (Hey, if I can get dinner made then I guess a cookie is ok.)

Birthday Presents & Cake

Drew's birthday was a while ago now, but here are some pictures from it. Kayden, of course, helped him open his gifts, and then played with them.

We just had cake and ice cream with the family for Drew's birthday party. Drew was very clean with his cake, and hardly made any mess.

Kayden and his cousisn.

Last Summer Days

So here are some way belated pictures. I think that these were actually from September. The boys loved playing outside this summer, and since it is so hot I would usually MAKE them turn on the water so the cement didn't burn their feet.

On this day it wasn't too hot outside, but I went out and found them playing in the water, which was freezing cold. They didn't seem to notice though.

This is Drew's favorite bike, even though he can't ride it yet. He loves to go out and sit on it. He loves it even more if someone will push him on it. Kayden just pushes him into the grass though.

Obviously, Kayden had been pushing Drew in this picture.