Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter Egg Hunts

Well the Easter Bunny didn't visit our house this year. My kids don't know who the Easter Bunny is yet so he has decided to skip our house since he is so busy and come when they are older.

I wasn't totally a Scrooge though (can that apply to Easter too?). We had an Easter egg hunt for playgroup on Friday. Tons of kids came and I think they had lots of fun. Of course, Kayden took forever to get out the door and walk across the street to the park. So we were practically the last ones there. Lots of kids had already found their egg limit by the time we got there. Plus, now we have to walk all the way across the park because the close eggs have all been found. Now it takes even longer.

Only in Vegas is a rock yard with bushes and a couple benches considered a "Park." But, I must say that is was great for an Easter egg hunt for little kids. So it is a useful park once a year.

Drew of course wanted to do everything BUT find eggs. He tried to ride the tricycle we passed, and just wanted to watch the UPS truck. Then when I showed him an egg he wouldn't pick it up out of the bush. (I don't blame him. Those things hurt.)

Drew ended up with only 2 eggs, and he gave those to Kayden.

Then we sat on the wall to eat.

But I am happy to say that one day after Easter our candy was already gone. "How?" you ask. "You're kids must be on a crazy sugar high, " you're thinking. No, simply leave the egg hunt with only 12 eggs when you brought 20, and have the Easter Bunny skip your house. Wonderful!!

Then on Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to have an Easter Egg hunt. We missed coloring eggs (ooops, we missed a big mess with colors that stain clothes and hands) due to having one of the best naps OF MY LIFE!! (Not sad about that)

Here is Drew finding some eggs on the slide. (I actually re-hid a couple for him to find.)

So we had a great Easter, but don't come looking for any candy at our house.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who should say the prayer?

Tonight when I asked Kayden if he wanted to say the prayer he said he wanted Joseph Smith to say it.

OK. That was a totally unexpected answer!

I guess I know now what he learned about in Primary today.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

For Grandma

Here are some pictures for Grandma Gordon from last week.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The cousins have been in town this past week. The boys have had so much fun getting to play with cousins everyday. My house and everything else is totally getting neglected, but we might as well take advantage of getting to spend time with our family. It it more fun anyway than cleaning house.

Jenna has girl cousins on both sides of the family. On Steve's side she has a cousin one month older, and on my side she has a cousin two weeks younger. LUCKY GIRL!! So here are her boy cousins holding their little baby girl cousins. Matthew is holding Jenna on the left and Max is holding Lilly on the right.

Aunt Erin has let us come destroy her house almost every day. Here are all of the cousins (and Aunt Helen) eating some lunch.

The kids love to play all day and seriously never fight. It's great. Us Moms don't have to do anything, but look outside every once in a while and get them juice and snacks. But here's what we found looking out the window one time.

I don't know why Kayden decdied to take off his pants instead of his shirt like everyone else. (Maybe because he can't take his shirt off by himself yet. I don't know.) And little Abi just thinks she is one of the boys. It was cold outside too!

So there is some of our fun for the week.