Wednesday, April 25, 2012


We have been having so much fun lately that I haven't even blogged.  Here's a quick recap of the latest happenings.

We went to Thanksgiving point for story time with Cohen and Cooper.  Cami, Kelly, and I all pushed babies around in our randomly identical strollers while the boys played.  We built cars out of boxes and watched baby chicks hatch.

We rearranged the furniture a bit.  Put the couches more in the entry area so that people don't walk in and see a pile of toys.  We bought a love sac on KSL to fill the empty space in the TV room.  It was a huge hassle to transport so it will probably stay in this house forever.  We got it home and took the cover off to wash it and the zoobie geniuses didn't have the inside zipped up
So thankful for my Oreck vacuums!

We practiced earthquake safety in the Utah Great ShakeOut on April 17th.  My dad prepared a great FHE lesson on it the week before and we spent some time securing our furniture and practicing our "drop, cover, and hold on."  Easton really enjoyed it and is very curious about earthquakes now.

In one of those rare occasions when none of us had a thing to do we took a picnic to the lake and fished.  We had a great time for about 15 minutes until Tyson got a phone call informing him that he was 30 minutes late for work... oops...

The last two days of this week have been wonderful.  It has been so hot outside and we have spent our time eating popsicles and backyard hopping in our great neighborhood.  I absolutely love living where there are so many kids and so many moms to hang out with.  It's fantastic.  

Last night we realized the air conditioner was definitely not working.  We had our suspicions last year, but our neighbors all talk about how their ACs are crappy and how the builders didn't install big enough ones to cool the house and we figured we were just stuck with it.  After it had been running for 2 days straight and it was still 79 degrees INside... we figured there was a real problem!  Tyson went outside to put Bella away and noticed that the whole AC unit was iced over.  This morning I asked around for a repairman and finally decided to just change the filter myself and see what happened.

The filter was NASTY and judging by what we know about the previous owners and renters, I would be willing to bet it has never ever been changed.  Long story short, the new filter made a world of difference and we are now nice and cool.  

When we went to Lowe's to buy the filter, Easton insisted on wearing his super hero gear.  He was just beaming in the cart about all the comments he was getting from random customers and employees.  The cute little super hero crashed on the way home and would pull his mask back on in his sleep every time I tried to take it off. :)

On one last note, Callan can totally walk, but chooses not to.  We kept him up really late last night while Ty watched the jazz game with my dad and Callan and I went to Zumba since Kelsey was teaching it (she kicked our butts and my butt is angry at her today...).  Callan sat and watched us do Zumba and got nice and delirious.  He was so out of it that he would walk back and forth to Tyson, my mom and dad, and me without even thinking.  It was pretty funny. 

Here he is walking with his favorite safety net, the laundry basket.

Monday, April 16, 2012


We had a fun weekend with cousins.  Our California cousins were in town with brand new baby Luke so our Idaho cousins came to town to see him!  

Grandma Allen with all the grands and greats

We went downtown to the church history museum and had a great time at the children's exhibit.  I was really impressed with it.  My kids could have spent hours there.

Shaylee and baby Luke

Easton loved helping Nephi build the boat and fishing from it.

 Callan, Easton, & Deryk preparing food for the missionaries

Easton, Deryk, & Josh collecting eggs from the chickens

Collette, Aspen, Kennedi, & Shaylee as Spanish dancers

Bricelyn and Callan driving the truck

Easton building a wall for Samuel the Lamanite

After the museum we walked through temple square.

 Everyone got to take a look around the City Creek Center.  The kids had a blast in the dino play land.

Maycee & Callan

That night, Easton threw a major fit because we forgot to bring one of his capes.  He had carefully planned who was going to wear each cape and we forgot his.  Leave it to Kelsey to try to fix the situation with a garbage bag.

Hope you are all ready for the Great Shake Out tomorrow!  I'm kind of excited.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter 2012

Easter was really fun this year.  We asked the Easter bunny if he could come on Saturday so that we could focus on the resurrection on Sunday, but it turned out the Easter bunny was really busy on Saturday.  So Sunday morning I woke up sandwiched in my bed by my two boys as usual.  Tyson was in Easton's bed enjoying a peaceful sleep.  I sent Easton to wake up Dad so we could go see if the Easter bunny had come.  On his way down the hall Easton found and egg that the Easter bunny had left and he was shocked.  We woke up dad and headed down the stairs finding eggs along the way.  Easton was so surprised every time he found one.  He kept saying, "You're kiddin' me."  He got chocolate and bubbles in his basket (which he shared with Callan).  Underneath his basket there was an illustrated Book of Mormon story book.  He was just completely shocked with everything.

After all that we got the kids bathed and I laid down on my bed and was out like a light.  I woke up to the sound of the vacuum downstairs.  Tyson had gotten the kids all ready, cleaned the house, and put Callan down for a nap.  I have never slept so soundly in my life.  It was so weird.  I usually wake up to the slightest sound.  We hurried to get ready for church and walked.  It was such a beautiful day.  The kids in sunbeams were on some serious sugar highs.  We went outside to take a family picture and the neighbors were doing the same thing so we took turns taking pictures of each other.  Can I just say I LOVE having great neighbors.  I want to live here forever.

After church we went to Payson for some ham and funeral potatoes.  They were delicious as usual.  We loaded the kids up in the red wagon to head to "old grandma and grandpa Page's."  Callan insisted on standing the whole way.

Callan, Crew, & Easton

We took turns riding the motorcycles around the lawn and enjoyed the beautiful warm weather.

It was pretty great.  We got home that night and put the kids to bed and were up again within a few minutes with Callan.  He was screaming and just rolling around like he was in so much pain.  He has a terrible habit of doing this the nights before Tyson has a test.  So I took him down to the couch and held him all night while he cried.  The last time he did this, he ended up throwing up so I had a bowl ready and wouldn't let him drink any milk, but he never threw up.  It was a horrible night and I felt so bad for him.  I finally got him to sleep around 10 in the morning and my sweet neighbor offered to take Easton so I could have a nap.  Once again, I am just feeling so blessed lately with my neighborhood and ward.  We are so lucky.  Callan slept for three hours and woke up relatively happy.  I wondered if it was just teething (even though he pretty much has all his teeth...) but then I noticed a whole bunch of ear wax in his left ear again.  I remembered that it had been there when he had an ear infection a month ago so I let Easton nap and scheduled an appointment with a doctor.  Sure enough, the doctor said his left ear looked terrible.  When I said, "I figured because of the wax pouring out of it..." the doctor said, "Oh, that's not wax.  His eardrum is ruptured and it's the infected fluids pouring out of it."  Terrible!  I'm a little mad that the doctor last month didn't explain that to me when I told him about the "wax."  Poor baby.  He's got his antibiotic now so hopefully tonight will be a better night. :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easterish Happenings

One day Easton and I painted an Easter basket full of eggs with potato stamps.  He had fun learning about mixing colors.  This was the best picture I could get. Reminds me of the "Up" dogs.  Squirrel!

Wednesday we had a play date with Desi and her niece and nephew.  It was great.

Callan and Clover livin it up at Del Taco.

 After lunch we went to Desi's house to make rice krispy nests.  As usual, the boys really didn't care much about my craft.  But I thought it was delicious.

Easton & Kiron with their nests

After that, Aunties came over to help us color eggs.  We used the Kool-Aid method which wasn't great - but it worked.  And it smelled wonderful, especially compared to vinegar.

Easton had a blast doing egg hunts in the backyard.  That night when he went outside to bring the eggs in, he suddenly HAD to know what was inside the eggs and started smashing them all.  He was so intrigued with the boiled eggs.  I guess he's never seen one before.

Callan played in the sandbox.  He loves it there.  I'll post more pictures of the sandbox we built once we get the garden in and stuff.

And here's our Easter bunny.  We got Bella for Easter four years ago!  She's pretty fun.  She has enjoyed having the whole backyard to herself for the last few weeks.  That is, until it randomly snowed today.  

Also, just wanted to write this down for memories: This morning I woke up and came downstairs and the boys had gotten paint brushes and dipped into Tyson's bowl of mushroom soup that he left out and painted EVERYTHING in mushroom soup.  Lovely.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Dear Genie in a Bottle {you know who you are},

My three year old son has pointed out (in less delicate terms) that your lady parts are hanging out on national television.  While they are lovely, would you please consider putting them away?

A mom who is IN FOR IT in a few short years.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Addition

The other day on the way to church Easton asked me, "Mom, would you like to have a girl baby?"  I told him, "yes.....but not for a while?" I wondered if he knew something I didn't:)

Thankfully, and contrary to Katelin's April Fools Facebook post, we aren't expecting any more {human} babies for quite a while.  But we are doing something I never ever thought I would do.

We're getting a dog!

I know it's so weird.  I've never had a dog and never expected to have a dog.  But I guess if you have boys, you are depriving them of some kind of birthright if you don't have a dog.  Wouldn't want to do that.  After a few months, Tyson found the perfect parents for our puppy.  The mom dog's owner is so cute.  She put together a Facebook page to keep in contact during the birth of the puppies.  It was so exciting to keep track of all the puppies being born! 

Duke & Molly 

All the puppies and our favorites: yellow & green.

The puppies were born 2 weeks ago on March 18th.  We finally went to go see them today and it was so much fun!

Ya they're cute.  I'm somewhat excited.  Although there is dog hair on my computer right now from my jacket and the above picture was taken right before the puppy pooped all over Tyson.  Not sure how I'm feeling about all that.