We have been having so much fun lately that I haven't even blogged. Here's a quick recap of the latest happenings.
We went to Thanksgiving point for story time with Cohen and Cooper. Cami, Kelly, and I all pushed babies around in our randomly identical strollers while the boys played. We built cars out of boxes and watched baby chicks hatch.
We rearranged the furniture a bit. Put the couches more in the entry area so that people don't walk in and see a pile of toys. We bought a love sac on KSL to fill the empty space in the TV room. It was a huge hassle to transport so it will probably stay in this house forever. We got it home and took the cover off to wash it and the zoobie geniuses didn't have the inside zipped up
So thankful for my Oreck vacuums!
We practiced earthquake safety in the Utah Great ShakeOut on April 17th. My dad prepared a great FHE lesson on it the week before and we spent some time securing our furniture and practicing our "drop, cover, and hold on." Easton really enjoyed it and is very curious about earthquakes now.
In one of those rare occasions when none of us had a thing to do we took a picnic to the lake and fished. We had a great time for about 15 minutes until Tyson got a phone call informing him that he was 30 minutes late for work... oops...
The last two days of this week have been wonderful. It has been so hot outside and we have spent our time eating popsicles and backyard hopping in our great neighborhood. I absolutely love living where there are so many kids and so many moms to hang out with. It's fantastic.
Last night we realized the air conditioner was definitely not working. We had our suspicions last year, but our neighbors all talk about how their ACs are crappy and how the builders didn't install big enough ones to cool the house and we figured we were just stuck with it. After it had been running for 2 days straight and it was still 79 degrees INside... we figured there was a real problem! Tyson went outside to put Bella away and noticed that the whole AC unit was iced over. This morning I asked around for a repairman and finally decided to just change the filter myself and see what happened.
The filter was NASTY and judging by what we know about the previous owners and renters, I would be willing to bet it has never ever been changed. Long story short, the new filter made a world of difference and we are now nice and cool.
When we went to Lowe's to buy the filter, Easton insisted on wearing his super hero gear. He was just beaming in the cart about all the comments he was getting from random customers and employees. The cute little super hero crashed on the way home and would pull his mask back on in his sleep every time I tried to take it off. :)
On one last note, Callan can totally walk, but chooses not to. We kept him up really late last night while Ty watched the jazz game with my dad and Callan and I went to Zumba since Kelsey was teaching it (she kicked our butts and my butt is angry at her today...). Callan sat and watched us do Zumba and got nice and delirious. He was so out of it that he would walk back and forth to Tyson, my mom and dad, and me without even thinking. It was pretty funny.
Here he is walking with his favorite safety net, the laundry basket.