Rudy! Rudy! He's Our Man...
Gah! Man, bummer about Fred. I was going to vote for him. Oh well, if I had to vote today, I would vote for Rudy. Because, I just like him. I was originally pulling for Rudy until I fell in love with the smooth talking Fred. Fred just said things right, things I agreed with, and the media virtually ignored him a lot of the time, and well let's face it, he did not run an interesting campaign at all, even though he was very good in the debates.
In the primary, I'm voting my conscience, or as close to it as possible, that means I won't vote for McCain. I just don't like his ways. He is the last person I would vote for. Ok, Romney, so far has not moved me one iota, although I like him substantially more than I do McCain. If it comes down to McCain/Romney ticket, I think I will hurl toe nails.
As nasty as things are getting between Hillary, and Obama, and I have to admit it is almost as enjoyable to watch as any other reality t.v. show where snotty remarks and pot shots are common place, a Hillary/Obama ticket doesn't seem likely at this point. And, has anyone ever considered what would happen if Hillary chose her hubby as V.P.? Hehe. I don't even know if that is allowed, but would be interesting.
It would be nice if all the states held their primaries, or caucuses or what ever on the same day. It is pretty discouraging to watch candidates drop out after losing in one state before the rest of the country even has a chance to vote for them.
Oh well. That's all the time I can spend on this right now. Regardless, there is still plenty of speculating, calculating and assuming to go around without my little scribblings here.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
I'm Bad
I Know It.
It is terrible how lazy I am about posting. What can you truly expect from someone who won't even shovel their driveway when it snows? Huh? I mean really. Well, the ironic thing about that post is after I wrote it, the next day on the news they were talking about how the city was actually ticketing people who do not shovel the snow off the sidewalks in front of their houses. I mean for goodness sakes. The report stated that over 300 people had been ticketed, and that police were doing their best to get as many violators as possible. They went on to add that if people didn't do it, then the city sends someone to do it, and the owner of the property is fined/ie charged to pay for the "service".
I imagined 75 year old widows out there shovelling the snow in front of their homes in 18 degree weather to avoid being ticketed. I mean really for goodness sakes. Granted I'm no 75 year old widow and therefore do not deserve any sympathy in this plight, but still.
It snows here for goodness sakes, but people act silly about it. Seriously, as soon as a flake falls the stores are completely cleaned out of bread, milk, and cheese. I'm no better, I too feel an overriding urge to get out there and stock up on groceries when it snows. I think it is a herd instinct or something.
Well, that's about all I've got for now. Sad I know, but I'll be back eventually. :)
It is terrible how lazy I am about posting. What can you truly expect from someone who won't even shovel their driveway when it snows? Huh? I mean really. Well, the ironic thing about that post is after I wrote it, the next day on the news they were talking about how the city was actually ticketing people who do not shovel the snow off the sidewalks in front of their houses. I mean for goodness sakes. The report stated that over 300 people had been ticketed, and that police were doing their best to get as many violators as possible. They went on to add that if people didn't do it, then the city sends someone to do it, and the owner of the property is fined/ie charged to pay for the "service".
I imagined 75 year old widows out there shovelling the snow in front of their homes in 18 degree weather to avoid being ticketed. I mean really for goodness sakes. Granted I'm no 75 year old widow and therefore do not deserve any sympathy in this plight, but still.
It snows here for goodness sakes, but people act silly about it. Seriously, as soon as a flake falls the stores are completely cleaned out of bread, milk, and cheese. I'm no better, I too feel an overriding urge to get out there and stock up on groceries when it snows. I think it is a herd instinct or something.
Well, that's about all I've got for now. Sad I know, but I'll be back eventually. :)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Bleh Bleh Bleh.
I'm sick. I wrote a whole post, and without even thinking deleted it, or maybe it got saved as a draft, hmm, I should check that, but I don't care, the post was blah anyway.
I'm over my moody Fall blah's, and have been in such a better mood since the new year started, all except for being sick right now. Last night I took some type of syrup that should have made me tired, but made me jittery, and I could not sleep, so I got up and went down and sat on the couch where I fell asleep immediately and slept fine, I just couldn't sleep in my bed for some reason. My legs were restless, but would calm down when I went to sleep on the couch.
Overall it was a lousy night of sleep. It feels like there is a sock stuck up the left side of my nose. It is quite uncomfortable. Nothing feels good, it's like being hungry, but nothing satisfies, or being tired, but unable to sleep. Overall I'm restless, but tired and head achy. It sucks.
I think I had at least 10 people expose me to this junk before my immunity finally gave in and dropped long enough for me to catch it. People, stay home when you are sick for goodness sakes. So, thank you everyone who would not stay home and rest when you were sick.
Ah well, such is life. I've been avoiding my mom and sister as both have lowered immune systems and I don't want to infect them with anything. I hope it works.
I can't wait to breath out of my nose again. That will be nice. For 2 solid days my left nostral has been stuffed up, and completely closed off. It is starting to drive me nuts I think. The headache that goes with this thing is not so fun. Nothing seems to help much medicine wise, I hope I don't end up needing anti-biotics, I don't feel like going to the Dr.
AND, I am scheduled to work tomorrow. I don't know if I will call in or not yet. I will see how I feel this afternoon. Right now the last thing I want to do is touch anyone, what with my complaining about people going out when they are sick, it seems sort of hypocritical of me.
I rarely call in, so it's not like I will be frowned upon for doing so. I only do it when I absolutely have to. I don't work with papers, so I can't go in an cough on my papers, since I work with people I have to be a bit more considerate of them. The rate this thing is moving, I could see myself being out the whole weekend, and that's just not cool. Gawd I hate being sick.
There now, isn't this a wonderful inspiring post if you ever did see one? Wow. I can't believe I am going to post this.
I'm sick. I wrote a whole post, and without even thinking deleted it, or maybe it got saved as a draft, hmm, I should check that, but I don't care, the post was blah anyway.
I'm over my moody Fall blah's, and have been in such a better mood since the new year started, all except for being sick right now. Last night I took some type of syrup that should have made me tired, but made me jittery, and I could not sleep, so I got up and went down and sat on the couch where I fell asleep immediately and slept fine, I just couldn't sleep in my bed for some reason. My legs were restless, but would calm down when I went to sleep on the couch.
Overall it was a lousy night of sleep. It feels like there is a sock stuck up the left side of my nose. It is quite uncomfortable. Nothing feels good, it's like being hungry, but nothing satisfies, or being tired, but unable to sleep. Overall I'm restless, but tired and head achy. It sucks.
I think I had at least 10 people expose me to this junk before my immunity finally gave in and dropped long enough for me to catch it. People, stay home when you are sick for goodness sakes. So, thank you everyone who would not stay home and rest when you were sick.
Ah well, such is life. I've been avoiding my mom and sister as both have lowered immune systems and I don't want to infect them with anything. I hope it works.
I can't wait to breath out of my nose again. That will be nice. For 2 solid days my left nostral has been stuffed up, and completely closed off. It is starting to drive me nuts I think. The headache that goes with this thing is not so fun. Nothing seems to help much medicine wise, I hope I don't end up needing anti-biotics, I don't feel like going to the Dr.
AND, I am scheduled to work tomorrow. I don't know if I will call in or not yet. I will see how I feel this afternoon. Right now the last thing I want to do is touch anyone, what with my complaining about people going out when they are sick, it seems sort of hypocritical of me.
I rarely call in, so it's not like I will be frowned upon for doing so. I only do it when I absolutely have to. I don't work with papers, so I can't go in an cough on my papers, since I work with people I have to be a bit more considerate of them. The rate this thing is moving, I could see myself being out the whole weekend, and that's just not cool. Gawd I hate being sick.
There now, isn't this a wonderful inspiring post if you ever did see one? Wow. I can't believe I am going to post this.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
A Few Things
Just Have to Talk About These Things.
First, I've wondered this for quite some time, why is it as soon as it snows people feel this overwhelming compulsion to get out there and shovel for 6 hours just to clear off driveways and side walks? I don't understand it. The other day my neighbor did just that, he shovelled and even got out his four wheeler with a scoop attached to the front of it, and cleared sidewalks, and the snotty fat German lady's driveway across the street, and I noticed he did not do ours, but did other people's, but whatever. I did not expect him to, but it did sort of make me wonder if he hated us too. Hehe. Anyway, he was out there literally all day messing around with that snow, and shovelling like mad.
When it is 18 degrees outside, the last thing I want to do is go out there and shovel snow. I did it the other day though, I vainly took that red shovel and got out there and cleared as much as I could before I froze to death. Did it help? No. Our driveway is so huge it would take me forever to get it cleared.
As I shovelled I noticed others around the neighborhood laboring over this snow. Old men out there shovelling and shovelling away, and I thought, criminy, why do old people go out and shovel the snow, people drop dead of heart attacks in their driveways trying to move mountains of this stuff, for goodness sakes the first few sunny days are going to melt most if not all of it away anyway. It seems silly to me. It really does. I've heard people say, "well if someone comes along and slips on the sidewalk, they can sue you." Well shit, let 'em try then. I hate shovelling snow, and I have a darn good reason for it, I did it for 6 hours straight one day.
Yep, my friend and I when we were about oh, 20 years old, we needed some extra cash, and honestly, who doesn't at that age, so we decided to head to this day laborer place, and see if we could get a job cleaning motel rooms for the day or something, which is what she had heard they would send us to do. Well, the day we chose to take this little adventure, it snowed, and when we got to the place, the only work they had to offer was for people to go out to various businesses and shovel snow. When our time came we stepped up to the counter, and the man sitting there looked at us and practically busted out laughing in our faces.
He said, "I don't have anything for you two, it's just snow shovelling today" well, we got our little feminist egos in a bunch and said, "We can shovel snow just as good as any man!" He smirked and said "fine, go see so and so, at X Apartment complex and work for him, but I have to tell you, he's going to be really mad at me for sending him a couple of girls!" Ha! "Well, we'll show him!" We said, and we were off.
On the way to the apartment complex we decided we would do our very best, and "prove" something to those bastards. When we found the old man running the place, he and his younger assistant laughed and said, "I can't believe he sent us a couple of girls" he seemed rather disappointed, but we assured him we would do a good job. The apartment complex was enormous, and our task was to shovel all the stairways, and sidewalks around them, they worked on the sidewalks connecting everything. Each building had 4 sets of stairways going up 3 flights or so, and I swear there were 2o buildings. We shovelled and shovelled, and after about 3 or 4 hours the old man said, "go take a 30 minute lunch break" I'm sure he might have thought we would not come back, but we did. I don't think it crossed our mind not to go back and finish the job.
All told the job was supposed to take 8 hours, but we finished it in 6, and I'm not lying, the old man said, "you two girls did better than any man they have ever sent out here to work, no one ever got this done in 6 hours before." We headed back to the day labor place to gloat in the man's face. Sure enough when we arrived he said, "Hey, they were very impressed with you two girls." We got our wages, which stupidly enough was for 6 hours rather than 8. We kicked ourselves for finishing too fast, but were still pleased that "we showed them". After that we went home and died.
Well, it felt like we died. My arms and shoulders were so sore, I could not lift them. I think I slept for 12 hours straight after that. We never went back to the day laborer place again. It was not worth it one single bit. I think we made about 25 dollars for that work. Totally not worth it. To this day, I hate shovelling snow with a passion. Hate it. That's why I have a 4 wheel drive, I just drive right out of the driveway right over it. I know it's not good to leave it on the concrete for a long time, but I just don't care. Because I use my arms and shoulders so much in my job, I honestly don't have it in me to shovel snow and stuff like I used to. Just doesn't seem worth it to me.
I'm sure some people might be absolutely appalled at my idea, and I know it is quite rebellious of me, and perhaps even makes me a bad citizen in some eyes, but really, I think if someone wants the sidewalk shovelled, then they have no right to expect me to provide the free labor to do it for them. I don't own the sidewalk afterall, and if I DID own it, shouldn't I have the right to choose NOT to shovel it, or to even allow people to walk on it if I were such inclined? This whole argument comes from the guilt my father instilled in me as a child, every time it snowed he had that driveway and sidewalk cleared ASAP, I even helped with that many many times, and would do so without even being asked. I never once stopped to think, why are we doing this? We just did it.
Well my parent's driveway was sloped, so if the snow were allowed to freeze up and turn to ice, it made it extremely difficult to get into the driveway, so that makes sense from a practical standpoint. My driveway on the other hand is 3 times the size of my parent's and it is not sloped in the least, but quite flat, and shaded so snow and ice stay there forever, or at least until we get enough sunny and warm days to melt it off.
I'm tired, coming down with something, this post went no where, but I'll go ahead and put it up anyway. More later.
First, I've wondered this for quite some time, why is it as soon as it snows people feel this overwhelming compulsion to get out there and shovel for 6 hours just to clear off driveways and side walks? I don't understand it. The other day my neighbor did just that, he shovelled and even got out his four wheeler with a scoop attached to the front of it, and cleared sidewalks, and the snotty fat German lady's driveway across the street, and I noticed he did not do ours, but did other people's, but whatever. I did not expect him to, but it did sort of make me wonder if he hated us too. Hehe. Anyway, he was out there literally all day messing around with that snow, and shovelling like mad.
When it is 18 degrees outside, the last thing I want to do is go out there and shovel snow. I did it the other day though, I vainly took that red shovel and got out there and cleared as much as I could before I froze to death. Did it help? No. Our driveway is so huge it would take me forever to get it cleared.
As I shovelled I noticed others around the neighborhood laboring over this snow. Old men out there shovelling and shovelling away, and I thought, criminy, why do old people go out and shovel the snow, people drop dead of heart attacks in their driveways trying to move mountains of this stuff, for goodness sakes the first few sunny days are going to melt most if not all of it away anyway. It seems silly to me. It really does. I've heard people say, "well if someone comes along and slips on the sidewalk, they can sue you." Well shit, let 'em try then. I hate shovelling snow, and I have a darn good reason for it, I did it for 6 hours straight one day.
Yep, my friend and I when we were about oh, 20 years old, we needed some extra cash, and honestly, who doesn't at that age, so we decided to head to this day laborer place, and see if we could get a job cleaning motel rooms for the day or something, which is what she had heard they would send us to do. Well, the day we chose to take this little adventure, it snowed, and when we got to the place, the only work they had to offer was for people to go out to various businesses and shovel snow. When our time came we stepped up to the counter, and the man sitting there looked at us and practically busted out laughing in our faces.
He said, "I don't have anything for you two, it's just snow shovelling today" well, we got our little feminist egos in a bunch and said, "We can shovel snow just as good as any man!" He smirked and said "fine, go see so and so, at X Apartment complex and work for him, but I have to tell you, he's going to be really mad at me for sending him a couple of girls!" Ha! "Well, we'll show him!" We said, and we were off.
On the way to the apartment complex we decided we would do our very best, and "prove" something to those bastards. When we found the old man running the place, he and his younger assistant laughed and said, "I can't believe he sent us a couple of girls" he seemed rather disappointed, but we assured him we would do a good job. The apartment complex was enormous, and our task was to shovel all the stairways, and sidewalks around them, they worked on the sidewalks connecting everything. Each building had 4 sets of stairways going up 3 flights or so, and I swear there were 2o buildings. We shovelled and shovelled, and after about 3 or 4 hours the old man said, "go take a 30 minute lunch break" I'm sure he might have thought we would not come back, but we did. I don't think it crossed our mind not to go back and finish the job.
All told the job was supposed to take 8 hours, but we finished it in 6, and I'm not lying, the old man said, "you two girls did better than any man they have ever sent out here to work, no one ever got this done in 6 hours before." We headed back to the day labor place to gloat in the man's face. Sure enough when we arrived he said, "Hey, they were very impressed with you two girls." We got our wages, which stupidly enough was for 6 hours rather than 8. We kicked ourselves for finishing too fast, but were still pleased that "we showed them". After that we went home and died.
Well, it felt like we died. My arms and shoulders were so sore, I could not lift them. I think I slept for 12 hours straight after that. We never went back to the day laborer place again. It was not worth it one single bit. I think we made about 25 dollars for that work. Totally not worth it. To this day, I hate shovelling snow with a passion. Hate it. That's why I have a 4 wheel drive, I just drive right out of the driveway right over it. I know it's not good to leave it on the concrete for a long time, but I just don't care. Because I use my arms and shoulders so much in my job, I honestly don't have it in me to shovel snow and stuff like I used to. Just doesn't seem worth it to me.
I'm sure some people might be absolutely appalled at my idea, and I know it is quite rebellious of me, and perhaps even makes me a bad citizen in some eyes, but really, I think if someone wants the sidewalk shovelled, then they have no right to expect me to provide the free labor to do it for them. I don't own the sidewalk afterall, and if I DID own it, shouldn't I have the right to choose NOT to shovel it, or to even allow people to walk on it if I were such inclined? This whole argument comes from the guilt my father instilled in me as a child, every time it snowed he had that driveway and sidewalk cleared ASAP, I even helped with that many many times, and would do so without even being asked. I never once stopped to think, why are we doing this? We just did it.
Well my parent's driveway was sloped, so if the snow were allowed to freeze up and turn to ice, it made it extremely difficult to get into the driveway, so that makes sense from a practical standpoint. My driveway on the other hand is 3 times the size of my parent's and it is not sloped in the least, but quite flat, and shaded so snow and ice stay there forever, or at least until we get enough sunny and warm days to melt it off.
I'm tired, coming down with something, this post went no where, but I'll go ahead and put it up anyway. More later.
Friday, January 04, 2008
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