Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I laughed out loud

Visiting with my parents today, my dad and I got on the topic of Keith Olbermann's sudden departure from whatever it was his stinky show was called.  I watched it a few times, it was utterly ridiculous so I would change almost immediately.  My dad and I made some silly mockery of his name, I said, "oh I just call them Dolberman and Madcow"  My dad said, "some people on the internet call her Ralph Maddow" and we laughed out loud.  She's just as bad as the other was, what was his name again?

End of Silence

It's been so long since I've written anything here the whole format seems to have changed, for the better I'm sure I just don't know yet. 

As per normal on this space I have no pre determined topic of discussion in mind.

I have Glenn Beck on at the moment.  I am extremely appreciative of his show and the topics he discusses.  It bothers me that I have met people that have never so much as watched his show, but are willing to dismiss him at best, and attack him at worst. 

I'm paying attention to what's going on in the world, but I have very little desire to discuss most of it on this blog anymore.   Apathy is not the word I would use to describe the situation, as I am paying close attention and do care.  No, it's not apathy.  It's just that there is so much that is mind numbingly frustrating that I can't stomach giving it the energy I used to.  It is the vitriolic hatred that some dare to pretend is political discourse that I just can't stand anymore.  Oh who am I kidding, I've damn near given up on the idea that people don't want the stuff that the shellacker in chief is peddling, they want it, and they want my family to pay for it. 

Whenever I decide to venture back into the never ending vortex once known as "blogdom" the first place on my trek is that dear Francis Porretto's Eternity road.  That is my one stop shop for seeing what "peeps" are saying "out there", or in any case, what people I think are worthy of reading are saying.  I must say I'm very pleased with the contributors that Fran has selected to enlighten and entertain us. 

So, for many months I have spent my time sitting at this ridiculous computer screen playing an online game rather than shout my unimportant thoughts and views into the wind.  That's pretty much where I've been!   What about you?!