Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dance Recital

While I was in the hospital with Addison, Megan & Kadence had a dance recital that My mom took the girls up to so they could dance. Cory also made it up there to watch them and take pictures and video for me so I could see them dance also. I was told they would be dancing at Canyon View middle school in the gym, so Cory got there early got really good sets and then was told it was in the Auditorium so he didn't get very good seats by then but that is okay at least he got to watch them. I felt so bad not amking it but I had just had Addison that morning so I couldn't make it. But they did such a great job.

Cory and Addi
Kadence & Addi
Megan & Addi

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Yes She is here!

First thank you Tiffany for getting the post in here for me. It was a really long night when we had here my water broke at 5:30 pm on thursday and we didn't have her until 3:35 am Friday. She is such a good baby and we love her so much. She was 3 weeks 3 days early but is doing great. I will get more pictures on here as soon as we can. We are trying to move in the middle if all this caouse so it might be a little while. But we will get them on here.

Friday, May 16, 2008

She is here!

Addison Mae Curtis is finally here. She weighed 5 lb. 15 oz. and has lots of dark hair. She looks just like Kadence, and is so sweet and adorable. Mom and baby are doing good and trying to get some rest after the long night they just had. Stay tuned for more...!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


(This is Tiffany)

Just a little update. Makayla's water has broken, and she is on her way to St. George to the hospital as I write this. Keep posted, and I will update as things happen!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This weeks baby update!

Well we went to the dr today and we are getting alot closer. I am hopeing we have her in the next week or two. Dr Lunt says she is doing great and she could come anytime. So be ready for the SHE IS HERE post. I can't wait.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Getting Ready to Move

I am getting very excited for two things one the baby could be here anytime and two we are MOVING back to ST. GEORGE and I can't wait. I am ready to beable to see my awesome husband at normal hours of the day instead of 8 or 9 o'clock and night when he finally gets home from working all day then driving to Cedar from St. George. I am also excited to be back by my family, it is really hard even though I am only an hour away to be away from them and not beablt to go over and visit when ever I want. We should be moving in a week or so and if you can't tell I am so EXCITED!!!!

Finally Swimming

We are so excited about swimming. The girls love to swim and have been asking about everyday for I don't know how long, so finally there was a warm day in St. George and we went to Grandpa and Grandma Millers and went swimming. Ther girls swam for 3 hours in the hot tub, the big pool is still to cold but they love any water they can get into. They had a blast and they slept very well that night. It was great for all of us. Thanks mom and dad for letting us invade your house.

Fun times with our Family

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