Sunday, June 26, 2011

married lady

June 4th, 2011
my baby sister,
got married!

But the party started
months before that
at an awesome shower
Paige hosted for the
It was an adorable
1950's housewife theme.
And everyone came
wearing aprons.
So cute!
It was such
a fun theme
and Maddie was
truly showered with love.

And now,
without further ado,
let me introduce you to
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Leavitt.
The day started with
a lovely sealing in the
Arizona Temple.

It was hot outside
waiting for the
bride and groom
to make their entrance.
However, the cousins used
the time to work the cameras before
the bride stole the spotlight.
Of course,
once she arrived
all eyes were on her.
She was stunning
and in the words of
Racheal Zoe,
her dress was
This is the last
time my dad
will be the
Father of the Bride
and boy is he happy.

We then went
to a luncheon hosted
by the Leavitt Family.
The food was delish!
In the evening,
there was a reception
at my parents house.
The inspiration for
Oliver's outfit:
Miami Vice.
The cake was magical
and thanks to the efforts
of all 5 people in our car,
we were able to get it to the
reception without it tipping over.
My favorite part
of the evening
was watching their
first dance.
I choreographed it
for them and they
finished it off with
their own little touches.
They rocked it!
Now how can I
make a living doing that?
Anyone getting married soon?
As some sources say
"The place was jammin'!"
It was a lot of fun
seeing how happy Maddie was
on her wedding day.
And I am sure everyday since,
she wakes up singing,
"sadie, sadie, married lady"

*None of these photos were taken by me so special thanks to Allison, Kaicie, and Erica, whom  I stole pictures from.

Monday, June 20, 2011

father's day

I know I am months
behind on blogging
and thinking of starting
clear back at the beginning
gives me a headache
so I will start with yesterday.
Father's Day.

Reason #47 I Love My Husband:
He will wear ridiculous looking
shirts to appease me.
(and then pose for the pictures)
I saw this idea on
The Today Show
of matching Tie Tshirts
for father's day.
So like any loving wife,
I made some for Curtis and Ollie.
Can Ollie pull it off?
But he had half the tie
chewed off within an hour.
Can Curtis pull it off?
uh...he took a lot of heat for
it that night.
However, Curtis did blame
the shirt on the reason he
couldn't make a shot
during our game of bump-out.
A likely story.

Monday, May 16, 2011

treatment time

In early April,
Oliver caught a cold
and with a cold
he always develops
respiratory issues that
land us in the doctors office
followed by weeks of
nebulizer treatments.
So how do you get a toddler
to keep a mask on for 15 minutes
twice a day?
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,
of course.
Oliver loves this show
and would actually get
excited when we would
say the word "treatment"
because he knew he got
to watch his show.
Oliver is a dancing man
and his favorite part
is dancing to the
opening and closing songs.
It is fun to watch how
excited he gets.
And it make me happy
that I don't have to
fight him to keep
his mask on.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This Easter has been
the funnest holiday with Oliver yet.
For the first time ever,
he showed interest in presents.
He excitedly went through his
basket and enjoyed pulling each
item out.
My mom used to try
to give us a spiritual gift
on Easter and this is a tradition
I want to start with my kids.
So Oliver got a picture book about
the Savior that he can read
while at church.
He enjoyed what was in
his Easter basket but
I think his favorite gift
of the day was the
balloon he got at church.
He loves nursery.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

da bom

Look how the Nielsen Family
has grown!
We all got together to
watch my dad and brother Jack
in a little stake production
about the Book of Mormon.
My mom was behind the scenes
as technical support.
Yes, I said my mom and technical
in the same sentence.
Here is my dad as Moroni
and Jack as Nephi.

It was quite the production
but it was even more fun
having all of the family together.
Hopefully this will be happening
quite a bit this summer with
Sam and Allison only living
an hour and a half away.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


April 15, 2011
My highschool friend,
got married!
It was a beautiful
wedding in Tucson.
We did a little dancing,
a little eating, and a lot
of catching up.
It was fun to see several
of my old high school friends.
I can't believe this summer will
be our 10 year reunion.

Friday, April 22, 2011

i'm a wildcat

No, that is not a
cougar paw,
though several in my
family wish it were.
That is the ferocious
wildcat claw.

Both Curtis and I
graduated from
The University of Arizona
so we couldn't have been
more excited to have seen
Arizona beat the number one
seeded Duke during the
NCAA playoffs.

For the next game we ramped up
our cheering with some face paints.
One perk of being a parent is subjecting
your kids to this sort of thing.
Unfortunately it didn't work,
Arizona lost,
but it was fun while it lasted.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


The month of March
is the best time to collect
all the pecans that fall
from our tree.

As has become tradition,
we call in the laborers,
Parker and Grace.
Oliver used a stick
to keep them in line.
We pay a penny per pecan
which really motivates Parker,
Grace not so much.
The night they stayed over
also happened to be
St. Patrick's Day.
We had a leprechaun
visit us during the night
and leave some gold
and for breakfast we had
green pancakes.
Then in the afternoon,
after we went to the
Dollar Store and cashed
in on pecan money,
we made some
rainbow cupcakes.
Thanks for the suggestion Kaicie.
Thanks to all of
Parker's and Grace's
hard work,
we now have
bags and bags of pecans!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

las vegas

In March,
we snuck away for a
weekend with our friends.

Destination: Las Vegas

It was a whirlwind
of a weekend
and the fun stopped
much too soon.

The highlight of the
trip was seeing
the Beatles
Cique de Soleil show,
Loved it.
This is a shot
of us in the theater
waiting for the show to
I still don't know
if I was more excited
because we were at the show
or because we had a night without
Oliver. (we missed him terribly)
No better time
than a weekend getaway
with good friends.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


With eager anticipation
for Easter,
which has the best
holiday candy
in my opinion,
I allowed Oliver
to experience his first
It was a huge success!