Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Dirty Thirty

So my Cyrus turned the dirty 30 today! Wow! I can not believe he is 30.... He was so not looking forward to turning 30 so I thought I would surprise him with a little party.
He had a "guy's night out" party. There was poker, basketball, dodge-ball, a movie and food. What else would guys want? ;0) He was completely surprised which surprised me because there were so many giveaways! His mind must have been somewhere else :)
His Birthday cake was AMAZING thanks to my friend Leslie Smith! You cant really tell but there is so much detail done on that cake and not to mention that it was delicious! Happy Birthday Cy we love you!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blessing Day....

 My sister Cami and my two sister inlaws
 Katie and Jade. Jade is 2 months older then Indi

 I seriously LOVE this face!!!
 Oh how my Remi adores her little sister.....

This was taken right after Cy blessed her
We decided to Bless Indi before we went out for the summer.... We blessed her in our home and it was soooo nice and easy! Wow! We told everyone to be there at 12 and I think I looked at the clock after Cy blessed her and it was 12:10. Indi was completely awake but calm:)
It was such a beautiful thing to see all the men in my house blessing my little girl.
One thing I don't want to forget is that Cy blessed Indi to have a great relationship with her sister Remi and that they will grow and be best friends. That touched me so much because I adore my sisters and they truly are my best friends! I am so lucky to have these two beautiful girls in my life and a worthy priesthood holder. It was a wonderful day that I will never forget! Thank you all who were there to share it with us....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Newborn pictures

 Here are Indi's newborn pictures! My sweet friend Summer Murdock came over to the house 5 days after she was born and took these pictures. Thanks Sum we absolutly LOVE the pics and thank you Cami for making it possible :)
Check out more pictures from summer at