07 July 2008

Blue Effect - Modrý Efekt a Radim Hladík (1974)

This album was not meant to be instrumental originally, but communists forced the members of Blue Effect to leave out the vocals (because of the lyrics) and later also to change the name of the band to czech equivalent "Modrý Efekt". But even these facts don't influence the high quality of the recordings, solo guitarist and song-writer Radim Hladík is at his best and shows his talent especially on the legendary song called "Čajovna". Newly released version of the album includes two bonus tracks recorded in Germany in 1973.

Size: 46 Mb
Bitrate: 128kbps
Total time: 54' 40''
Sounds like: King Crimson; Yes
Remarkable songs: Čajovna, Ztráty a nálezy
Rating: 4/5

Tracklist (including translations):

1. Boty (Shoes) 9:57
2. Čajovna (Tea room) 4:01
3. Skládanka (Puzzle) 5:49
4. Ztráty a nálezy (Lost and found) 5:12
5. Hypertenze (Hypertension) 12:30

Bonus tracks:

6. Armageddon 6:22
7. Clara 4:13

Download link:

04 July 2008

Collegium Musicum - Na II. programe sna (1976)

Marián Varga, leader of this legendary slovak art-rock group, is a real keyboard/piano phenomenon. Whole band could challenge ELP to duel and you can never guess who will win. Lead vocals on this album were made by Pavol Hammel and solo guitar by czech bluesrock guitarist Radim Hladík from The Blue Effect.

Size: 75 Mb
Bitrate: 256kbps
Total time: 41' 57''
Sounds like: Emerson, Lake and Palmer; Gentle Giant; Yes
Remarkable songs: Na druhom programe sna, Ľalia poľná, V zelenej pamäti
Rating: 4/5

Tracklist (including translations):

1. Na druhom programe sna (On the second channel of a dream) 3:27
2. Náhle (Suddenly) 1:38
3. Letia husi (Flying gooses) 3:50
4. Voda (Water) 1:01
5. S chodníkom na chrbte (With a sidewalk on my back) 7:07
6. Ľalia poľná (The meadow lily) 4:06
7. Papageno z Novej Vsi (Papageno from Nová Ves) 2:11
8. V zelenej pamäti (In a green memory) 2:55
9. Na schodoch gymnázia (On the stairs of the high school) 2:41
10. Správne žiť (To live well) 2:23
11. Z ofsajdu (Offside) 2:42
12. Lodička z papiera (A papership) 4:12
13. Až túto moju pieseň dohrajú (When this song reaches the end) 3:40

Download link: