Daniel and Aleena Boyer Family

Daniel and Aleena Boyer Family

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Love these Goofballs!

Fun impromptu photo shoot before we went to the pool!

Micah's Swimming Lessons 2015


 I had the cutest helper picking strawberries with me! Our strawberries are small but the sweetest I've ever tasted!

Memorial Day 2015 Hike in Alpine

 We had so much fun on this hike with family and our two dogs, Lucky and Coco, when they were both still new. :)

End of Soccer Season Pictures and Pizza Party Spring 2015

He's A Climber!

 Jonah got really high in this cool tree that was great for climbing!


 Poor Lucky wearing the "Cone of Shame" after getting fixed.

Mothers Day 2015

Oh, what a blessed woman I am!

Princess Puppy

Emma likes to pretend! Here she was dressed as a princess but changed her mind and decided to be a puppy in Lucky's crate. :)

Cousin Love

We love visits from Aunt Cheryl and Baby Jacob!

Museum of Ancient History (Dinosaur Museum)

 We love when Nana and Bapa take us to Thanksgiving Point! Here is some dinosaur fun from last year - 2015. :)

Mommy's Littlest Helpers

 Sweet Emma is so playful and imaginative and Micah is fascinated with planting and growing a garden. Love these two! (Spring 2015)