Thursday, June 11, 2020

Vos, the Racist?

Apparently the fool who (illegally?) recorded a phone convo between 'Tricky Tony' Evers, Robin Vos, and Scott Fitzgerald then leaked the existence of the call to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's reporters.

Putting aside the breach of trust and the "who's really in charge" questions, it seems that the leaker wanted to hang Robin Vos on some silly "racism" charge.

So The Narrative is launched.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos blamed the culture of immigrant populations for a coronavirus outbreak in Racine County, according to a secret recording of his meeting last month with Gov. Tony Evers.

“I know the reason at least in my region is because of a large immigrant population where it’s just a difference in culture where people are living much closer and working much closer,” the Rochester Republican said of an outbreak in Racine County. ...

OK?  Now for some High Dudgeon!!

...The Rochester Republican's comments prompted Latino groups to call for Vos' resignation....

All the usual suspects plus a few immediately exploded their heads.

Unfortunately for them, Vos is correct.

...Vos spokeswoman Kit Beyer noted health experts at Duke University have said there is a higher incidence of coronavirus infections in the Latino community because many of them are essential workers or live with multiple generations. 

Cases in the county spiked at the end of May and have been falling since then. When Vos made his comment, cases were on the upswing....

That 'multiple generations' thing also applied in Italy and had similar results. 

If you read all the comments from the Grievance-Monetization crowd (yes, Ms. Neumann-Ortiz, that is you), you'll notice a hair-on-fire response which is far greater than called for by Vos' rather sanguine remarks.

Is that all they got??  A girly-girl hissy fit?  Really?

Full Reverse in Milwaukee Archdiocese

We are reliably informed that Abp. Listecki has reversed himself on the question of Communion on the tongue.

It is now permitted.

We also learned that a few priests simply ignored his illegal order, as St Thomas Aquinas would counsel.

BLM's Anarcho-Revolutionary Creed

We all know that Black Lives Matter was formed by three Communist women.  That said, nothing about their "beliefs" should come as a surprise, although it is NOT part of The Narrative, of course.

...In its online manifesto titled “What We Believe,” the Black Lives Matter organizers Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi say they and their followers “disrupt” the “Western-prescribed” family. They also say they have freed themselves from “heteronormative thinking” and demand “reproductive justice.”

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable,” they wrote.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise),” they continued.

“We deserve and thus we demand reproductive justice [i.e., abortion]  that gives us autonomy over our bodies and our identities while ensuring that our children and families are supported, safe, and able to thrive.”...

Oh.  Try running that up the flagpole in black neighborhoods and see if anyone salutes.

We'll wait.

MKE to Allow Riots at Dem Convention

There may or may not be a traditional Democrat convention in Milwaukee this August.

But if there IS a live, in-person gathering, the City's Common Council is asking for riots.

A series of public bids issued by the City of Milwaukee to purchase tools to deploy chemical irritants to control crowds have been canceled after several Common Council members raised objections Wednesday, citing the Milwaukee Police Department’s controversial use of tear gas and rubber bullets during protests of police brutality recently. ...

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch, eh?  BernieBros and assorted anarcho-Communist groups like BLM assaulting Democrat delegate bar-hoppers and their wives, tossing Molotovs into various bars and the Fiserv-Bucks' building while the MPD stands by, helpless.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Next (and SERIOUS) Assault on the Economy

This afternoon, WTMJ-620 radio reported that the Sun Prairie school district is contemplating a part-time return to school in September 2020.  All in the name of "safety and health," you understand.

Yup.  Part-time.  The little darlings would go to class Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and be home for "distance learning" on Thursday and Friday--or some such.  Pick any combination of days on/off.

They apparently sent a video on the matter to parents. 

If Sun Prairie is thinking about this, you can bet other Districts are doing the same.

Both parents work, and have to be AT work, not 'work remote'?  Well, you'd best re-arrange your debt-repayment schedules, eh?

The schools are generally run by Lefties, hired by Lefty Boards, and the operators (teachers) are Lefties. 

Lefties don't like Trump.

So if the Left can find a way to demolish the economy using the schools and the extremely weak "WuFlu" bullshit.........yah, they'll go for it.  If a few families--or a LOT of families--get bashed up on the way, oh, well.  Too bad, so sad, Orange Man Bad!!

Ace Describes a Few Folks

Apparently someone has appointed him/itself King in the independent portion of Seattle.

I just can't believe this collection of drug addict filth-squatters, unmedicated schizophrenics, trust fund pussies who are LARPing revolution instead of dealing with their anger that their dad isn't gay enough, transexual nomads with borderline personality disorder, rat-tail braid wan sk8terbois who rent out their mouths in the bus station bathrooms at twenty bucks a load, homeless fat advocate gender studies graduates who want to be paid to life-coach people into morbid obesity, and hardcore racist gangsters can't make self-government work.

This is the left's army -- lead-brained droogs and scabbrous nightwalkers convinced that they'd be on top if only the system wasn't stacked against them.

Newsflash, you borderline-retarded, physically repulsive, mentally sick losers: You'd be on the bottom of any system.

You will always sink to the bottom. You are refuse.

That description works well for a lot of people in Madison, too.

Richard Milhouse Evers

Don't like that headline?  How about "Tricky Tony"?

Evers likes to do secret tape recordings of phone calls, just like Tricky Dick.

Republican legislative leaders lashed out Wednesday at Democratic Gov. Tony Evers after his staff secretly recorded a phone conversation over how to respond to the coronavirus pandemic after the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the state's stay-at-home order.

The recording and the reaction to it all but assures a permanently broken relationship between Evers and Republicans who control the Legislature. The two sides have rarely gotten along since Evers was elected in 2018 and Wednesday's episode was characterized by GOP leaders as unprecedented....

What a dumbass he really is. 

Then he blames it on Maggie Gau.  Classy, Tony.  Really classy.

IG Linick: Another Snake in the Grass

Remember that 'saint' IG who Trump fired at Pompeo's request?  Linick?  The holy-pictures guy who was canned because he investigated Pompeo for .......some damn thing.......?

Yah.  That one.

Well, like all Members of Deep State, he's a snake, a liar, and a conspirator.

The State Department is leveling new allegations against fired Inspector General Steve Linick, accusing him of violating the terms of his administrative leave and previously violating the chain of command to absolve himself and his office of leaking sensitive information, two letters obtained by Daily Caller show.

Undersecretary of State Brian Bulatao is additionally urging the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) to open a new investigation into Linick’s alleged actions....

Not only did he (illegally) leak info--he also suborned another IG (in DHS) to "help" him--which was a violation of the terms of his paid leave.

Fits.  He looks like a snake in the picture, too.

Monday, June 08, 2020

More Speech? No. Less Speech.

The RadioMouth crowd is in love with the saying that 'more speech will ameliorate bad speech' (or something to that effect.)  That's largely because they make money with their "more" speech--not because common sense says otherwise.

As it turns out, Wilmoore Kendall ALSO said otherwise.

...Contesting the modern conviction that the chief purpose of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights was to safeguard individual freedoms, Kendall argued that Americans embrace a commitment to community and common good within which freedoms are both contextualized and necessarily tempered. The counter to the “let freedom ring” refashioning of the American Founding, Kendall said, could be found in the instincts of the people his colleagues studied like so many bugs. “One begins to suspect that the true American tradition is less that of our Fourth of July orations and our constitutional law textbooks, with their cluck-clucking over the so-called preferred freedoms, than, quite simply, that of riding somebody out of town on a rail.”...
For context, Kendall's interest was in speaking truth, not lies.

...To tolerate those who advocate destruction of Constitution and community was tantamount to slitting the throats of one’s great grandchildren. “My own instinct would be to let [American Communist Party Chairman] Gus Hall speak freely pretty much anywhere—until such time as the American people have the good sense to deport him to the Soviet Union.”...
Kendall--at one time a professor at Yale--also had a remarkably common-sense method of determining whose speech should be silenced:

...We must summon the fortitude, he believed, to cast the barbarians from our academies and classrooms. And just how does one spot a modern American barbarian? By his stripes. “The stigmata by which he is to be recognized are the various forms of the wish to live off our Civilization and benefit from the commitments it imposes upon others, but not live within them.”...
That would be a wonderful relief from such as Totalitaribitch Whitmer, no?

You Trust These People?

Last graf from a noteworthy editorial about spying on YOU.

...Remember that just in the last year, we’ve learned that the FBI was constantly accessing Americans’ communications collected under Section 702 of FISA illegally. We’ve learned that the FBI breaks its own procedures for applying for FISA orders nearly every time, according to a random sample of 29 such applications. We’ve learned that these lapses allowed illegal surveillance of a U.S. presidential campaign. We’ve learned that the executive branch believes it can spy on Americans even without congressional laws allowing them to do so....
And a few years ago, we learned that the NSA collects information on EVERY phone call and EVERY email made/sent in the USA.  Because they can.

Trump is right:  screw this crap along with its enablers:  McConnell, Schiff, the FBI, and dozens of others who choose to remain anonymous, which is the best way to flagrantly violate the Fourth Amendment.

The Lying Media, Part 65,573

Some woman named Brennan on CBS may have learned something from Bill Barr.  She seemed pretty thick-headed, but that's "the media" as a whole.

Partial follows.  Note that Brennan leads with a pack of lies...

...On Monday, Lafayette Park was cleared of protesters. You’ve spoken about this. The federal agents who were there report up to you. Did you think it was appropriate for them to use smoke bombs, tear gas, pepper balls, projectiles at what appeared to be peaceful protesters?

BARR: They were not peaceful protesters. And that’s one of the big lies that the- the media is- seems to be perpetuating at this point.

BRENNAN: Three of my CBS colleagues were there. We talked to them.

BARR: Yeah.

BRENNAN: They did not hear warnings. They did not see protesters–

BARR: There were three warnings.

BRENNAN:–throwing anything.

BARR: There were three warnings given. But let’s get back to why we took that action. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, OK, there were violent riots in- at Lafayette Park where the park police were under constant attack at the- behind their bike rack fences. On Sunday, things reached a crescendo. The officers were pummeled with bricks. Crowbars were used to pry up the pavers at the park and they were hurled at police. There were fires set in not only St. John’s Church, but a historic building at Lafayette was burned down.

BRENNAN: These were things that looters did.

BARR: Not looters, these were- these were the- the violent rioters who were- dominated Lafayette Park.

BRENNAN: But what I’m asking about–

BARR: They broke into the Treasury Department,–

BRENNAN: –on Monday when it was a peaceful protest.

BARR: I’m going to- let me get to this, because this has been totally obscured by the media. They broke into the Treasury Department, and they were injuring police. That night,–

BRENNAN: Sunday night?

BARR: Sunday night, the park police prepared a plan to clear H Street and put a- a larger perimeter around the White House so they could build a more permanent fence on Lafayette.

BRENNAN: This is something you approved on Sunday night?

BARR: No. The park police on their own on- on Sunday night determined this was the proper approach.
It goes on like that for some time.  Brennan simply did not want to believe that there were violent rioters and didn't appear to give a flying fart about the 150 Park Police who were injured by flying bricks which--in the "mind" of Brennan--apparently got up from the pavement and hurled themselves at the cops.

This is propaganda, not reporting.

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Who/What Is "Tom Arnold"?

Whoever or whatever Tom Arnold is, he attempts to obtain a Manhood Badge.

Desperately trying to stay relevant, Hollywood has-been Tom Arnold has taken to twitter to call for an armed confrontation with Trump supporters by urging black men and “us white liberal men” to borrow their dads’ hunting rifles and go “nose to nose with Trump’s gang of misfit tools.”...

Look, Tommy-boy:  if you have to borrow Daddy's gun, you have manhood issues right from the git-go.

Don't make a complete fool of yourself by trying it, Tommy-boy.


The absolute worst I have ever been treated, the worst things that have been done to me, the worst things that have been said about me, are by northern liberal elites, not by the people of Savannah, Georgia. - Clarence Thomas

We saw the PBS bio of Thomas presented a couple of weeks ago.  It's no longer available for free, but you can get it.  Two hours of fascinating television, worth every dime you may have to pay.

And the above is a quote from that show.

What the Bishops SHOULD Be Reading

Yah, I know.  The US Bishops, including the locals, don't read certain things.  Instead, they wrinkle their noses and continue their Piety Plays, forcing the faithful to think bad thoughts about Bishops.

Maybe they think that we won't recall the homo-predators if we're thinking about Virus Follies, eh?

I think we’re at the point where it is safe to say that the entire Wuhan virus scare was nothing more or less than a massive fraud perpetrated upon the American people by ‘experts’ who were determined to fundamentally change the way the country lives and is organized and governed.

Not long ago, just a couple of months back, we were promised that Chinese Lung Aids would kill over a million Americans. We were told that it was highly infectious. We were told that our hospitals would be overwhelmed. We were told that hundreds of thousands of ventilators would be needed. None of this, not a single projection has turned out to be true....

...To say the ‘science’ driving this shameful episode was akin to necromancy is an understatement. We saw the mutation of ‘professionals’ like Dr. Anthony Fauci from saying on 60 Minutes that everyone wearing a mask was not only unwise but counter-productive to being a mask nazi. All of this without any additional credible research saying the opposite. We were told by CDC that Wuhan virus could, unlike other members of the coronavirus family, survive for days, weeks, maybe forever, on some surfaces, that clothes needed to be sterilized and groceries wiped down or washed, only to later be told by the same organization, ‘my bad, that can’t happen.’...
Yes, Trump bought into this horse-hockey, too.  But that's not an excuse for the Bishops collectively taking leave of their senses and their pastoral obligations.  Even granting that initially the concerns MAY have been legitimate, it should be obvious by now that the happy horse-crap 25%/2 meters/spray your pew/no Communion on the tongue should have been over with on April 30th.

But no. 

It's no wonder that +Vigano suspects there's a lot more evil at work than anyone wants to admit.

Buffalo Crisis Actor: Even More to the Story

The more you know, the more those Buffalo cops should be given medals.

Martin Gugino is a 75-year-old professional agitator and Antifa provocateur who brags on his blog about the number of times he can get arrested and escape prosecution....

During his effort Gugino was attempting to capture the radio communications signature of Buffalo police officers. CTH noted what he was attempting on Thursday night as soon as the now viral video was being used by media to sell a police brutality narrative. [Thread Here] Today, a more clear video has emerged that shows exactly what he was attempting.

In this slow motion video, you will see Gugino using a phone as a capture scanner.  You might have heard the term “skimming”; it’s essentially the same.  Watch him use his right hand to first scan the mic of officer one (top left of chest).  Then Gugino moves his hand to the communications belt of the second officer. WATCH CLOSELY:...
Video at this link.

You won't learn that from the "press."  And the "press" will not notice Gugino's Pretend-to-Fall acting job, either.  But it's clear as crystal if you watch the video.  He's not that confused and old....

Abp. Vigano's Analysis

The more we see of this man's thinking, the more we like it.

The Archbishop wrote a letter to President Trump.  Here's a piece of it:

...In society, Mr. President, these two opposing realities co-exist as eternal enemies, just as God and Satan are eternal enemies. And it appears that the children of darkness – whom we may easily identify with the deep state which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days – have decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans. They seem to be so certain of already having everything under control that they have laid aside that circumspection that until now had at least partially concealed their true intentions. The investigations already under way will reveal the true responsibility of those who managed the Covid emergency not only in the area of health care but also in politics, the economy, and the media. We will probably find that in this colossal operation of social engineering there are people who have decided the fate of humanity, arrogating to themselves the right to act against the will of citizens and their representatives in the governments of nations.             

We will also discover that the riots in these days were provoked by those who, seeing that the virus is inevitably fading and that the social alarm of the pandemic is waning, necessarily have had to provoke civil disturbances, because they would be followed by repression which, although legitimate, could be condemned as an unjustified aggression against the population. The same thing is also happening in Europe, in perfect synchrony....
Yah.  As a matter of fact, we mentioned exactly that only a few days ago.  Vigano didn't mention the "RussiaRussia" lies nor the impeachment sham--but he didn't have to.

And +Vigano has something else which is not a surprise to any sentient Catholic:

...Although it may seem disconcerting, the opposing alignments I have described are also found in religious circles. There are faithful Shepherds who care for the flock of Christ, but there are also mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves. It is not surprising that these mercenaries are allies of the children of darkness and hate the children of light: just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God. Thus the Invisible Enemy, whom good rulers fight against in public affairs, is also fought against by good shepherds in the ecclesiastical sphere....
It is no co-incidence that +Vigano "baptizes" Trump's term 'invisible enemy' thus illuminating the source of the problem.  Catholics have 'baptized' all sorts of non-Catholic stuff for centuries....

And +Vigano is no fool; his reference to 'mercenaries' becoming allies of certain Bishops and Cardinals is pointed directly at the Population Control gang and Homosexualist activists currently on the Vatican's "Best Pals" list.

Ooooh.  This requires prayer.

Brutal Cop? Nope. Brutal Police UNION

The cop who killed George Floyd had something like 18 abuse complaints on his record.

In other words, the murder was not a "one-off" where this cop suddenly became a killer.  Nope--he had a pattern of practice which grew into the ultimate brutality.

All that time, he was protected by the Police Union.

So what is the REAL problem?

Not "police policy."  Not "institutional brutalism."  Not "police supervisors" (at least not in most cases.)

It's the Union, shitty hiring practices, and--to a far lesser degree--the "blue wall of silence."

So let's start there. 

Awwwww. Bush Runs Away

This is not a surprise.  Bush's pals in the vanishingly small Rockefeller and Planned Parenthood gang have issued their orders, and............. 

Former President George W. Bush will not support President Trump in his effort to seek reelection this year.
One wonders how many books "W" read to come to this stance....and whether they were written in crayon.

He's joined in this by none other than Mittens and the fabulously-wealthy Widow McCain.

And Charlie Sykes, we guess.

How will Trump survive this?  Hint:  EASILY.

The Founders' Virtues vs. "Education": How To Manufacfure Crisis

Sub-Headline:  To Whom Are You Kneeling??

Perhaps you've noticed that there are no answers to questions like "What progress shall we make?" or "What are the specifics of 'institutional racism'"? or "Name some changes we can make immediately to repair the problem!"

That's because "institutional racism" as it's portrayed does not exist in this country any more.  Racism is a moral fault, thus a property of individuals.  Those non-virtuous, immoral people wrote laws or regulations or created policies which perpetuated racism--but in the United States, those have been virtually eliminated over the last half-century--so what remains of racism is NOT "institutional," but rather, is personal.

The Founding Fathers understood the absolute value of and need for virtue in society.  They made it clear:  without virtuous citizens, the country would collapse.  Moreover:

...the founders were far from being concerned only with low bourgeois virtues, such as acquisitiveness, and comfortable self-preservation. In fact, they considered “virtue as a condition of freedom and a requirement of the laws of nature.

...Many public documents from the time spoke of the need for social and republican virtues within the populace such as justice (i.e., obeying the law), moderation, benevolence, temperance, industry, frugality, religious piety, and a responsibility among the people’s representatives to secure their good. In times of war, however, virtues of strength such as courage, leadership, bravery, vigor, and manly exertion are required. “Virtue is of concern to government not as an end in itself, but as a means to security and ultimately to happiness,” [Prof.] West concludes.

The Natural Law was the basis for the Founders' understanding of "virtue," of course.  That's why the "laws of Nature" were specifically cited in the Declaration.  The whole of Natural Law is downloaded to humans at conception:  we know Natural Law because of conscience.  But "conscience" has no army; it doesn't even have a single cop to help it enforce Natural Law--so it's very easy to override it as we have seen time and time again throughout history.

Anyhow, in order to destroy the United States, "virtue" has to go.  And a lot of it did.  Positive laws enshrining the virtues were eliminated, or worse, positive laws enshrining vices were enacted, among those the laws flowing from the individual's sin of racism.

So what does Marx and "education" have to do with all this?   Glad you asked!!

...former Soviet journalist and KGB informant Yuri Bezmenov laid out [a].... concise strategy for subversion in a 1984 interview.
Alinksy’s seminal book specified 13 Rules for Radicals, but Bezmenov had only four “stages of ideological subversion,” and they will sound very familiar to anyone following the current wave of left-wing riots, or the politicized final stages of the coronavirus panic before it: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization....
That "demoralization" required education--or rather, "re-education."   

We have re-education camps, and we call them "schools."

...Bezmenov said the first stage, Demoralization, could take 15 to 20 years to complete because “this is the minimum number of years it takes to educate one generation of students.”

“Marxist-Leninist ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism,” he warned in 1984...
'Basic values of Americanism' begin with the virtues, as we mentioned above.

Recall the maxim "In war, the first casualty is the Truth"?  Yes, this is a war.  That's why you've heard such inanity as 'That's YOUR truth.......' from "educated" individuals, young and old.  The key word there is "educated," of course.  "Re-educated" is the better description....

...Bezmenov explained that demoralization is important because it robs the targeted population of its ability to process valid information. Even when demoralization targets are “showered with authentic proof” of contrary positions, they simply “refuse to believe it.”
Try it sometime.  See what happens.

(By the way, this inability (or refusal) to grasp and hold to truth extends to various high- and low-ranking clergy across all denominational lines which is appalling.)

Now, then, if the country (and its laws) are wrong, the best weapon is guilt.

...Americans are routinely compelled to feel guilty about their society and national history. Guilt is the most powerful force in left-wing politics and academia. People will not accept the radical expansion of punitive government power unless they feel guilty and deserving of punishment...
And here we are.  While MLK could point to a lot of actual on-the-books bad laws, today's propagandists and agitators cannot.  So instead, they declare that evil exists (which IS true) and that "institutions" are "guilty" of that evil (NOT true).  It's a sleight-of-hand which works very well because the logical inference is that YOU are "guilty"--after all, it's YOUR "institution." 

(Note well:  they choose the "evil", so while abortion, easily the greatest evil of the past 100 years, the Revolutionaries have declared it "good"--just like sodomy, or serial monogamy.)

Today Nietzsche's "Transvaluation of all Values" is playing out in the streets, almost exclusively the streets of cities where "education" has destroyed the ability to apprehend and act on truth--thus, are unable to act on genuine Virtues, instead acting on "transvalues."  We call those cities "Blue."  Not coincidence. 

Those cities are ripe for 'de-stabilizing,' which is what you see today (Stage 2 above) and which is exactly why the Revolutionaries--Soros, the ChiComs, and Iran not to mention donors to the Tides Foundation (think Ayers & Co.), are financing the riots.  It brings about the opportunity for Stage 3.   And here,  "truth" must be ........ahhh........very flexible, as Hayward points out:

...A crisis has the obvious benefit of panicking demoralized, destabilized people into abandoning their legal protections and constitutional ideals. During the coronavirus panic, people who brought up those ideals were treated like lunatics. The pendulum swung the other way with blinding speed during the riots. In the span of one week, the right to peaceable assembly went from a crazed defiance of common-sense lockdown rules to an urgent matter that utterly transcended the deadly pandemic. Suddenly, angry political demonstration magically cured the coronavirus, or made the projected wave of sickness and death into a purely secondary concern. If you wanted to work at the store so you could feed your family in late March, you were selfishly trying to “kill my Grandma to pad your bank account.” If you wanted to burn the store down in early June to protest white supremacy, nobody mentioned their imperiled grandmothers....
Yah, well, your Granny is a helluvalot more at risk from violent revolutions than from any piddly-assed virus.......but we digress..

And then comes Stage 4.

...The threat of a crisis is essential for terrorizing the middle class into accepting a political agenda that is actively hostile to its interests, which leads to the fourth stage of subversion: the offer to make the pain and fear go away by accepting political domination....
"Domination," eh?  You mean that part where people kneel before their masters instead of God?

THAT domination?

The domination of non-virtue.  Brought to a city near you by Marx and his lying father Satan--the primal Revolutionary.

Oh, yes, this IS a morality thing.  Truth--REAL truth--has everything to do with morality and genuine virtues.  Ask the Founding Fathers....

Saturday, June 06, 2020

Hotlips Gets a Job

Adding to the credibility of the MSM, Hotlips Page got a new job.