Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Muzzelloader Hunt/Camping Trip

Our Family at Sunset
Kyler being his crazy/silly self

Kyler with his cousins, Kinley and Cayson
Cayson chasing Kyler
Kyler & Dallas both in their camo ready to go Hunting

So Dirty!!!
Look at that Dirt Line on his face
The Kids with Grandma Curtis

Dallas and my brother Cody cooking dinner
My Mom and Dad

So exhausted after a long morning of playing and hunting

Kyler did not like being up in that tree
Everyone is looking at Kinley in the tree

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Family Fun Day

This is at the Sand Hollow Aquatic Center in St. George

Dallas & Kyler walking up the Stairs to the Big Slide

Getting Ready to go down the Slide

Kyler just went down the slide

Kyler kicking his feet, and learning how to swim

Kyler stands up, says ready, and falls on his bum, he thinks thats great fun
Kyler thinks this is pretty cool to play in the water 

Dallas diving off the diving board

Kyler loves jumping off the side into the pool