dangerous idea
This is a blog to discuss philosophy, chess, politics, C. S. Lewis, or whatever it is that I'm in the mood to discuss.
Friday, January 03, 2025
Thursday, January 02, 2025
Saturday, December 14, 2024
A question for the pro-life movement: Any which way you can?
There is a deep question for the pro-life movement--do you get abortion restrictions anyway you can through partisan politics (gerrymandering, etc.) if the majority of the people within a state do not believe that such legislation is justified? Every time it's on the ballot where there is no supermajority requirement, pro-choice always wins. Or is it necessary to change the culture before changing the laws?
Monday, December 02, 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Why compatibilism and materialism are incompatible
As I see it, materialism has three components. One is the causal close of the physical. The second is the mechanism of the physical, that there are no mental states in the supervenience base. Causation occurs without purpose at the basic level. The thrd is the supervenience of all other states on the physical. The second is the tripper for materialist who wants to be a compatibilist. An action caused by a desire is not mechanistically caused. The brain state that is the desire might cause the brain state that begins the action, but not because of the content of the desire. Think of this. Suppose an opera singer were to tell someone 'Look at that glass window. I will tell it to shatter, and it will listen to me and shatter. She sings 'Shatter now" and it shatters. But the shattering has nothing to do with the content of the words she sings. Hence compatibilist free will, which requires causation by desire, is impossible on materialism.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Marginal utility
In order for our money to do the most good, should it go to those who have the least?
Socialist idea?
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Does culture determine ethics?
Does culture determine ethics? Are there human rights that exist regardless of what the culture says? The culture of the antebellum South approved of slavery. Does that mean that slavery was OK for Southerners and those who sought to abolilsh it were wrong to do so?