April 23, 2009

33 WEEKS!!!

I am 33 weeks and counting! Here are some updated belly pics. Dan and I were messing around with our camera and photoshop. It is getting so close, we can't believe it!

April 20, 2009

Hit Me Baby One More Time!!!!

The Britney Spears concert was last Tuesday and it was such a blast with my girlfriends. I remember why "crimped" hair wasn't in style for very long, but we brought it back that night! Don't make fun of our hair and makeup, we were just getting "britneyfied". The concert was great and we had the BEST TIME!!! It was a blast getting with my girlfriends and seeing all the crazy people (besides us of course) that go to Britney's concert! I always laugh and have a good time with my wonderful friends. Thanks girls! I love you all!

April 6, 2009

General Conference April 2009

My dad had extra tickets to the 2pm Sunday Conference session and invited Dan and I to go. Neither of us have actually been to a General Conference so we were very excited. The Gospel is so amazing, and I am so blessed to have it in my life. It was wonderful to see how many people were there who love and support this church (plus the millions watching from home). We are so blessed to have a living modern day Prophet to lead us. I felt so comforted this conference by the words of hope and faith. No matter how hard these times might be, we must have faith. This last month I have really felt so blessed and overwhelmed with the comforting spirit. Going to conference was the cherry on top. Thanks dad for having us!

My cute husband

The missionaries singing as the protesters were trying to spoil the day

Us with my parents

watching the protesters and laughing

view from the conference center

getting ready to start