Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hill Aerospace Museum

Because writing a big blog post is not always nesessery I might just keep to pictures  and let them do the talking for me. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

little update

its been a little bit sense i have posted anything, but lets be real there is always a big gap between posts.  life has been fun and crazy during the summer its been nice to have daniel home some and able to go swimming and play with us more.  we are now living in north ogden and i actually really do enjoy it.  my heart has been very heavy the last almost three weeks.  In May we found out we were expecting another sweet baby.  I will admit i was a little nervous but only a little Ellie and this baby would be 15 months apart.  I want my babies close in age.  When i went in for my 10 week apt the baby was only measuring a little over 6 weeks.  i did not get the dates mixed up or anything the baby was just not growing.  My amazing dr found  the heart beat and told me to come back in a week to see if it has grown any.  she told me ether we got the dates mixed up or the baby would have birth defects.  this broke my heart to hear this and when i did i had a feeling we would loose this baby.  with the three other pregnancies i have had i have been sick by week 7 so i was a scared something was wrong. i tried to not worry so much and just tried to have fun on our trip ( we were in texas visiting family)
so i went back a week later and was given the news that daniel and i had lost another baby.  i dont want to sound like i am complaining because i have two amazing beautiful healthy babies. it still hurts and is still not easy.  im so blessed and grateful to have Lincoln and Ellie  so i can hold and love and kiss them and that they can keep me busy.  I am blessed to have daniel and how he helps me be strong.  i know you dont want to know this but i am still bleeding and cramping bad i just want this to be done and over so i can start to feel like my self again and to not have the constant reminder that im not pregnant and that i lost another baby.  I was due in january and i really was so excited and could not wait to see Ellie be a big sister and for linc to have another sibling he has been amazing with ellie! the baby was almost 12 weeks and i always wonder what they would have been like.  i have lost two but i have two amazing ones with our family who we love so much.  i dont really like to post so much personal stuff but i felt i needed to tell someone. lets hope there is not such a big gap between this and my next post. till next time.  

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mother of two

My life as a mother of two is busy and crazy and sometimes just physically and mentally exhausting. 
Lincoln is at an age were he is very busy and wants to be very independent and does not want to listen. He still can't talk very well but that's fine. Daniel and I know what he is saying and know what he wants so that works. He does not like to listen and often times he will plug his ears. When we go out to run errands I am carrying Ellie in her car seat in one arm and Lincoln in the other arm. He really likes to just run off and get into things. But I love him and wish he would stay this age forever. I love when he comes up and just hugs me and kisses me I love when he is telling me about his cars and wants me to play with him. I love how he wants me to read to him I love that he loves me even when my hair is not done or when I have not brushed my teeth yet. He loves me!  
Ellie is a lot like linc and will only nurse. Which I love but I'm really having a hard time with right now. I had plenty of milk with Lincoln and this time it's been harder for me because I am chasing a toddler around. I have been trying to supplement with Ellie but she will not have it. It's hard having your second and not comparing them to your first Ellie loves to stand and has been standing sence she was born but her wanting to touch her toes or pull them up to her chest she just does not care to do. Lincoln was moving all over the place by this age. She is a different little sprit and will do things when she is ready and wants too I just need to remember this. My kids are my life and as hard as they make it sometimes I would not change it for anything. I know I only have two and life will get really crazy when I throw a few more kids into the mix but until then it's crazy for me haha. I love my family and how hard Daniel works for us he is amazing!! I love at the end of the day when it's been so hard to go and watch my kids sleep. It makes everything right! I love being a mom!  I made my kids but they made me a mom. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Big brother Lincoln

In the previous post you saw how much Lincoln loves Ellie! That still has not changed he loves "be be". It has been great that I have not had to worry about him hurting her on purpose. There have been a few times when he has hurt her but totally on accident. He really has been so great with her and always wants to hold and kiss her like when he is in the bath tub or when he is eating and is covered in food ha. He has been great with Ellie but I think there were two many changes for him at once. Like the moving a new sister and I took his binky away completely  he only used it at bed time and nap time. So because I took it away we only nap for one hour a day and that's terrible. He used to still take two two hour naps. But now we are really lucky to get one hour. He also hit the terrible twos. Need I say more on that. But enough on some of the hard things with Lincoln right now. Just over night he is talking so much more and totally surprises Daniel and I with all the new words he is just saying! It's so great to have him tell me what he wants. Lincoln is such a good big brother and we love him so much. Just a few pictures of him to brighten your Monday. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Birth Story

I have been debating on whether I was going to put this on my blog or not, but I put Lincoln’s on so I might as well (and I love reading birth stories because they are better then any book whether it is a good experience or a bad one I love them all.  So for those of you who like birth stories I hope you enjoy because I sure did).
            Ellie’s birth was totally different from Lincoln’s, and I loved both of them!  On Friday the 5th of October, Daniel and I got moved in to our apartment finally. It was late that night that we got the last box moved in and we hit the sack.  My mom was watching Lincoln so that we could get things done a little faster.  She brought him to us the next day and later that night we went to Park City to watch conference with some friends.  We got home Sunday night and we put Lincoln to bed and I was still trying to get things put away and pulled together because I had a Dr. appointment the next morning.  My Dr. told me that if I was dilated to a five then she would send me to the hospital so I was trying to get all of our bags ready so I did not have to worry about it the next morning.  I did Ellie’s and we both called it quits for the night.  So we hoped in bed at 10:30 and Daniel fell right to sleep.  Right when I relaxed I started having contractions.  I was kind of bugged by them because I was so tired and just wanted to sleep.  I laid in bed till 12:30 just trying to get some sleep.  I figured that was not going to be happening so I started timing my contractions.  They were 3 min to 1 min apart.  So I got up and tried to finish some more stuff around our place.  I was folding the three loads of laundry that needed to be put away.  Once the laundry was done I thought I might call my Dr. and see what she thought.  She said to come in if it was getting uncomfortable.  I was a little worried that it was going to be false labor so I did not want to wake Daniel up, but I thought better be safe then sorry because we were going to have to drive and hour to get to Mckay Dee Hospital in Ogden. I tried to get Daniel up and he was out cold.  I waited a little longer and tried to get him up again and he finally woke up.  First thing he asked was have you called your mom.  I had not called her yet so I called her and talked with her for a bit and then we got all of our bags ready and headed to my parents house to drop Lincoln off. 
            We finally got to the hospital at 3:30 am and I got all checked in and changed and they checked me and I was 100% thinned and dilated to a 4 ½ . The nurse called my Dr. and she said she wanted to see if I dilated anymore in 50 min. just to make sure it was real labor or not.  Daniel and I started walking.  We walked a mile and a half till it was time to check me again and sure enough we were staying and having a baby.  I was dilated to a 5 ½ .  I then got moved to my room.  The room that I got moved to was one for those who are wanted to go natural.  (I wanted to go natural with Lincoln but was induced and was stuck in bed and I’m just glad I did not with him because of how big he was).  I then thought well I don’t think I will do it natural so I switch rooms.  By then it was 6 am and my mom just got to the hospital with food for her and Daniel.  Daniel ate and fell asleep and my mom and I walked some more.  Then I think at 8 my contractions started to slow down so they started me on pitosion (don’t know how to spell it. Lol) and at 8:30 my Dr. came and broke my water and checked me again and I was at a 7 so I thought alright well labor has not been bad so far I may as well try and do this thing natural.  (Now I never read any books or did any sort of breathing stuff or any methods of how to do it natural.  I had gotten book names from other people but just never followed threw and read anything. I was just going to wing it) My contractions started to get stronger and I had Daniel putting pressure on my lower back to help with the pain.  Now from here on out I don’t know the times for things I was just trying to focus and it was happening to fast!  My Dr. stayed close because it was happening so fast. At one point I thought ok I might get the epidural.  I think only because Daniel was bothering me because he was playing all sorts of old country music and was trying to make me feel better by trying to make me laugh but it was not working.  I was also bugged because I told him I wanted him to shower and look decent because I did not want him to look homeless when we got our first pictures as a family of four. (I know sounds retarded but I hate the hat that he was wearing, but I can’t blame him for looking homeless I did get him up in the middle of the night)  I was checked again and I was an 8 and I was uncomfortable.  My mom just said, “Sarah you are so close and you have always wanted to do this” so I stayed strong.  Next thing I know is my dad and little sister are at my room door and I’m getting ready to start pushing!  Things had been happening so fast Daniel had not given me a blessing yet. Daniel gave me a blessing and it was go time.  I had Daniel and my mom in the room this time (I was worried I would not know the right time to push because with Lincoln I was still pretty numb and could not tell if I was pushing the right way. But my Dr. said you will know and it will burn like stink! I’m still not to sure what that is supposed to mean) I was dilated to a 9 ½ when I felt like I really needed to push so my Dr. said she would take care of the last little bit of cervices so I could push.  I pushed three times and Ellie was born and laying on me!  Pushing was by far the worst part and at one point (I think during my first push) my Dr. said, “ Sarah open your eyes and breath you can do this” so I pushed two more times and bam!!!  She was born at 9:34 am it was amazing!  I then pushed and delivered the placenta and then Daniel cut the umbilical cord and Ellie was then moved to my chest.  I got to hold her and do skin to skin for a good little bit while they stitched me up.  I think I got five stitches.  They then weighed her and she was 6 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long (So a lot smaller then Lincoln). Which I’m totally fine with because she is a girl and she can be smaller. 
            I have loved both of my children’s births!  They were totally different but equally as amazing!  Giving birth is by far my favorite part out of being pregnant.  I absolutely love being pregnant and having babies!  Having babies and raising my children is my calling in life.  With my next deliveries I will totally go natural (especially if they go as “text book” as Ellie’s. I either have a high pain tolerance or it just was not bad but it really was not terrible at all.  I was very relaxed and enjoyed the labor (other then that little bit with Daniel J) and birth so much)! But things don’t always go as planned and if I have to get an epidural than I will get one and be fine with it. Daniel and I feel so blessed to have had two great pregnancies and wonderful deliveries, and that baby and I have both been healthy and not had any problems.  I love my children so so much! They are my world.  Lincoln has totally surprised me with how he acts toward Ellie.  He is so gentle with her and loves to sit and hold her and loves to give her kisses!  It just melts my heart to see him with her.  Ellie is now three weeks old and he still loves her.   First thing in the morning I swear he is only concerned about “BEBE” and has to look at her and make sure she is ok.  He is so cute with her but its just about impossible for me to get a picture of them together right now.  I am so excited to have them grow up and to see them become great friends. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

35 weeks baby #2

On Monday I went in for a dr apt. I am down to going in once a week now. At my dr apt a few weeks ago i had my last ultrasound and the dr is saying she will be in the high 6 lb range or low 7 lb range. So a lot smaller then Lincoln. It will be fun to see how much she really does weigh.   I really am so amazed with how fast this is going. But then sometimes it's not. I just wish it was not hard holding Lincoln and changing his diaper and bathing him. So I'm looking forward to being my self again but I sure do love being pregnant. 

I am dilated to a 2 and 50% thinned so things are moving along. I am so excited for her to get here but I need her to stay in till we get moved in and that won't be till the first weekend in October so I will be 38 weeks then. Yikes! So she really can stay in till I'm all organized and ready for her to come. So pretty much her due date haha. I am so not ready this time. I think with Lincoln I had all his clothes washed and our bags packed and everything was totally ready. But not this time. 
Kind of fun. 34 weeks with Lincoln vs 34 weeks with baby girl. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Little update

Ok so this summer we have not been able to go on a big vacation but we have had a fun summer still. We took Lincoln boating for the first time. That was lots of fun but he loved being in the water more then the boat. He is a little fish. He is so funny to Daniel and I. When we take him swimming he just walks out to the deep end and swims around. He does not like it when I try and play with him when we swim I think because he knows he can do it him self so he wants too haha. 

  Lincoln loves to be out side which I totally love but I am hating it right now because it is so hot. So I am ready for cooler weather. It's so fun and nice that Lincoln really is understanding us now. So that's a big help when he wants something. Like a drink or food and even candy 😮
 he loves to dance. And is getting really good at jumping and getting both feet off the ground. 

As a family we went to Wyoming a few weeks ago and it was so much fun Lincoln was a champ on the drive there and back. Some of the family went river rafting. I'm sad I has to miss out on that. But it's ok I have done it before. And we went to the bar j out side of Jackson hole. Lincoln wanted to run around the whole time but when a song would start up he would go up to them and dance. 

On the day we were leaving we stopped by bear world in Idaho. We fed the bears and Lincoln loved the petting zoo area. When we were close to home Lincoln looked so sad and tears started to run down his face and he had the saddest face. Well he had the flu. It was only a 24 hour one so that's good but the next day was a cuddle day! I hate that he was feeling so sick and throwing up but I sure loved it! 

Sorry this is a long and maybe boring post but that's ok haha. 

Now update on little  sister. She is looking very healthy and is so strong. She moves a whole lot more then linc ever did. The dr said she should be a little smaller then Lincoln so that's nice she might be able to fit in newborn clothes. Lincoln totally skipped that size. My guess is she will be in the 8 lb range and maybe 18-19 in long so we will see I have two months left. It's crazy how fast this pregnancy is going. When people ask Daniel how far along I  am he always says like 22 weeks haha he never knows how far along I am.  We can't wait to welcome her into our family! 

Daniel starts teaching on Tuesday next week and we are all excited for that he is going to be an amazing teacher! He has been coaching this summer and his first football game is a week from today. He is also a great coach!  We are so glad he is done with his bachelors but we still have more school for him. He wants to start his masters in a year. So not done yet haha. Till next time.