Friday, June 3, 2011

Geek in training

So we went into the bedroom (That's where the TV is now). Nate asked me what I was doing.

Me - "I'm going to watch some TV or a movie"
Nate proceeds to throw a fit. Steph & I take a few minutes to calm him down.

Me - "Nate, just because I am going to watch a movie doesn't mean I am going to choose it."
(To Stephanie) "I'm realistic. I had no expectation of choosing a movie."
(To Nate) "Would you like to choose a movie?"


We proceed to look through the book that hold all our DVDs. Nate of course points to Toy Story 2.

Stephanie - "Nate let's look at all the movies to make sure that is the one we want."

We continue to look through the DVDs saying the name of each one to see if Nate wants to watch it. We pass all the Pixar, Disney, and all other children's movies without a response from Nate. Stephanie the says the name of the movie I want to watch. Nate hears the name & looks at the disc. He moves his face closer so he can get a better look. After looking at the disc for about 30 seconds.

"Yeah. Ar War"

Yeah, that's right. My three year old son choose Star Wars & knows what it is.

I am so proud.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's a miracle!

I am posting... is that a miracle?  
Speaking of miracles... I am 14 weeks pregnant with baby Weber #3!!!

I have a maternal fetal medicine consult appointment and ultrasound!  I have had some complications with this pregnancy (a small bleed behind the placenta), so I am hoping and praying for good results tomorrow!  I have high hopes that the bleed will have healed up and that I will be able to go on and carry this baby to term.

Anyway, hopefully we will have some nice (healthy) pictures of our baby to be as of tomorrow!!!  We are not planning on finding out what we are having this go round, but I imagine that depends on how many ultrasounds we actually end up having to have (you know, it is harder to keep the gender a secret if we are having ultrasounds every so often).  

Wish us luck, send prayers and good vibes our way :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

This counts!

This counts as my quarterly post, right?

Merry Christmas y'all

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What We Have Been Doing in NC

So, have you been wondering if we are alive?  Well, we are!  Now for a series of photos to let you know that we are alive and doing stuff :)
 We have watched 101 Dalmatians ("dogs") about 101 times over the past 3 days.  We have also watched Toy Story 1 & 2 (Buzz), Monsters Inc ("roar"), and Cars ("vroom") about 101 times a piece!
We have bathed.
We look good (in Sean's shirt)
We played with Peanut Butter Play Dough!
We did laundry (about 101 times over the past 3 days)!
We loved each other (and generally look cute)!
We slept (some of us more than others)!

We ate dirt.
We played!
We laughed!
We got 2 teeth (some of us more than others)!

Oh how they grow!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Since we are currently living in my mom's house Dan, Nate, Penny and I all stay in one large room.  Penny sleeps in her crib (usually) and the other three of us rotate between the queen bed and the twin bed.  One night Nate and Dan were in the queen and I was in the twin.  Nate woke up in the middle of the night screaming, "Mommy, Mommy"!  He reaches over and feels Dan's hairy arm and screams, "NOT YOU"!

Nate LOVES to swim.  He is learning to swim under water :)  He was swimming from me to the pool's stairs.  As soon as he would come up from under water he would take a breath and say "Ready" and then swim again.

Went swimming one day for a couple of hours.  Nate's eyes were hurting REALLY bad.  I was changing Nate's diaper on the floor while he screamed, cried, and rubbed his eyes.  Then he says...
"owie owie, I'm gonna die".  Seriously have no idea where he picked that one up from.

Nate hit Penny in the head.  Dan says to Nate, "Why did you hit Penny".  Nate says, "It wasn't me".  Dan, "It wasn't you? I just saw you."  Nate, "It was you"

Mommy, "Nate, what's your name?"
Nate, "me"

At the Dr. filling out Nate's paperwork.  Told Nate I was going to write his name on the paper.  Nate, "me"  (see a pattern?)

When we were moving Nate picked up a roll of boxing tape, pulled out a long piece of tape and looks around and says, "Baby!?"

When we were moving Nate goes into his room which we had just finished packing up (other than his bed).  Nate throws his hands up in the air and sighs, "OH MY!"