Monday, September 29, 2008

A few of my favorite things


Smiling, especially at my mommy! :)

Chewing my fingers! Don't they look yummy to you!

Being a puppy! I choose this outfit out all by myself by smiling REALLY big when Mommy showed it to me and not smiling when she showed me the others!

My taggie blankie that my mommy made me!

Computers... I am a n3rd at <3 just like my daddy!

And after a long day of playing, eating, and generally being a cute boy, I enjoy sleeping! I wish that Daddy would not let me sleep here though, but Daddy did not want to wake me, which I understand!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday(ish)!!!

Today is our sweet boy's 5 month birthday! I know, everyone is super thrilled and I suggest that you eat some cake and ice cream to celebrate! I cannot believe that he is already 5 months old... he is growing up way too fast!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Taggie Blankie

OK, I have said it before and I am sure that I will say it again, I am not the most crafty person out there. Having said that... when I do make something that turns out cute (or at least decent) I am happy! I decided to make Nate a Tag Blankie after seeing an easy tutorial on how to make one! I am the type of person that if the project cannot be completed rather quickly (as in I can see the end of the tunnel when I start the project) I will have a really hard time with doing the project (case and point, Nate's sleep sacks that I started before he was born)! I LOVE LOVE LOVE how this blankie turned out and I am rather proud of myself! I have to add that Nate LOVES his blankie too! Nate does not really care for blankets, but he does like this one a lot, which of course makes me very happy! This is not the best picture of the blanket and I will try to get a better pictures when I can (say like one with Nate in it), but you get the basic idea. The blanket is two sided, the primary color hand prints are on a flannel and the primary color polka dots are a cotton! The orange "tags" are a satin ribbon for a different texture than the other "tags" which are more for contrast (yellow ribbon with orange polka dots and rainbow stripped ribbon)! I was origanlly going to make a blue and brown blanket because I found some really pretty blue and brown ribbons at Robert's Craft Store, but they do not sell fabric so I waited till I had the fabric to buy ribbon and where I went did not have any cute blue and brown fabrics really! I am feeling the desire to make another blanket, but Nate does not need another one... so if anyone out there wants one, let me know and I will see what I can do :D


This is over due, but I was waiting to get my pictures loaded up before saying this via blogger! CONGRATS TO ADAM AND SARA (King) FLITTON!!!! Adam and Sara were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple and had a beautiful reception the same evening. Here are some of the pictures from the evening!

Mr. and Mrs. Flitton's first dance as husband and wife!

Sara and her daddy!

Sara's brother caught the garter... that was not a difficult task since he was the only single guy there... amazingly!

Me and the cutest baby!

One of my two handsome dates for the evening!

Yum yum

I love how BIG and BLUE his eyes are!

Who, me, dirty?

That is "Turkey Tetrazzini" all over him!

While at a family get together in Lehi on Sunday, celebrating my cousin's return from his mission, we laid Nate on the floor while we played cards because he was asleep. I set our 1 liter Mountain Dew beside him... upon waking up, he decided that he needed some! Who can blame him though, Dew is the nectar of life after all!

Peas Please Take 2

Here is the second video of Nate and his peas! I am sure that there are only a handful of you out there that actually find this interesting, such as Nate's Grandparents and aunts and uncles, but you get to all have to chance to watch it if you would like! Enjoy!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Peas Please

Here is a video of Nate eating peas! Well, in this video he is not eating too much... he is highly distracted by the camera and he is staring at it instead of being all too interested in eating! I also feel the need to add the fact that Nate was eating his 3rd jar of baby food in a row... chunky monkey! I will be posting another video or two later on tonight once Dan is home with our laptop!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Guess Who is Sleeping Through the Night!!!

I don't know, but I know that it is not Nate! As of the last few weeks Nate went from sleeping through the night to waking every 2 hours to eat! AHHHHHH!!!!! I AM TIRED! This post is mostly me venting... sorry! The other night Nate ate 2 1/2 jars of baby food mixed with rice cereal and then he woke up two hours later wanting to nurse! Then he processed to wake up to eat every 1-2 hours! If Nate was overweight or at all chunky I would put this to a stop, but he is still on the lower end of the weight scale for his age... which is amazing to me! For lunch today the kid nursed, then ate a jar of green beans and then a jar of sweet potatoes! Impressive!

We are still waiting on the return of our laptop (it has been away getting repaired for something like a month now)! Once it is returned to us I have plenty of fun videos of Nate to post!!! You maybe wondering what is taking so long to fix... our mouse! That is right, one of the buttons on our built in mouse was broken and apparently it is taking a long time to fix it!

Monday, September 15, 2008

NC Trip

Well, I decided that I would sum up our NC trip with pictures!

<--- Nate and Daddypa met for the first time!

<--- Autumn and Ian had their reception.

<--- Autumn and Ian opened presents!

<--- We drove in the car! A lot! My cousin Victoria won Nate this bear out of a claw machine! Nate loves his bear (boo boo)!

<--- Nate slept and he was cute!

<--- We ate!

<--- We ate some more... I got brain freeze!

<--- We ate AGAIN!!! Nate is under that hat :D

<--- Nate was loved and adored by many relatives and had a great time!

<--- We played at the ocean!!!

<--- We went to the outdoor mall on the day that Tropical Storm Hanna was coming in and we saw some pyscho catfish (HUGE)!

<--- We laughed!

<--- We hung out with Hanna!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tropical Storm Hanna

I know that it has been awhile since I have posted... I have started to do so on more than one occasion this past week, but would get distracted by something more interesting going on with my family! Anyway... this is a video that I took last night on the beach as Tropical Storm Hanna was preparing to make landfall at Mrytle Beach! The video has my mom and sister Autumn in it acting like they are reporting on the storm. Then I swing the camera and you get to see my brother in law, Ian!