
Happy Birthday Baby

Danny, yesterday you turned 29. We both had to work. What a drag! But I loved going to dinner with you, and I LOVED going to see Juno with you, sans child. We need to do that more often.  I love you more than ever, even though today is the first day of your THIRTIETH YEAR, even though life is busier, things seem hectic, even though we aren't perfect. You are perfect to me.  I could never have asked for a better friend and husband or a better father for my baby. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I am so thankful for you today and everyday, forever. I love you. 



How to eat sand (and other fun pictures from Hawaii)

so maybe I should have been more clear. more pictures from our vacation really means more pictures of Max on our vacation. Here are some favorites.

First, get yourself a nice big handful, wrinkle your nose, and laugh to yourself about your little plan. 
(his expression in these pics kill me)
Then, stick a whole bunch of sand in your mouth, squeeze your lips shut reeeeeaaaal tight 
and chew for a minute to experience the gritty goodness. 

wipe off the excess. no need to make a mess. 

tell mama how it tastes.

But it's ok. 

Danny took Max skinny dipping at the Mauna Lani Beach. Just to clarify, 
Max was the only naked one. =)
Just cruising around. I am obsessed with this outfit of his! It's a handmade vintage piece (It has to be at least 30 years old) that I found at DI for a dollar. Some people have no idea what they are doing when they throw things out. I put it on him every chance I got!

This is what happens when you decide to give yourself a sand faceplant facial immediately 
after your mom slathers you in SPF 50.  Shockingly, although it was stuck even in his eyelashes, no sand got in his eyes!

max and mama
just plain humorous. it's almost ridiculous how obsessed they are with him!
Thanks mom and dad for the amazing trip. we love you!

Jordan looking oh so GQ. One thing you have to understand about my little brother. Dressing like a complete goof and watching us react (see the white socks) brings him pure joy. He is such a crack up. See Jordan. You DO make the blog.
Kenz, what a babe. 

The grand finale. This is my sweet (most of the time) autistic brother Tyler. He decided to join Marilyn (our Peruvian sister) for a brisk session of water aerobics. I wish I had a better picture, but the class consisted of the two of them and about 10 senior citizens.  The initial conversation went something like this:

Tyler: "Hey, Hey! What are you guys doing?! [keep in mind that my brother speaks loudly, very very loudly. It's pure entertainment]"
Marilyn/Instructor: "We are having an aerobics class in the water" 
Tyler: "Oh, are you excercising?"
 Instructor: "yes"
Ty: "Oh splendid. Would you like me to join you?!"
Marilyn, Instructor, old people: "Sure Ty!"
Tyler: " Alright, sure you do. You sure would like me to join you!"
Tyler jumps in and starts flailing his arms with everyone else. Priceless. 

A couple of my favorite moments:
Taking the whole group out on a little boat in the middle of the ocean, then jumping in the water with our snorkel gear and swimming with TONS of WILD DOLPHINS. then later snorkeling in a little cove with the most amazing tropical fish. There were literally thousands!

Finding a sea turtle on the rocks with Jordan, Mackenzie, and Danny. Standing about a foot away from it for probably 15 minutes. Jordan breaking the law and touching it. 

Swimming with about 3 huge sea turtles later that afternoon. Pure amazement. 

Sitting on the beach, doing a whole lot of nothing, just loving being in the company of the people I love the very most on this earth. My husband, my baby, my parents, my siblings. It was unforgettable. 


a great man

Gordon Bitner Hinckley   1910-2008

How does one express their feelings at the time of passing of this great man?

First, there was shock. But he wasn't sick! Was something wrong? How could this happen? I wasn't ready. I think our beloved Prophet, despite his 97 years of age, was somehow a timeless, indestructible, immortal figure in my mind.

Then sadness. Sad that I would never hear his voice at a Christmas devotional, conference address, or temple dedication. Sad to see an end to an era. Sad that the prophet of my youth would not be the one to continue guiding my life through young motherhood. Sad that my Maxwell would not remember him in life, but in his legacy. Sad to say goodbye to the man I met as an awestruck fifteen year old after attending his ward sacrament meeting in the Joseph Smith Building while visiting Salt Lake. 

Next there was joy. I am so happy that he is reunited with his beloved Marjorie.  I am happy that he was not sick and that he passed quickly. I don't think he would have wanted us to know what was coming, dreading the inevitable. He was too vivacious, too full of life to be remembered as a sick old man. I am happy my mom encouraged me to approach him a second time, as he was about to leave, just so I could shake his hand. So I could say I have touched the hand of the prophet, the very man who communes with Jehovah. I am happy to be a member of this church, to know that God has a plan for us, for ME, for MY FAMILY.  I consider myself so blessed to know that although President Hinckley is no longer living on this earth, he lives. And will live eternally. 

Last there was gratitude. I am so thankful to have known and loved this great man, to know that he was called of God, to know that his words are true and inspired, that if we do as he asks, we can have joy. I am grateful that throughout my life, even when my testimony has wavered or when I have doubted, or when making the right choice is difficult, that I have always had the faith and knowledge that President Hinckley was a prophet, a modern day man of God.  I am thankful for his influence in our lives. He will ever be remembered for it. I will remember his love of the people of the world and of his work, his smile, his humor, his sweet voice, his mission, his message. I will remember him.

practice makes perfect

hopefully! Saturday was a much anticipated day- I got to leave my baby with his Grandma Kettle, shed my stoller and diaper bag, and head down to Salt Lake to check out the Salt Lake Temple photo scene with my friend and fellow photographer, Sheena. We are both shooting our first weddings there in March- yikes! So we thought we would head down for a little practice.
The day went off in typical Jessica fashion. 

First, I locked my keys in my car. Then, I didn't have a cell phone to call Danny (I borrowed Sheena's). Then, I didn't have cash (it was in the car) to pay for my parking, so Sheena payed for my parking meeter. Then, the temple was closed for maintenence (seriously?!). We had fun taking pics anyway. Then Sheena chauffered me and my keyless self around Salt Lake until I met up with Danny. I'm sure she had fun babysitting me. Sorry Sheena! =)
We didn't have any brides to take pics of, but we were just as pretty I'm sure. =) Here are a few from the day.

these boys

are the cutest! I love that Max has a cousin close in age so close by. Look how big our little Boston has grown! I had so much fun watching these two play together on Thursday. And by play, I mean Max stealing Boston's toys. Sorry Boss! We're working on it. =)

Max going in for the kill, while sweet little Boss plays innocently.
those eyes kill me!

my son, the monkey. actually, this is one of the faces he makes often while babbling. it's very entertaining!



Funny? I guess so. Embarrassing? DEFINITELY.

So. A couple nights ago after Danny got home from work, I ran out to Robert's to pick up craft supplies for a birthday banner I am making Max. Earlier that day, I met with a client, so I thought I had at least better put on something other than my SAH-mom-in-the-winter clothes (comfy sweats). I pulled out this oh so chic little blouse I just got anthro and a black cardi. perfect. I realized shortly after, that the buttons were just not quite big enough for the holes, and while I held max, his weight tugged at my shirt and I was constantly rebuttoning. ugh. But all that was forgotten in my hasty drive to get to Robert's before it closed and my sheer bliss at going somewhere ALONE. I was perusing the scrapbook paper isle. I had been there a good 15 minutes. After picking out the perfect blue and orange paper, I looked down. My shirt was unbuttoned all the way down to my belly button.  For who only knows how long. Who said the life of a mother wasn't glamorous!


what my baby looks like when he needs a nap...

I sure wish he would take one. Stupid teeth. He is getting his third and fourth on top, and it's been rough. Also, I walked into his room a couple nights ago, an he was standing up in his crib and crying like a scared little girl, because he was stuck. Just to add to his misery.   =(  
Poor Max.


pump it up

{oh, the beauty of aerobics in its glory days}

I joined a gym. Yes, I banded with millions of other new years resolution makers and decided to get fit. I should have started a long time ago! In fact, I guess I have tried in the past to get back into the swing of things, but I just haven't been ready I guess. This time, I am hooked.  I went 5 days the first week, 4 times (with one day of 3  one hour classes to make up for the missed day), and I have gone every day so far this week. I'm obsessed, and have never felt better. I'll admit, in the past, I have not always had a healthy obsession with excercise. It used to be all about looking good in my leotard (gymnastics, NOT aerobics) and burning calories, and the number on the scale. This time it is totally different. I know I will never be the machine  I once was in my former gymnastics days, but I had forgotten the high of a killer workout and sweating your guts out. How waking up in the morning feeling a little tight and sore can kinda make you feel proud. This time, it's about feeling good, being healthy, and hopefully looking better too.  I have really gotten into the classes at the gym- I have been doing spinning (sweat literally drips off my face) as well as yoga and pilates (in case you were wondering, I can still do my splits on both legs). I LOVE IT! I have gotten to know some of the other women at the gym that all come to the same classes every day. It's nice to know the people you work out with, I feel like it makes you more accountable for skipping days.  So anyway, if anyone else wants to meet me at Performax in Layton, I would love a gym buddy! Hopefully you will be seeing me fitter in the near future. =) Oh. and by the way, Max is totally the dreaded clingy child in workout daycare. It's terrible. 

now. if only I had a pair of these babies...


you tried to take my picture today mom,

but you see, it's getting harder.

I have a tough time sitting still these days.I tried to hurry and scoot away, but you didn't really take the hint. It made this picture blurry.

there are so many things I would rather do than sit and look at you.

even when I do take a peek in your direction, I might be making a funny face, like this. it's because of that silly new tooth on top, which I just have to keep feeling with my tongue.  For some reason, my mom thinks I look like my grandpa jon in this picture. funny, I have never seen HIM make this face...

FINALLY you got the shot, so you started making this, my birthday party invitation. 


see these

see these two families
one, about to begin
another, still in love, kids all grown up 

find beauty in every phase in life. 


to tide you over,

here is a silly picture of my baby in Hawaii with a little of that vintage color.  I love his hair, so wild and full of sun screen.

And a lizard who wanted to visit me on my lounge chair. The bad news is that I realized most of the pictures from the trip are ON MY DAD'S LAPTOP. So until he gets his act together and mails me a cd, this will have to do, as well as my previous Hawaii post and my new header (i know. so tiny).


a new hobby?

For those of you who do not know (but if you claim to know me at all, you SHOULD know this), I am a magazine FREAK. I love looking at mags, always have. I love to go to Border's (not Barnes/Noble), grab a big fat stack, and flip through them all while drinking hot chocolate all by myself. It's heaven. Anyway, I have seen some really cool ways to display silhouettes in some of my favorite decorating mags, like domino and cottage living. Here's one example from the best mama mag ever, Cookie (below). I would love the big wall in my kitchen to look a little like this (ok not sooo many), and the funny thing is, my paint color is this color's twin, and I have those same white bowls and a pitcher just like the white hobnail vase. I love stealing ideas. 

Anyway, I have been wanting to get some silhouettes but because I am cheap, I had to try to do it myself. I was messing around on photoshop with pics of a client, and I came up with this . . . 

hmmm. It's my first attempt at making one, so hopefully I will get better. BUT the possibilities of this new little trick is ENDLESS!! Yay for new tricks.



Check these girls out! 
{click here to see more}


we're back...

but we aren't very happy about it! Even though it's nice to be home, isn't getting home from vacation the WORST!? I hate the unpacking, the LAUNDRY, getting the baby adjusted to the time change, you know, the whole back to reality thing? We were gone 16 days, so needless to say, Danny and I have a lot of work to do, and there are a lot of drawers in the kitchen that Max feels the need to rediscover the contents of. We're all busy playing catch up. More to come on Hawaii, Seattle, Christmas, etc. That is assuming I find three seconds to sit down and blog in the next week... 


Hau'oli Makahiki Hou (happy new year)!

Happy New Year! We are having so much fun so far in Hawaii. Sorry, all these pictures are of Max because I'm not thrilled about the idea of posting pictures of myself in a bathing suit. ha! He loves the sand, but does NOT love rinsing off at the end of the day. He hasn't been eating it, surprisingly, but we always find a nice load of it in his diaper. Max has been such an angel the whole trip and true to form, my family has been fighting over him nonstop. My family has gone scuba diving a couple times, but I (sniff sniff) am not certified, so I have just been body surfing and playing in the sand with Max. Danny has been golfing twice, so he is in heaven! Tomorrow we are taking a big boat out and going snorkeling, which I am really excited about. I hope we see some dolphins! I still haven't gone to the black and green sand beaches- I guess they're at the southern tip of the island, and we are staying north of Kona, so it will be a long haul to get there. Tyler's best moment has been going to Wal-Mart in Kona. We come all the way to Hawaii, and all he cares about is Wal-Mart. I mean really.

playing with his new jeep in the sand
grandpa's sunglasses
these smell AMAZING


getting mad at Nana for rinsing off all the sand!

beach bums
Mackenzie looks awesome in her snorkling gear!
sleepy baby