
getting there


Now that Max is almost 18 months old, he is FINALLY starting to walk!  Just before we left for Sand Point, he started walking back and forth between Danny and me. We were so surprised at how stable he is! When he decides to do it, he does great. I think he has taken six or seven really good steps at a time and can stand by himself for long periods of time before he gets started. We are so proud of our little walking man!




I'm super glad that baby Owen and his Mommy came to visit me this week, I wish they didn't have to leave TODAY!!  =( 


we're baaaack


Danny and I got back from Sand Point tonight and we were so excited to see our little Maxter again! We had an amazing time- it was the perfect trip to relax, recharge and reconnect. Details and photos to be added later. 

Also, my best friend Btittany and Max's new best friend (he doesn't know it yet!) Owen are coming to visit bright and early tomorrow morning! We can't wait to see them and we hope they don't miss their flight at the crack of dawn. Owen is so excited he couldn't sleep tonight. hehe. 



Sand Point
courtesy of google images

I can't believe this day has finally come- Danny and I are vacationing at my parents' lake house in Sand Point ID (on lake Pend Oreille near Cour'd Alene). Just us and a couple friends.

And NO. Max was not invited. =)

Though I do miss the little guy, I am so looking forward to relaxing, waterskiing, hot tubbing, and generally doing nothing. And having my husband all to myself! And I'm not going to lie, flying without car seats and diaper bags was amazing. My only carry on was my purse and camera. WHAT?? Yep. You heard me. Oh, and when we go to dinner, I don't have to pay a babysitter.

Maxter is having a fabulous time with Grandma K and doesn't seem to miss us much. Which I am mostly happy and just a little sad about. =) The little guy is sleeping like a champ and having lots of fun with his cousins, so hopefully he will maintain his good behavior.

So I guess this means we wont be around this week to recieve new callings since our ward split on Sunday (with 700 active members it was about time). But the rest of civilization has our cell numbers and e-mail addresses and can reach us that way Until Monday.


who stole the cookie from the cookie jar...




p.s. what do you think, should I go BIG with the pics on this blog from now on?


new phase, new face.

Max is going though a bit of an attachment phase at the moment.  While he used to watch us walk out the door without a second thought, he now cries and acts like he is never going to see us again! He does this at all of the expected times, like when I drop him off at the gym day care, or when we leave him with a babysitter. But the best is when he gets so sad when Danny leaves for work! One day last week, I HAD to document our little morning routine.

Max was sitting in his high chair eating breakfast when he noticed Danny by the door gathering his wallet and keys. The following is a step by step of how his face slowly melts in to his new "sad face!"

I have to say, we laugh every time he does it! This afternoon he even did it when 
our neighbor left the house. haha!

Of course, we rush out the door to give Daddy one more hug...

and a big fat kiss! he has become very generous with his kisses. Sometimes he will sit 
between us and go back and forth between the two of us for a kiss. 

Another funny departure story:

We have our fabulous next door neighbor (Kaitlyn) babysit for Max off and on. It is basically the most ideal situation ever. Usually I walk over and our conversations go a little like this:

me: "Hey Kaitlyn, how are ya?"
she: "fine, hi Max!"
me: "umm, would you be available to watch Max in like... uh... five or ten minutes?"
she: "sure!"
me: "okay, great. just head over when you're ready."

I know. I am lucky.

So anyway, a few days ago I had her come play with Max outside so I could get some editing done. He had a little fall, so he got to come see me for some quick snuggles until he felt better. After a minute, he starting pointing to the back door. Carrying him toward it I said "are you ready to go outside and play with Kaitlyn?" The three of us stepped out onto the back deck and Max started laughing and patting my boobs (he does that a lot). Then he looked up with Kaitlyn with a smile and sarted waiving bye-bye. We were both cracking up! He thought he had it all figured out. Little stinker!

A couple of days later, Kaitlyn came back over so Danny and I could head out for the evening. The doorbell rang, and Max bolted for the front door, no doubt assuming it was his little girlfriend Heather coming to play. When danny opened the door and he looked up to see his babysitter, his face slowly melted (see exhibit one) and then he hung his head and started to cry! One look at her and he knew what was going on!

For the record, Max actually adores Kaitlyn, and she is a fantastic babysitter. The initial departure is just a little rough for him! Thankfully, he gets over it after we are out of site for a few minutes and the little booger went right to bed for her at 8:30! And no. I will not share her with the rest of you. Find your own babysitter!


the new do!

I finally took a couple pics of Max's new haircut this morning! I have to say I think he looks pretty cute, but I do miss all those crazy curls! Doesn't he look grown up too? I'm a little sad about that part! At least now it's all even, so I can grow it out better from here. I am so glad my neighbor Amy came over to get the job done right, I was amazed at how well she did with my squirmy little dude! He kept wriggling, she just kept cutting. It was pretty impressive!