
noooooooo. no.


it's his answer to every single question i have asked him in the last three days. i swear. 

you having fun?

no. [smiling]

want some?


you like those strawberries bud?

no. [as he stuffs them in his mouth. then asks for more.]

want to get some toys out?


wanna go bye-bye? see daddy?

no. [walks to the door.]

you get the idea. doesn't matter what i ask, the question is no. danny and i have kinda made a game out of asking him thinks we know he'll say no to. want some chocolate? go see ezra and heather? you name it. it just rolls sweetly off his tongue. 

the answer is no. 


so here i am, at home, middle of the night, up to the usual. and what do you know, i find myself behind on my family blog again (or should i say as usual?). we are trying to get life back to normal after two birthdays, valentines day, and wppi and such. danny has a big golf trip this week though, so yea. good luck with that. we also switched the office/guest room with max's room and I have to say, his stuff looks SO cute in the yellow room. you remember.

i had an amazing time at wppi. the classes were great, i met some seriously cool people (like photographer celebrities that you wouldn't know but that i was seriously star struck over,  but also like real celebrities. i.e. GRETCHEN from the REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTY!) and my rommies Carly and Vanessa were too cool. Like even cooler than o.c. gretchen. astonishing, i know. 

I have a ton to catch up on, but for now, I just wanted to post a picture of me and my love (thank you iphone). We went on a real live double date with Nick and Kesha and it was SO fun! We went to Cheesecake Factory where we each ordered something equally unique and delicious, then passed around our plates (soooo my favorite way to dine!) and then went to the hockey game. Of course the Grizzlies won, but that doesn't really matter so much because honestly, i just like hockey so i can watch sweaty men beat the shiz out of each other on the ice. And literally as soon as the clock started in the first period, two guys immediately ripped their gloves off and started an all out brawl which to my delight, continued for quite some time. we loved it.

 note: must do more of this dating thing with Nick and Kesha (or helloooo, even with my husband for crying out loud) because really we had the BEST time. =) 

And not just because of the hockey fight. 


missing my valentines...

while I am here in LAS VEGAS.  I will admit, I am having a pretty great time here at WPPI. Hopefully I will learn a ton! So far, so good. =)

me and him. 

max and the ascot. 


ilove iphones

this just in. as it turns out, my adoring, sneaky, thoughtful, handsome, amazing, hunk of a man got me an iphone for valentines day. which is why my phone is off. the new telly is hopefully arriving today! at which time, i will resume all normal phone conversations. thank you thank you thank you husband! i am currently busy scrubbing our toilet to express my love and appreciation.

yes. you heard me right. there is no better way to my man's heart like a clean.... well, anything.

communication lines are down.

i repeat, communication lines ARE down. 

ugh. we have problems. if you tried to call me last night or this morning, you probably did NOT reach me. my phone randomly stopped working normally, as in when i try to make a call, it rings (if i am lucky) and then says, please enter your credit card or calling card number to complete this call...


say whaaaaaaat?

anyhoo, if you need to reach me today you can do so by e-mail and if you REEEEEALY need to talk to me you can call my lover boy and maybe you can reach me that way. 

it's going to be a rough day. britt, just keep breathing. 
we will find a way to survive this day apart. 

max's valentine


i was so sad that I underexposed this picture soooo badly, because i love it SO much! this is max and heather having a fun time playing in the cul de sac. these two keep us all entertained with their crazy antics. they play off of each other and copy each other all the time.  tonight they were taking turns jumping from the ottoman to the couch (don't worry, it was about six inches away) and max kept chickening out. he would wind up and say, "do, do.... do" (go) and then look at me and say "mama?" oh my goodness i haven't laughed so hard in months. even if they fight over toys now and then, it really is true love. =)


hello new header, i like you. the last one was too big. you likey too?

it's late and I said to my sleepy lover boy:

me: look what I made! [turn the lappy toward his squinting eyes]

him: ummmhm

me: you like it?

him: ummmhm

me: you think it's cute?

him: ummmhm

me: you think I'm cute?

him: ummmhm

me: [satisfaction]   =)

yes. I am the girl who needs lots of verbal praise and affirmation. don't judge. 



he's growing up before my eyes. how is it possible? didn't we just finish celebrating his first?
I thank God for the millions, billions, CRAZY amounts of photos we have to remember each moment. I am so thankful for this gift we call photography. And even more thankful for the gift I call Max. Happy Birthday. 

newborn max

one year old max- demolishing his first cake


my two year old max. this morning.
not yawning but giving me instructions. 

oh how i  love you. 

also, today marks my 2 year mamaversary. 


so here's to us baby boy.
we've both grown up so much in two years. I'd say we have each other to thank.