my little dude is two and a half. TWO AND A HALF!! i can hardly believe it. really, it kills me how quickly he is growing up. i love each of his new phases, but i am so sad to see the old ones pass too.
after talking to my neighbor and deciding the kids should know their names and parents names for safety reasons, we worked on saying his name, his FULL name. or at least first and last. i think we will spring the "jon maxwell" business on him when he is a little older. anyway, we worked on it on the trampoline, we worked on it while he balanced on my hands, way up in the air, we worked on it in the tub full of bubbles (together i might add). over and over we would say,
hey dude?
what? (a word he is quite good at)
what's your name? and he would respond with
huuh? (the word for anything he doesn't know how to say or especially something he just doesn't feel like answering)
and i would continue to remind him, he would continue to almost completely ignore me, or respond with something totally unrelated. like
"uhhhh, mama tar. jaaaj. (garage) bye bye mama tar!!"
sometimes he would say just "maxth" or just "tewteow" and sometimes we would get him to pay attention and actually say it. MAXTH TEWTOW.
in the tub, he only had so many distractions and he got it down. then we moved on to my name. he started to practice saying JESSICA.
it's a hard one.
yea right. he was soooo over it.
hey dude?
what's my name?
MAMA. [thinking for a second]
i DIED over that one. =)
so of course when i kissed him goodnight i said,
goodnight max kettle.
anyway, it's late but tomorrow i MUST MUST MUST post a little 2 and a half year old update on ALL THINGS MAX.