Showing posts with label max. Show all posts
Showing posts with label max. Show all posts


Friday was so insanely gorgeous, and we have so missed the sun. Max and I decided to stroll down to gardener village and soak up some vitamin D. My very favorite baby store, ELSA BELLE, closed! So sad. So we took advantage of an empty front porch. Max had a blast! In fact, he screamed when we had to leave. He crawled all over the place and babbled loudly at anyone who wanted to hear. I can't wait for summer so we can play outside every day!

hey mom. check me out! 
I love this boy and his crazy mess of strawberry blonde hair. Can't bring myself to cut it, don't know if ever I will. 
talkin, talkin, talkin. 

exploring it all.


rub a dub dub, but not in the tub.

This is Max. Max is very mature for his age. He prefers a lovely shower with his mom or dad over a bubble bath. Max has been showering with his parents ever since they gave him sponge baths in the warm steamy goodness when he first came home from the hospital. Now, he enjoys the post shower activities as much as the shower itself: i.e. pulling open all the drawers and cupboards and finding little treasures (nail polish anyone?). Decided to snap a few of my little naked man this morning.

finding his way out of his towel

the coast is clear!

plus, has there ever been a cuter little bum? We think he's going to have a b-donk-a-donk like his mum. Danny even says so. He comes from a long line of bubble-booties. 


a good mom morning

I would just like to start by saying that every morning is not a good mom morning. For me anyway. Lots of times we wake up cranky, eat eggo's (at least whole weat!), don't nap, run errands. Or work. Or haul off to the gym. Lots of mornings are mediocre mom mornings, or once in a while, bad mom mornings. =( Not this one. This was a good mom morning,  the kind of morning that makes it worth it, that "I must be doing something right" kind of morning.

Max woke up happy as can be. We got up and Max had a fantastic time scooting around on his little John Deer and babbling at the top of his lungs. His antics are like nothing else. Mom and Nana (who was on the phone) got a good laugh listening to his squeals. I started making breakfast, and as soon as Max saw the bananas, he let me know he was READY to eat! He ate an entire big bowl full of organic oatmeal, made with organic soy milk, sweetened with half a banana and a couple strawberries. He love it! So did I. I always feel good when he eats a delicious nutritious meal- especially an organic one! After breakfast, we had dancing time.  It's our favorite little activity, and I have been trying to make an effort to do it more often. We dance around like crazy people to great songs, like the classic "good morning" by Gene Kelly, or "I've got rhythm" (also Gene Kelly). Max laughs and smiles as we bounce around the room with our music blasting. The windows are always all open, so I am sure the neighbors think we're nuts. Toward the end of dancing time, Max started to get all tired and snuggley. I love it when he's like that. He decided he wasn't quite ready for a nap however, so we cuddled up, read a book, nursed, and then put him in his crib, where he is still sleeping peacefully. It has been a perfect morning! I wish they could all be like this. 

If anyone is interested, here is our good mom morning playlist:
Good Morning- Debbie Renolds, Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor
Free Little Bird- Lisa Loeb
I got Rhythm- Gene Kelly & MGM Children's Choir
Somewhere Over the Rainbow-  Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
Under the Bamboo Tree- Judy Garland & Margaret O'Brien


noodle night

Last night, we had spaghetti. The kind I HATE making- hamburger meat (never use it), angel hair pasta (ok, i like that part), and RAGU SAUCE (shudder) purchased by Danny- love you for grocery shopping anyway! But, it's what Danny wanted. So we made it. Maybe he's going through a growth spurt, maybe he has a thing for crappy tomato sauce. HE WENT NUTS, plowing through a whole banana, two big ladels full of meat pieces from the sauce, and then a whole bunch of spaghetti and sauce. Top it off with a sippy cup full of soy milk, and you have one full baby Max tummy. And one veeeeery messy baby Max face....and hands.... and body.... the floor.... (you get the idea). 


I'll love you dear,                     
I'll love you                           
Till China and Africa Meet,                     
And the river jumps over the mountain                      
And the salmon sing in the street.                     

[w h auden]                             


just for you, s.

I will seeee Easton's boogers and raise you one 

I hope you're having as great a day with your little sickies as I am with mine. =)


Max's big day

the setup
So I thought I was going to do some big elaborate theme or something. So not the case. We decided to throw a party old school. It was pretty traditional. Pizza, salad and treats, presents, cake, play. That was pretty much the  gist of it. The "theme?" It's Max's birthday? He's a baby? Really, I just picked out things that I liked, because who knows. Next year he might INSIST on a Wiggles birthday party or something [shudder].

 Max's BIG cake (he ate a different mini one with the number 1 on it). It was yellow cake with my great grandma's recipe for chocolate frosting. mmm. I was happy that I didn't totally biff the big "M."
I made this banner by covering chip board letters with fun scrap book paper, modge podging like a good 'ole relief society gal  and attaching them to some twine. The picture doesn't really do it justice, but I think this baby will making appearances at subsequent birthday parties. 

The party hats. Made by cutting half circles out of heavy duty paper (two fit perfect on a 12x12 piece of paper), rolling them into cones, attaching curly paper and elastic on the inside. Lots of scotch tape was involved. of course their were GIRL hats and BOY hats.  
a few of the guests

Poor Hadley. She got slimed by Max but was such a good sport. Sorry Haddy.

Uncle Jordan feeding Max some pizza. Notice the sauce all over his face. I am pretty sure that it was intentional on Jordan's part. =) Thanks to all our friends who made his day so special by coming. It was a long drive for some of you!! We appreciated it. 
the festivities

we sang. 
she blew, and we cheered and laughed (minus max).
  He did this. . .
[are you hearing the tune "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to"...]
until we gave him this

he started out just picking at the frosting, but before long...

after cake, Max  and his buddies played with some of his new toys. 
here his is riding his cool new car from his mom and dad, and wearing an AMAZING hat my neighbor Natalie made. 
Then we said goodbye and thanks to our guests.

Do you think he was TIRED??!! HAHA! Needless to say, he slept well that night. 

my boo boo of the day. I can't believe I forgot to hand out our party bags! Hadley is the only one I remembered to give one to! Some hosts we turned out to be!! I will be delivering the ones I can to neighbors etc., but I was so bummed! They were brown paper take out boxes filled with bubbles, toy cars, candy necklaces (for his girlfriends), playdough, and those old school little plastic soldiers and cowboys and indians. So cute! Such a waste. Sorry guys!

That night we let him stay up way past his bed time and the three of us all snuggled on the couch. It was such a fun day. We can't believe our baby boy is one! Happy birthday! Thanks to all our friends for their love and friendship (and party help!). You made this day so special.


A year ago today

Jon Maxwell came bursting into our lives. five pounds, twelve ounces, nineteen inches long, and five weeks and two days before his due date. He was greeted by his mom, dad, nana, aunt kenz, and his team of NICU doctors and nurses. A few minutes later, Grandpa Jon arrived from Seattle. We called him "tiny" until we chose his name a day and a half later. I refused to name my baby until I could hold him. This day changed us forever. I became a mother. Danny became a dad. He became ours. We became a family.

Thank you baby Max for the beautiful blessing you have been to us each day for the last year. I love you more than words can express. Thank you for making me your mama, for the tears and  many laughs that come along with the job. You, my little guy, are my world, my everything. You have redefined my life in the best most beautiful way. I hope I can help you define yours. One year down, eternity to go. Happy Birthday little bug.

[more to come on the first birthday festivities]


How to eat sand (and other fun pictures from Hawaii)

so maybe I should have been more clear. more pictures from our vacation really means more pictures of Max on our vacation. Here are some favorites.

First, get yourself a nice big handful, wrinkle your nose, and laugh to yourself about your little plan. 
(his expression in these pics kill me)
Then, stick a whole bunch of sand in your mouth, squeeze your lips shut reeeeeaaaal tight 
and chew for a minute to experience the gritty goodness. 

wipe off the excess. no need to make a mess. 

tell mama how it tastes.

But it's ok. 

Danny took Max skinny dipping at the Mauna Lani Beach. Just to clarify, 
Max was the only naked one. =)
Just cruising around. I am obsessed with this outfit of his! It's a handmade vintage piece (It has to be at least 30 years old) that I found at DI for a dollar. Some people have no idea what they are doing when they throw things out. I put it on him every chance I got!

This is what happens when you decide to give yourself a sand faceplant facial immediately 
after your mom slathers you in SPF 50.  Shockingly, although it was stuck even in his eyelashes, no sand got in his eyes!

max and mama
just plain humorous. it's almost ridiculous how obsessed they are with him!
Thanks mom and dad for the amazing trip. we love you!

Jordan looking oh so GQ. One thing you have to understand about my little brother. Dressing like a complete goof and watching us react (see the white socks) brings him pure joy. He is such a crack up. See Jordan. You DO make the blog.
Kenz, what a babe. 

The grand finale. This is my sweet (most of the time) autistic brother Tyler. He decided to join Marilyn (our Peruvian sister) for a brisk session of water aerobics. I wish I had a better picture, but the class consisted of the two of them and about 10 senior citizens.  The initial conversation went something like this:

Tyler: "Hey, Hey! What are you guys doing?! [keep in mind that my brother speaks loudly, very very loudly. It's pure entertainment]"
Marilyn/Instructor: "We are having an aerobics class in the water" 
Tyler: "Oh, are you excercising?"
 Instructor: "yes"
Ty: "Oh splendid. Would you like me to join you?!"
Marilyn, Instructor, old people: "Sure Ty!"
Tyler: " Alright, sure you do. You sure would like me to join you!"
Tyler jumps in and starts flailing his arms with everyone else. Priceless. 

A couple of my favorite moments:
Taking the whole group out on a little boat in the middle of the ocean, then jumping in the water with our snorkel gear and swimming with TONS of WILD DOLPHINS. then later snorkeling in a little cove with the most amazing tropical fish. There were literally thousands!

Finding a sea turtle on the rocks with Jordan, Mackenzie, and Danny. Standing about a foot away from it for probably 15 minutes. Jordan breaking the law and touching it. 

Swimming with about 3 huge sea turtles later that afternoon. Pure amazement. 

Sitting on the beach, doing a whole lot of nothing, just loving being in the company of the people I love the very most on this earth. My husband, my baby, my parents, my siblings. It was unforgettable.