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Monday, April 13, 2009

My Birthday....

I like it when Dave is off work. Especially on my birthday.
Even though we have kids who go to bed early and wake up early, we still haven't abandoned our night owl tendencies. Hopefully some day soon because I'm tired of being tired all the time.
Anyway, yesterday was his turn to sleep in but because it was my birthday he let me go back to bed after the Easter Bunny madness was over. Which also gave him the opportunity to run out and get my awesome birthday present (a Cybershot T-90). I have been wanting a small camera that doesn't require it's own BAG in order for me to take it with me. It's just to much hassle to keep track of two kids, a purse and a camera bag when we are out and about. So I stopped taking the camera bag hence less posts with pictures because there were no pictures taken. Which is something that actually bothers me.
So I got what I wanted.
What I liked even more was how great Dave was with the girls. He had them sign my birthday cards and help put my Easter/birthday basket together. When Sadie would start to annoy me with her extreme clingingness (word?) he would come and get her distract her with something dinosaur. He taught them to fly kites yesterday (pictures to follow). He tried to teach Grace how to fly a remote control airplane. He gave them a bath and put them to bed with his secret "Ladybug Story". I haven't heard the story but I have heard the laughing.
We then went to the movies and casino for a little Keno.
We didn't get home until after 2 am so once again, I am tired. It was a great day for me thanks to my wonderful husband.
Thank you Dave and I love you very much!
If only all my days were like yesterday...... :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009




(Excuse the dirty faces. They were eating chocolate before we colored eggs).
She looks thrilled doesn't she?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It has happened....

Sadie (just like Grace but in her own time) woke up one morning and decided she was going to pee in the potty. It's been about a week now with only 2 accidents. Not that Grace didn't do a good job but I am quite impressed at how well Sadie is doing. We took a trip to the mall yesterday that lasted a couple hours and twice Sadie told me she had to go pee. (I HATE HATE HATE taking my girls into public bathrooms. They feel the need to touch EVERYTHING!)

I am now a firm believer that waiting until they decide it's time is the best way to potty train. It's much quicker and easier.

On another note:
Is anyone else curious as to why "Yo Gabba Gabba" is on TV? And how in the heck do they get such famous people to make fools of themselves on this show?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's been a while....

Sadie lining up all her dinosaurs and giving each one a kiss before "going to sleep".

Boy dinosaur undies for Grace, Sadie wants to wear undies but doesn't want to do what it takes to wear them. Anyone got any ideas? Candy rewards worked great with Grace but not so much with Sadie.
The cutest little bums you'll ever see.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

My girls love love love dinosaurs. More so Grace than Sadie. They can identify what a T-Rex is, a brontosaurus, a triceratops, pteridactyl, and stegasaurus. (SP?)

An old friend put her kids Valentines on Facebook and I stole her idea and did it with my girls. Grace's turned out better than Sadie's cause Sadie couldn't hold her hand out and smile at the same time.
Still cute though.
I love her lips. No photoshopping. That's natural.