09 August 2013
Is he really FIVE?
This past Sunday, my sweet baby boy turned 5! FIVE! Where has the time gone?
He's always been so wide-eyed and curious. Right after he was born he was looking around and stayed awake for several hours to meet everyone who came to visit. Not much has changed except now he knows the word no and screams a little louder... but mostly he's sweet.
This year I want to start asking birthday questions so they have something to look back on.... so here goes.
1. What is your favorite color? green
2. What is your favorite toy? my police and rescue helicopter
3. What is your favorite fruit? apples
4. What is your favorite tv show? ninja turtles
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? corn dogs
6. What is your favorite outfit? my blue and white striped v-neck tee and my greyish brownish shorts (he went into his room to look in his closet to answer this one....)
7. What is your favorite game? the game me and daddy always play (007 Goldeneye on N64)
8. What is your favorite snack? granola bars
9. What is your favorite animal? tiger
10. What is your favorite song? I Like to Look for Rainbows
11. What is your favorite book? Legoland
12. Who is your best friend? Hannah (he had me write it in pink for her)
13. What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon toast crunch
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? ride bikes with Charlie (our neighbor)
15. What is your favorite drink? Root beer float
16. What is your favorite holiday? Memorial Day
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? the little small brown bear
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? pancakes
19. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? hamburger helper
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? an ambulance person, a doctor and a firefighter
29 November 2011
Life as We Kinda Know it
On a lighter note...
Can I just say again how amazing my kids are? It is so fun to watch Zoe grow and learn new things. She says about 15 words and signs: more, all done, diaper, eat/food, thirsty, water, and please. She understands us when we ask her to do thing like close a drawer, or to look for her paci or a toy. She has a million different expressions and I love to watch her explore each one--she totally knows what she's doing. I can't believe it has been over 13 months since I had her. I cannot imagine life without her and the joy she brings our family.
David is... David. He is so stinking smart. He is starting to sound out words and can recognize some sight words. His memory is just incredible... I said something about a Christmas party and he said "like the one at Gena's church with Santa?" That was a year ago... and we haven't talked about it since. This is not an isolated incident. Sometimes I worry because he is so picky with his food and with textures and things have to be just so.... but then he speaks. He gets along with all the kids at preschool, minus a bully or two, and is almost always just a happy kid.
Just talking about them makes me feel better. Who needs a "why me?" I have plenty of blessings... far enough to outweigh any of those moments...
14 April 2011
Our Vegas/Utah Trip Part 1
We got inspired by Heather's surprise trip to come to Zoe's blessing and decided since nothing is holding us down right now, it would be the perfect time to take a trip. I think we fully decided to go on Thursday (it was half way Wednesday) and we left Friday afternoon. I had a Pampered Chef party on Thursday evening, and we had mommy and me Thursday morning followed by my niece Kinsie's school play. So basically... all packing was done super quick Friday morning after Zoe's doctor appt and all the laundry I needed to do.
We stayed in Vegas for a couple nights and spent time with the Miller family. We see them far less than we should... they graciously allowed us to stay with them and having 4 kids age 2 and under in the apartment was a fun experience! We had an amazing dinner at the M Buffet after a two hour wait... so worth it! The creme brulee was soooo good!
In Utah (or yeehaw as David calls it) we got to spend some quality time with people we love. We stayed with Steve and Heather and had some good rounds of late-night hand and foot. We also had a fairly successful DI trip and a blast sledding! It was David's first time and he LOVED it. He even went down the hill completely by himself.
In Utah we also got to spend time with Megan! We were so excited she was in Utah and not Florida... sorry Andrew. We went to the Nickelcade and out to dinner. We wish we'd been able to stay up there longer because it was sad to leave our friends and family, but I guess we'll just have to take another trip up there sometime soon...
More pictures will be posted soon, they're on the camera and not my phone...
07 February 2011
Zoe Isabella Johnson's blessing
Grandpa Johnson almost missed it... he missed the street to turn onto and walked in right as they were finishing gathering up front. We were so happy he was able to make it.
Dave gave a wonderful blessing that focused a lot on education and learning for Zoe. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing man who holds the priesthood and is able to bless our children and our family.
05 February 2011
When Life Gives You Lemons, Find Some Sugar...
Some people like lemons.. they even eat them whole. That's not us.... we like things more sweet than sour. Thankfully we have learned that so many people in our lives are willing to let us borrow some sugar. Two friends have had Dave work for them, helping us out until unemployment or a new job gets here. Countless friends have told us about job openings. Katrina and Paul even came over last night and overhauled Dave's resume, which she's taking to her boss for an opening they have. We have been so blessed as this sugar is poured on our lemon...and while we don't know yet if we're making lemonade or a pie... we know it will be sweet.
25 January 2011
Zoe Isabella Johnson
24 January 2011
In an effort to get my blog going again (I know, I have a ton to catch up on)... I am entering the realm of blogging by email and text message... let's see if this works...
31 July 2010
Day at the Beach
25 May 2010
Our biggest news over the past couple months has been the impending arrival of baby number 2! I'm due November 2nd and we'll be finding out June 8th what we are having. I know David doesn't fully understand, but when you ask him where mommy's baby is he pats my stomach or tries to lift up my shirt to see my tummy. He'll also randomly hug or kiss my belly and say baby, so we'll see how it goes when the little one actually gets here.
David is growing like a weed. He's now in about the 75th percentile for his height and weight and the 90th for his noggin. He has started speaking in phrases and sentences and is very easy to understand. He is in love with zebras and elephants and can tell you most animals names and sounds. He know all of his colors (most of the time) in speech and in sign and can tell you what most of the letters are along with their accompanying sound. Recently, he started trying to count. It's always 1,2,5,8,9... but he's trying. He absolutely LOVES school. I think this summer we'll probably sign up for two days of mommy and me since he gets so excited about it.
David also has a new accomplishment to tack on to his big boy progress... he now sleeps in a twin-size bed.... no longer the crib. We're working on potty training slowly... he pees and poops in the toilet, just not consistently. When grandma and grandpa get back from their trip next week, we'll be trying potty training full-time. Next issue to tackle... the paci(s). He only uses them for bedtime now, but he has to have at least two... just in case he drops one. Maybe we'll work on that after he's potty trained...
On to Daddy... He is still working at LWT (leisure, werden and terry) as a case manager. He enjoys his job and gets along with his co-workers. The end of this summer will bring on a fresh round of applications for career employment, so we'll see how that goes. Pictures will have to be added later... having trouble uploading them right now. There will also be more updates to follow....
08 December 2009
David's accomplishments
OK, back to the point of the post. Here's a list of the words and phrases he says... waffle, yogurt, milk, more, food, eat, don't do that, me (for mine), chicken, night-night, pee-pee, poo-poo, stinky, diaper, clothes, chocolate, candy, want, no, yellow, blue, green, red, kitty, doggy, cow, boat, shoes, socks, pretty, ducky (most often called quack-quack), tree, see?, paci, love you (only said to the cat), mommy, daddy, papa, grandma, kinsie, laura, gena, emma, hannah, kaitlin, lion, book, baby, hello, car, hug, don't want it, train (also called choo-choo), phone, ball, out, go (said forcefully when herding the cat outside or upstairs), cheese, french fries, gorilla, monkey, pants, birdie, trash, plane, water ( or awa), and hot, wow, cool, and nice. (I might be forgetting some)
He makes sounds for cars, kitties, dogs, horses, monkeys, ducks, lions, tigers, and bears (various arrrghs and rawrs).
He also uses sign. The ones he knows are... food/eat, more, all done/gone, cereal, hungry, thirsty, diaper, candy, water, paci (I don't know if it's the correct one, but he has a consistent sign he uses), hot
He figures everything out. When he sees something new, he studies it, and inspects every side and every screw. He vacuums, sweeps and wipes up the floor. We've been starting to potty train and he will open the toilet, put his seat on and then come to me to get his diaper off. When he's done, he grabs the toilet paper, takes his seat off, closes the lid and flushes it. He already figured out how to open the cupboard locks, although it's hard for his hand to do, so he's not consistent about being able to do it (thank goodness). He practices with his toys to see how many ways he can use it. The other night he we crawling on the floor, pushing his beach ball around with his head. He also drags the rocking pig over to things, tips it over and then stands on it (it's much more stable that way).
If he hears a plane, he stops whatever he's doing and searches the sky saying wow. If he hears a garbage truck, he screams in terror and runs to me. Dave says I made too much noise when he was in the womb (one time in particular I dropped a table at work and I felt him jump when he was still inside me). He also does not like the lawnmower or blower.
David LOVES music. He loves to play with drumsticks, an old trumpet mouthpiece of mine and the piano. His favorite book to read at church is the hymnbook. He studies the music. It's on of the cutest things ever. I know we're pretty partial, but in my opinion, he is one awesome kid.
Thanksgiving, shopping and more
That night, the three of us drove to my sister's house in Chino to have a little sleepover. We got in bed around 11 or 11:30 and my sister and I got up at 1:30am to start our shopping. We headed to Ontario Mills first, since it had opened at midnight. After scoring some sweet deals, we went to ToysRUs (which had also opened at midnight). We got there about 4am, waited in line for a while to get in, did our shopping, and then waited an hour to get through to the checkout line. When we finished there, we bee-lined next door to Joanns, which had only had like 5 people in line when we went to ToysRUs. Now there were about 20 or so in front of us, and it opened in half an hour. The line only continued to grow behind us. By the time it opened, there were 50-100 people behind us. I ended up getting almost 40 yards of flannel for baby blankets and saved $200 from what it normally would have cost me. My cost came out to around $60! Awesome, huh? We then headed to the Mattel Outlet about an hour before they opened. We again had perfect timing. There were 3 people in front of us, but right after we got in line, people started coming in droves. I was the first person in the warehouse, and my sister got some amazing deals. We weren't quite done though, we then went to KMart to get a few items for the kids from the Shelter we're buying for.
After that, we called it a day, rescued Dave from the kids and had to get ready for the Sprague Thanksgiving Dinner. (In reality, Dave totally had the kids under control. David was even sleeping when we got back). After another wonderful meal, we started preparing for the next holiday. All Thanksgiving decorations came down on Saturday, and Christmas went up. Nov. 30th we got our tree (a beautiful LIVE one!), and all lights and decorations were in place! This past weekend, David met Santa, but I'll wait for that post until I get the pictures... (will you e-mail me the ones you have Laura?)
Needless to say, we're pretty excited for Christmas. All presents are wrapped and under the tree, and David just loves all these pretty things. When we drive by a house with Christmas lights on at night, he says "oooooo, pretty......more?" and does the sign for more. This happens E-V-E-R-Y time. Told you he was entertaining...