25 August 2008


Alrighty, I'm finally adding some more pictures. The first picture is of my sister and I about a week before I had David. The others are some recent ones of David...when he was about 4 weeks old. Watching TV with Mommy...

24 August 2008

Excuse the Lazy Poster.....

OK, so I am a horribly lazy blog poster! We've had David in our lives for 3 weeks now and I have yet to post another update! He is an amazing baby. We usually get 4 hour stretches of sleep (Friday night we had a 6 hr stretch)and he's really not a fussy baby. Our general sleeping time is midnight to about 8 or 9 am, but last night and tonight he went down between 10 and 11pm. Babies aren't supposed to be able to smile, but we've gotten smiles from him after giving him a kiss or tickling his neck. He also laughs in his sleep. Like a full on laugh with a big grin. It is the cutest thing in the world! As soon as we find our camera I'll try to capture it. It definitely feels weird to be a mom. Sometimes it seems hardly real that he's here and he's mine. Other times it feels like life wasn't complete without him and I can barely even remember what life was before him. I do know however that I wasn't falling asleep on the couch before 11pm... and since he's in bed now and stayed asleep after we put him down, I'm going to take the opportunity to get to bed before midnight! Before I log off however, I must congratulate my sister, Gena, on her new arrival. Hannah Claire was born on the 22nd at 8 something in the morning. She was 19" long and weighed 6 lbs 12 oz, so only a smidgen smaller than David. We have some really cute pictures of her and of them both together that I will have to post when I'm on the other computer. She's absolutely beautiful and has the longest eyelashes I think I've ever seen!

06 August 2008

Baby Boy!!!

David Russell Johnson Born Monday, August 4, 2008 at 19:56. Weight: 6.13 lbs Height: 20 inches