Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lobenberg Selfie

Yes, a little goofy or as my Engish aunt use to say "a little airy fairy", but it's all me. This painting was started during a watercolor portrait demonstration at the Folsom Arts Association in California. I didn't get too far into it then, but over the last two days, completed the job. It is about 90% watercolor, 15% conte, and 5% Caran d' Ache. I titled this selfie "Pleasant Thoughts".

Sunday, June 29, 2014

This quarter sheet (on 140lb. cold press watercolor paper) selfie graphite drawing got accidentally splattered with paint while I was doing another watercolor piece. I put it aside for several weeks, and just yesterday decided to work on it with some left over colors on my palette. I layed down some big washes with a four inch wide brush both wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry. Then I started adding facial detail with round brushes.. After the facial details dried, I masked out a few shapes with painter's (house painters) masking tap and pulled off paint in those areas with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Finally a little more  detailing
and voila! Fini.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Currently, I'm in Bangkok, Thailand

I had the honor to be one of several American watercolor artists to be invited by the Thai government to display two of my watercolor portraits in the World Watermedia Exposition. The expo is now on display in Bangkok during the month of June. So in a manner of speaking, I'm now in Bangkok (in spirit). Meanwhile . . . I am currently being interviewed for a three page magazine spread for The World Of Watercolour, a European publication. The article will be in their September issue. Fun stuff having a presence in Asia and Europe!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Two Starts and Stops - Full sheet watercolors

This selfie, I just entered into the 34 Annual International Show for the San Diego Watercolor Society, and the "Pagoda Garden Delight" is a scene that we will be painting in a workshop I'll be conducting at University Art, here in Sacramento, CA. It is a great exercise in saturated color, value control, and a little negative painting. Both paintings are on 22 by 30 inch, 140 lb. Arches cold press watercolor paper.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Practice, practice, practice.

Practicing or doing painting studies is like rehearsing for a stage play. You learn your lines and acting moves, tweak them, and become ready to entertain and engage the audience. I never tire doing the same portrait subject, because it only improves my work. Here are some acrylic and watercolor studies of a California cow girl.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

"Cheeky Me" Art Club Demo

Last week, I gave an hour watercolor demo. of my "California-Vibe" style of portraiture at The Sacramento Fine Arts Center. I will be returning to the center on May 24, 25, and 26 to conduct my "California-Vibe Watercolor Portraiture" workshop. The first photo shows how far I got into the painting at the end of the hour demo. The second photo shows the painting completed after about another hour's work in my studio.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Getting closer?????

Two thousand watercolor artists the world over entered The Art Of Watercolour's (a prominent French art magazine) first World Watercolour Compitition with moire being one of them. A few months ago, I past the first judging stage, and last week, I past the second stage. The competitors have now been culled down to 294 selected artists (that's "artistes" in French, and I have probably misspelled the word!). Twenty five to thirty will finally be chosen in the third and final judging stage for the winter exhibit in bon France, and I am hoping that I will be lucky enough to make that final cut. Like my French???