Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mosaic Monday: More from Ham House

I visited Ham House in Richmond, England, with my daughter back in May.  I'm not sure if I ever shared all the photos I took there.  I apologize if some of these are repeats, but looking back over them yesterday, I was excited all over again for all the beautiful things we saw there.

The indoor photos shown here are from the kitchen, which was in the basement of this beautiful Elizabethan home.  The outdoor photos show just a little of the wonderful garden.

I would love to visit again some day.  My blogging friend, Sharon Collins, lives nearby and will be working at Ham House as a volunteer administrator soon.  Lucky her!  Click on the link to visit her photoblog, which is wonderful!


I want to take a moment to apologize to you all for not leaving many comments on your beautiful posts.  I find that a lot of typing and editing makes my right hand ache terribly, and I need to save my aches and pains for my work.  But please know that I appreciate each and every one of you, and all the beauty that you share here every week!  xo

Please note: there will be no Mosaic Monday next weekend.  I will be attending a photography workshop.  See you back here on November 24th.

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mosaic Monday: Sunset at Natirar

I took a ride over to Natirar the other night to check out the light for a future portrait session.  It was about an hour before sunset, and the light was glorious.  We have had some gorgeous autumn colors this year, too.  I try to treasure these beautiful days, because I know that there are dark and cold days ahead.  Can you tell that winter is not my favorite season?  ;)

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

October in Orange

I'm thrilled to host the very talented members of the Facebook group Colors of 2013 with Eva Ricci Studio today.   We have been working on a different color prompt each month, and October's color was orange.  I'm fascinated by all the different takes on the color, from brash and bright to soft and shimmering...

Kelly Newbury

Amalia Ferreira-Espinoza
AFE Images

Nelleke Glasbergen

Sylvia Cook
Vintage Chic Images
Sylvia Cook Photography

Diana Taylor

Judith Kimber
Judith Kimber Photography (etsy)
Judith Kimber Photography (Facebook)

Michele Larcheveque Catino
Catino Creations (etsy)
Catino Creations (Facebook)
Catino Creations (website)

Sarah Melvin
Sarah Melvin Photography (etsy)
Sarah Melvin Photography (Facebook)
Sarah Melvin Photography (website)

Katerina Vodrazkova
Over The Rainbow Prints

Janice Darby

Melissa Lund
Melissa Lund Photography

Isabelle LaFrance
Isabelle LaFrance Photography (blog)
Isabelle LaFrance Photography (Facebook)

Sue Zellers
Sueze Photography (Facebook)
Sue Zellers (500px)

Abra Alani Cole

Sharon Collins
Sharon Collins Photography

Alana Gillett
Maria Rose: A Prime Collection (website)
Maria Rose: A Prime Collection (etsy)

Eva Ricci
Eva Ricci Studio

Andrea McClain
McClain Creations

Robin Brenner McQuay Anderson

Bonnie Smith

Aina Saele Apelthun

Mary Carroll
Mary Carroll Photography (etsy)
Mary Carroll Photography (portrait website)

So that's October in Orange.  Aren't they fabulous?!  Websites, etsy shops, etc. are listed under each collage.  Grab a cup of coffee and spend some time perusing the work of these talented photographers.  You might even find a few holiday gifts to order.  ;)

See you on Sunday afternoon for our regularly scheduled Mosaic Monday.
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mosaic Monday: Random Natirar

Somehow, the day got away from me, and I'm scrambling to put up a Mosaic Monday post...  :)

Here are some images from our favorite park, Natirar, taken a few weeks ago.  Someday, I will stop on the road and take a pull back photo of this field -- it is so beautifully curving, and a real joy to see. The last of the asters were in bloom when we visited, and lots of pretty seed heads from goldenrod and milk weed.  I love autumn.  :)

Just a note:  I will be publishing a special post on November 2nd.  My Facebook group, Colors of 2013 with Eva Ricci Studio, has asked me to host our photos from the month of October.  So please do stop by on Saturday, and see all the beautiful images celebrating "orange" from around the world.  :)

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mosaic Monday: Morven

Last month, my friend Toni and I visited Morven, a beautiful eighteenth-century home and former governor's mansion in Princeton, New Jersey.  It is currently a wonderful museum and art gallery.  Here are a few photos from our visit.  In the garden, they were having an exhibition of unusual trellises.  You can see one in the photo directly above.  What I loved best about the garden, though, was the beautiful brick wall.  I couldn't help thinking what a gorgeous backdrop it would make for portraits.  In fact, when we were leaving in the afternoon, a wedding magazine was setting up for a photoshoot in the front of the museum.  I couldn't help snapping a few quick shots.  Don't you love the table they placed in front of the door?  They also decorated the wisteria vine on the front porch (no longer blooming) with dried hydrangea.  How pretty!  I wish I knew what magazine it was -- I would love to see the finished product.  :)

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mosaic Monday: Orange

I seem to be on a color kick lately.  The last two weeks, it was photos from our August vacation in Connecticut.  This week, I have some images that I've been creating for my Facebook group Colors of 2013 with Eva Ricci Studio.  The color of the month is orange.  The berries, seedpods, acorns, etc. are from our morning walks.  I'm a bit of a magpie, as you may already know.  The antique books are a fascination I got from my parents.  The little hand-painted tole tray is from my favorite thrift store, and the nature scene was shot this weekend at Natirar -- one of our favorite places to walk.  Happy autumn, dear bloggers!  :)

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Mosaic Monday: Pink

I've got some more images from White Flower Farm this week.  It seems such a long time since we were there...  the last week in August.  Where did September go?  The trees have started changing here in New Jersey.  Next week I may have some autumn colors for you.  ;)

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.