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Thursday, February 24, 2011

...spring is almost here!

we are visiting taka's family in Ehime...the weather is slowly warming, I think it's almost time for spring?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the mountains

Matsuyama, Ehime is where Taka's mum lives in Japan. It is a city surrounded by mountains. The air is crisp in the morning and is refreshing to be around after breathing Paris and Tokyo air for 2 weeks.

tsumori chisato paris

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

meet olivia

This is where we eat breakfast every morning.
Fresh squeezed juice, cafe creme, croissant, eggs and baguette.

Today we made a new friend. Her name is olivia. She was a little naughty and would go searching for food. Looking at the amount of food we had, she chose to hang with us. Her owner is the man sitting reading the paper behind taka... he would yell 'OLIVIA, viens ici s'il vous plait!'
How could you resist those eyes.

p.s. we saw a lady dip a doggie biscuit into her espresso for her dog before drinking her coffee...french doggies live differently over here

Monday, February 7, 2011

bonjour paris

Our first 2 days in Paris... cold, grey, dog poop, cigarettes, good food, best looking kiddies, beautifully dressed people.

In true tourist style we have been duped twice and we get confused looks from our non-existant French. On the plus side, our apartment is divine and the cafes are amazing. we have 3 days left before we return to Japan. France will be great when we're back in May....we will be the cool kids...street wise and language savvy (fingers crossed)
(taka= photographer!)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

milk carton paper making video+kits

We have finally made our video and listed our paper making kits on our web shop!
The kits are made from 80% up-cycled and recycled items. The boxes are made from up-cycled Sydney Opera House plastic posters, so each is different and unique! All hand made with our LOVE LOVE LOVE xxx

p.s. more info on the kits here