wow does time fly!!! it just seames like yesterday when korbyn was born...our little miricle baby!!! He is now 6 months and healthy as ever....i was looking threw old pics and figured i should go threw his little life and share some of my 1st memories of my little is re....he is so big and so much is hard to think he started off so little...with so many chalenges...but he beat the odds....
korbyn Davis Foster
Born March 13, 2008
2lbs 7oz
15 inches long
Born at 27 weeks
13 weeks early
when korbyn was born... he was on the c.p.a.p for a few weeks... i hated it because i rarely got to see his face......
we were aloud to put our hands in and touch him & do his cares for him every 3 hours...but couldnt hold him yet.....
we were lucky!!!aunt jodi came to visit durring care they removed the c.p.a.p. to check all my wires.... (i remember crying the 1st time i saw this photo....i hadnt seen korbyns face in over a week...& felt bad...i couldnt remember what he looked like)
look at my little hand it barely fits around the tip of daddys finger!!!!!
My handsome little guy!!!! look how tinny and delicate he looks.....
i remember i couldnt get over how tinny his hands and feet was amazeing he had finger and toe prints...i was amazed at how perfect his little body was even being that early...@ 27 weeks....
daddy loved comming to the hospital and holding me....we did alot of kangeroo care...that is where i layed skin to skin, it kept me warm and go to listen to daddys was my favorite thing in the whole world....besides laying on mommy....
our 1st official family picture...we finaly got to hold korbyn after he was 4 weeks was amazeing to put this tinny little body on my chest....I loved it when he would look up at me, with his tinny little eyes...i spent many days, hours and hours with korbyn on my chest... i would hold him till the nurses sugessted me putting him back...
Daddy would come up after work and take naps with me everyday!!!
korbyn finaly got big of the volentears made a tinny beanny for him...its amazeing when i see it think it actually fit..his head was no bigger than a racquet ball...
korbyn's 1st easter.... we still couldnt dress him yet...his skin was still to thin and he had to manny wires...but i found this bunny and after washing it 10 times...i felt comfortable bringing ti up to him....i still have it...the bunny was as big as the bunny looks so small...its hard to believe he was the same size...
I loved holding my little man...he is my world!!!!
some days korbyn was to sick to be insted i would let him hold my hand...and sing lullabys to him...he loved it...his heart rate would level out and he would start breathing better...he knew his mama was there..
the 1st few months i called him my little bird...he looked like a bird that came to soon...with the little nests the n.i.c.u. nurses wold make to make him feel commfy and secure...
so many wires....korbyn was always tugging on his wires...this one was his p.i.c. went from his wrist down into his heart... this was a big no no, but was his favorite one to pull on...
Korbyns 1st official a tupperware tub!!!! Mommy got to watch and help a little...I loved my 1st bath, i fell right to sleep when nurse Marcy put me into the warm water....I recognized this wasnt that long ago i was in mommys warm belly...
my little bird, after his bath...he didnt even this day..he still loves his helps him relax and get ready for bed...
I was so excited...they finaly o.k.ed us to dress Korbyn... this outfit is for a micro preemie and is still big on him...i have tis outfit still, its crazy to think it was once to big...
Korbyn is getting so big and hes facial features were changeing so much....
what a sweet boy.... he had a feeding tube in him...they didnt start feeding him till 34 weeks by mouth...before 34 they were just pumping my breast milk into his tummy...
This is korbyns board...he had goals he had to reach...ang nurses and grandparents would leave was the only way i got to nest for the 1st 3 i was constantly dusting and moveing things around...and folding his clothes....
Korbyn finaly was big enough to move out of his incubator and get an open crib...this ment he was strong enough to keep his own temprature....we were so happy....just one more step closer to getting to come home....
This was one of the corners that me and jeremy lived threwout korbyns n.i.c.u. was actually the biggest of the 3 spots they moved him...he is in the continueing care nursery here...there was 2 babies to every pod here...about 8 babies per room, but the rooms were alot bigger...we were seperated by a curtain...only had room for one comfy recliner and a hard wood the regualr n.i.c.u. pods...their were 4 babies to every pod...and 16 babies per room, all seperated by curtians... tight quarters...korbyn go to go home shortly after this...i dont have the pics downloaded to this comp...of his departure...or 2nd hospital trip...the really scarry one...
korbyns 3rd hospital stay...poor abay was so sick...he had a seizure again and the put an i.v. in, a feeding tube, and a cathiter....what a trooper...
Grandma Ding would come to the hospital every morning and take over...while korbyn was readmitted...he had to be held all the time.. i was exausted so it was so nice to have someone come in and help, so i could sleep.....All of his Grandmas were life savers....we coulfnt of done it without u guys and all of ur support!!!!
Korbyn after he started feeling alot better...even in the hospital he was a bappy boy...
yeah we fianlly got to go home...Grandma Ding would give me baths every night...Got me into that had to take over once grandma went back to china...
Aunt Sue loves this little boy...i have never seen sue and laurent like any kids let alone a baby....he is a special boy that has soften alot of peoples hearts...
Labor day...korbyn loves i decided to take him in...he wasnt a big fan of the cold water and everyone splashing...we were not in to long at all...but all of his cousins were so excited baby korbyn was getting in the water too....
What a happy little boy!!!! Every morning...He wakes up so happy and wants smile and tell me stories... he is so cute....i love this boy!!!!
Daddy helping me go poo poo on the potty... it was something Grandma ding started when she was here...korbyn was constipated at the time and it was the only way he would scuccessfully 4 times a day or more we spent holding him and grunting with him...All of his aunts and cousins got a kick out of it and he always had a crowd when he was on the potty...maybe he will have cycalogical problems from it later... we did it for about 4 weeks after she left...but really havent been to successful lately...maybe we will potty train him when he can actually get to the potty him self....for now he isnt constapated when he starts grunting....He goes with out warnning...Sorry to disapoint u gramdma....
Korbyn had become a blankie boy...he wont take a apacifire..but he will take a blankie...its the funniest thing...he just munches on stops him from crying so why no....he loves his blankies...
his cousins love him so much...expecially Hailey, Baily, and Brooklyn....Hailey is so funny....i was telling her that korbyn came out of my tummy early....and what does she say, "Korbyn came out of ur tummy early, because he wanted to see how beautiful i am.." i get a kick out of my nices and nephews...they are all so dang cute and special to me in their own way...Even my 16 yr old neice Tobie...Its amazeing to me that she is a young lady...i am so lucky for such a great family!!!
My favorit thing still is when he fall asleep onmy is the sweetest thing in the whole world...
I love that he wakes up so happy...i use to have a hard time getting up, and would even be kinda grumpy in the morning...But when u wake up to this, how can you be grumpy...What a sweetheart!!!!
Korbyn is getting so dang big and funner and funner everyday...i enjoy every moment i spend with him...watching him grow and learn new things... He is amazeing....And i am never board!!!
The two loves of my life....I am so lucky to have these to guys in my life...i dont know what i would so without them....they are amazeing and keep me going... I can not imagine my life with out them....My little boy is growing so fast, im trying to enjoy and cherish every moment of it... They are my everything.....I love my life!!!
Sorry so manny pictures....threre still so many i didnt share...but i hope this caught you up on what our last six months have been like....We have a amazeing son to show for it...