Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Severe weather coming; trawler needs assist

Deckboss is sure you've seen some of the many media reports of rough weather sweeping into the Bering Sea and Western Alaska.

The U.S. Coast Guard this afternoon issued this press release talking about its preparations, plus efforts to asset a disabled trawler.

The release says in part:

The Coast Guard and commercial services are currently responding to a request for assistance from the 143-foot fishing trawler Rebecca Irene 138 miles northwest of Unimak Pass in the Bering Sea.

Communications Station Kodiak received a call from the master of the fishing vessel at 3:45 a.m. reporting that one of their engines had become inoperable and they were under way with limited propulsion. They are headed toward Unimak Island at about 6 mph with 34 people aboard. The weather is forecast to degrade to 55 mph winds with seas of 35-feet by late afternoon.

The cutter Sherman is currently on scene and is planning to take all nonessential Rebecca Irene crewmembers aboard. The transfer will be conducted using the Sherman's small boat.

The parent company of the Rebecca Irene has contracted with Magone Marine of Dutch Harbor for the tug Double Eagle to respond and tow the fishing vessel.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Yukon notches strong fall chum, coho catches

Here are highlights from a Department of Fish and Game summary of the 2011 fall salmon season on the Yukon River:

• The commercial harvest of 238,979 fall chum salmon was the largest since 1995.

• The commercial harvest of 76,303 coho salmon was the largest since 1991.

• All salmon were sold "in the round" and no salmon roe was sold separately.

• The ex-vessel value of the catch was an excellent $2.1 million, including $1.6 million for fall chum and $478,960 for coho.

• A total of 410 permit holders participated in the fishery.

Crewman airlifted off crab boat Wizard

This just in from the U.S. Coast Guard:

Nov. 7, 2011

Coast Guard medevacs fisherman north of Cold Bay

KODIAK — A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew today medevaced a man from a 150-foot fishing vessel 60 miles north of Cold Bay.

Communications Station Kodiak received a radio call at about 1:22 p.m. from the crew of the Wizard reporting a 28-year-old male had collapsed and was showing signs of dehydration and shock.

The Jayhawk rescue crew was on a training flight when it heard the call. It self-diverted to the location of the Wizard and safely hoisted the man.

The rescue crew transferred the man to Cold Bay clinic personnel for further evaluation at about 3:20 p.m.

The Wizard is a crabber based out of Seattle.

Who wants out of Southeast salmon seine fishery?

Last month we told you the National Marine Fisheries Service had published regulations for a potential buyback of Southeast Alaska salmon seine permits.

The fishery currently has 379 permits.

Naturally, Deckboss was wondering how many permits we might retire, and at what cost.

Well, here's a reduction plan buyback organizers submitted to NMFS.

They accepted bids on 67 permits, with the bids totaling $13.65 million.

The document lists the owners of the 67 permits, and bid amounts for each.

The idea of the buyback is to trim the number of permits, especially latent permits, to preserve the value of the fishery for those who remain.

With the high price of pink salmon seen the past couple of seasons, active seiners are worried new boats might pile back into the fishery and water down profits.

Thus, they say, the timing for the buyback is ideal.

The expectation is that permit holders soon will vote on whether to shoulder a federal loan to actually carry out the buyback.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What, trust those Canadians?

Sens. Maria Cantwell, Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich want U.S. testing of British Columbia salmon reportedly infected with the ISA virus. Here's the press release.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

More albatross trouble in Bering Sea

We've noted before the serious matter of short-tailed albatross bycatch in Alaska's longline fishery.

Now comes word that another endangered albatross has been taken, the third since August 2010.

The governor goes to London

Gov. Sean Parnell is promoting Alaska seafood as part of a European trade mission focused on fish — and oil, of course.

Here's a press release.