Dude, Where's My Country?!?!?!?
So while smiles are plastered on for the cameras and hands are shaken, and "compromises" declared, we've now legalized torture and indefinite detention without due process of law. We're created loopholes around habeus corpus. We can no longer, as a nation, claim any kind of moral high ground. We're supposed to be better than this.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. --Friedrich Nietzsche
Digby's had the best series of posts on this travesty I've read anywhere. Especially this one.
People and societies don't just wake up one morning to find they no longer recognize themselves. It's a process. And we are in the process in this country of "defining deviancy down" in ways I never thought possible. We are legitimizing torture and indefinite detention --- saying that we will only do this to the people who really deserve it. One cannot help but wonder what "really deserves it" will mean in the years to come as we fight our endless war against terror.
That's the thing that people who think it's A-OK to torture or imprison "them" without due process don't get. It doesn't take much for "them" to become "us." When it's acceptable in current political rhetoric to label those who don't support the Iraq war or Shrub's policies as "terrorist sympathizers," it doesn't take a great leap of imagination to picture outspoken critics being "disappeared" to gulags or worse. If you've ever watched the movie "Sometime in April" about the Rwandan massacres, the dialed up rhetoric of hate radio led neighbors to slaughter neighbors in the most brutal ways imaginable.
When even the opposition party won't stand up and speak out against this, what hope or recourse do we have? I can't help but think we're about to enter a very dark period in this country's history. The last six years have been a downward spiral, but I'm afraid we haven't hit bottom yet.