Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day!

We had a lot of fun over at our neighbors house yesterday, bbqing and hanging in the pool! Here's a few photos...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Zoo Pics!

For Nenna and Sadie ;-)
In no particular order!

The above picture was taken as we arrived at the hotel. Kristen and I were rather fascinated with all the 'REAL' Christmas trees that were in the ground!! When I see a Christmas tree it's usually for sale in a parking lot or grocery store in December!!! I think I might have to have a real tree in our new home in Denver this year :-)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Back Home!

We arrived back home last night about 7.30pm :-)  Boo was a very happy puppy! He had to be boarded at Petsmart for the first 2 days we were away, then my mil picked him up and he stayed with her on Mon, Tues and Wed. She brought him home on Wednesday afternoon so he would be there when we arrived. He went crazy when we walked in, and we had missed him just as much!

So, we had a great trip, the first couple of days (Sat afternoon and Sunday) were really cloudy and it was FREEZING!! Only 44 degrees, which is a huge difference to us, considering when we left Austin it was in the 80's! So for those first two days I didn't even see any mountains, I wondered if there were even any there! But on Monday morning I could tell the sun was shining so I opened the curtains and this is what I saw . . . .

So there really was mountains there all along :-)  It's amazing driving around and seeing them on the horizon all the time! On Tuesday we took Kristen to the Denver Zoo. . . .

I'll post more about that later this week. So, it's back to the real world this morning, with suitcases to unpack and lots of laundry to do.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Just a little update....

Well, I think it's time I started posting in here again, if for nothing else but to keep a record of what I do each week! It's amazing how quickly we forget what we do daily from one week to the next, and I've been so used to being able to look back at my blog as a reference. I'm not sure how often I'll post, and I am even thinking of starting a new blog with a more 'personal diary' feel to it. If I do that, it will be password protected and I'll share the password with those friends who would still like to read it and keep in touch. And can I just say I totally do NOT like how blogger has changed! Everything is new and it's just not that easy to figure out having not posted for a few weeks now!!

So, what's with the picture above? That is the Colorado Mountains! Jason, Kristen and I will be visiting Colorado this weekend 'to have a look around'! Why?  Because we may be moving there this summer!!!  Long story which I will tell you more about next time, but suffice to say it's for Jason's job, and we are all pretty excited at the thought of the move. At first we weren't, but again, I'll tell you more about that next time.

So, I'll make this post short and start thinking about what to do with this blog and if I want to get back to blogging. I'd just like to say thank you to those who have wondered where I was, and how I'm doing (you know who you are) ;-) Hope you all have a great week.  I'll be back soon.